Sincerely, Carter (Sincerely Carter #1)(33)
“Try Sprite and fresh lemons,” he said.
“For what?”
“Your upcoming hangover tomorrow morning.” He kissed me and walked back to his car, motioning for me to go inside so he could pull off.
As soon as he shut the door, I slipped out of my shoes and dropped my purse to the floor. I heard my roommate and her boyfriend laughing in the living room, so I dashed into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of wine and a mug. Then I went upstairs and shut myself inside my room.
I poured the first cup, slowly sipping it as I thought about the past forty eight hours. I could see everything playing in my head like a movie, and I kept pressing pause on my favorite frames, wondering if after all this time I could possibly like Carter after all.
He gave me wedgies on the playground in fourth grade…
I poured another cup, drinking it faster than the first.
He set my science project on fire after I told him he was ugly…
Shaking my head, I got into bed—fresh cup of wine in hand and leaned back against my pillows, thinking about everything as thoroughly as possible.
As I replayed our kiss from the party in my mind, I felt my phone vibrating. Him.
How was your date?
I hesitated before responding.
AMAZING! I had the Best. Sex. Ever!
I asked how your “date” was…not your daydream…
How was YOUR date? (Why is it so hard to believe that Chris and I had sex?)
It wasn’t a date. It was just a dinner. (Because I know you didn’t.) What are you up to right now?
I’m drinking cheap wine out of a mug.
Want some late-night Chinese to go with it?
I looked at my clock and realized it was long past midnight. “Only if I get three eggrolls that I don’t have to share…”
“Sure. Be there in twenty.”
I got out of bed and straightened my room, something I never did when he was on his way over. I moved my food and beverage magazines to the window sill and cleared my desk of all my half written recipes, leaving only my notebook so it would look like I’d been writing.
I made the bed—tucking the sheets in for the first time in months, and as I was vacuuming, I suddenly stopped.
What the hell am I doing?!
I returned the vacuum to the closet and finally changed out of my dress. I put on the most unflattering pair of sweats I owned—along with a large T-shirt, and pulled my hair into a low ponytail. To perfect my “look like a bum” effort, I found my makeup remover wipes and brushed them against my face until every bit of foundation and mascara was gone.
When I finished, Carter walked into my bedroom—Chinese food in hand.
“I lied about the eggrolls,” he said, setting a brown bag on my desk. “You’re going to have to share at least one of them.”
“That wasn’t part of the deal.”
“It also wasn’t part of the combo special.” He tossed me a fork and froze—looking around my room with his eyebrow raised. “Did you and Chris come back here after your date?”
“No…What makes you think that?”
“Because this is the cleanest I’ve ever seen your room.” He handed me a white box. “Is your mom coming to visit you tomorrow?”
“No…I just…I just felt like cleaning up.”
“Right…” He took a seat on the edge of my bed. He stuck his fork in my bed of rice and lifted a piece of chicken onto his plate. “What really happened on your date? There’s no way he brought you right home in that dress.”
“We found a park and…” I paused. “Everything was going right for the most part but…”
“Do I even want to know the rest of this story?”
“No, but for future reference, if you ever start going down on a girl, please refrain from saying ‘Nom-nom-nom’. It kind of kills the mood.”
A smile spread across his face, and he held his laughter back for all of five seconds.
I rolled my eyes. “Feel free to stop any time now.”
“I can’t.” He laughed harder. “That’s really sad. So much for your ‘pretty decent’ sex.”
“No, what’s sad is a guy who claims he’s going to sleep around for the summer, but he’s not able to get it up for several days in a row.” I leaned back against my pillows, laughing.
“Is it really that funny?”
“You not being able to have your infamous “rough and dirty” sex? Yes, it definitely is…” I shut my eyes, still laughing, and the next thing I felt was his lips on mine. Threading his fingers through my hair, he kissed me harder, rougher—forcing me to open my eyes and look at him.
There was no sudden break away, no “what the hell was that?” between us. There was only a shared look of understanding, a silent confirmation that I wanted him to take things further. A lot further.
Pulling away from my mouth, he trailed his fingers against my lips. “Is there any reason why you decided to put on the worst clothes you own before I came over tonight?”
“What makes you think I would do something like that?”
He didn’t answer. He slowly slipped a finger into my mouth, and groaned when I flicked my tongue against it. Smiling, he slipped in another finger. “You can’t lie to me, Ari…” he said, pushing his fingers in and out. “I see right through you.”