Sincerely, Carter (Sincerely Carter #1)(31)

I untied the box’s bow and started to unwrap the gift, but Chris called me as I was tearing the first flap.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Are you ready or do you still need a little time?”

“I’m ready.”

“In that case, I’m at your door.”

“Be right down.” I grabbed my clutch and headed downstairs, checking myself in the hallway mirror one last time.

I opened the door and saw Chris standing there with a huge bouquet of yellow flowers.

“You look beautiful…” He pulled me close for a kiss, gently slipping his tongue against mine and whispering against my mouth; I only felt a small tingle. Nothing groundbreaking.

Slipping his arm around my waist, he led me to his car and held the door open—smiling as I slipped inside.

“I never took you for a guy who likes pop music,” I said as he turned on the radio.

“I don’t…I just remembered that you do, and that I’m supposed to do whatever’s necessary to get you to sleep with me later.”

I laughed at his dry humor and hummed along to the music as he drove. Tonight was in fact our third date, and even though he was joking, I knew the three-date-sex rule was playing in his mind.

We pulled up to the pier half an hour later and walked hand in hand to Emilia’s, an Italian restaurant that everyone at the beach loved. Since he’d made a reservation, we were immediately seated near the window, and the waiter came over with a complimentary house wine and asked to take our orders.

As he was writing down what I wanted, I spotted Carter sitting at a corner table. With Tina. He was dressed in a white shirt that was unbuttoned at the top with black slacks, and she was wearing a dark green dress that left little to the imagination.

Although Carter looked somewhat detached, he was holding her hand on top of the table.

I took out my phone and shot him a quick text.

You decided to try the relationship thing with Tina instead of just sex? When did that happen?

It didn’t. What would ever make you think that?

The fact that you’re holding hands at Emilia’s and she’s wearing a dress that looks like she wants to give you the ride of your life later tonight…

You really need to get better at sexting…

He tossed back a shot as he looked around the room until he found me. His lips slightly parted as his eyes met mine, and it looked like he was about to get up and walk over, but he stayed back and texted me instead.

She called and said she wanted to go out to dinner...I didn’t have anything else to do so I agreed…And if her dress says she wants to give me the ride of her life tonight, what the hell does yours say?

It says, ‘I know you want me right here, right now…’

More like, ‘I want to be f*cked right here, right now…

I laughed and looked up to see him smiling at me.

“What’s so funny?” Chris asked.

“Nothing, just a text from a friend.” I put my phone away and gave him my attention. “Thank you for being nice enough to reschedule our date for tonight.”

“Nice enough? It wasn’t that big of a deal. I would’ve waited until next week if you wanted.” He picked up my hand and held it. “Don’t take this the crazy way or anything, but I really like you. There’s something about you I can’t quite put my finger on, but I like you a lot.”

“Is this the part where you’re going to tell me that I complete you?”

“It is.” He laughed, letting my hand go. “How did you know?”

“Instincts.” I sipped my wine and the two of us steered the conversation toward the simple and safe things: Plans after college, the bullshit of grad school programs, and the dwindling days of summer.

When the waiter returned to refill our wine a second time, I pressed a napkin against my mouth. “Will you excuse me for a minute, Chris? I need to go to the restroom.”

“Of course.”

I stood and made my way to the back, looking over my shoulder at Carter and Tina who seemed to be engrossed in a deep conversation. Regardless of what he’d texted me, I knew he was going to sleep with her, and I couldn’t believe I was feeling slightly jealous; that was something I’d never felt when it came to him and whom he dated.

Sighing, I walked into the restroom and reapplied my lipstick. I added a bit more mascara and blush, and hoped that Chris had something else up his sleeve for our date tonight before he asked about sex.

I made sure I didn’t leave anything on the sink and stepped out into the hallway, noticing Carter heading in my direction.

“Are you following me?” I crossed my arms.

“Unless you’re coming from the men’s restroom, I don’t think so.”

An elderly couple walked between us, and he grabbed my hand—pulling me toward a set of windows.

“Is your date not going well?” he asked. “Do you need me to call your phone and fake an emergency for you?”

“What? No…I actually need for you to leave. You’re distracting me…”

“Come again?”

“You knew I was coming here on my date, Carter.” I said. “We have an unwritten rule.”

“And what unwritten rule is that?”

“That everyone who knows us, or everyone who has ever been around us, thinks we’re screwing each other when we’re not, so the less time we spend at the same places when we’re dating other people, the better.”

Whitney Gracia Willi's Books