Since I Saw You (Because You Are Mine #4)(79)

“I also want you to spend the rest of the weekend with me. Until Monday morning.” One hand feathered up her rib cage. She inhaled sharply. He cupped a breast in his hand and ran the pad of his thumb over the nipple.

“I’m not sure those are fair tactics for convincing me,” she said softly.

His gray eyes flickered up to meet hers. “I wasn’t aware there were any rules.”

“You would like that, wouldn’t you?” she whispered when he lifted his other hand and cupped both her breasts at once. He finessed both nipples with his thumb and forefinger. She bit off a moan. Her breasts were still very sensitive, but the gentle pressure felt good. “No rules. No right or wrong. Only pleasure.”

He paused in his caresses. “That’s a problem?”

For a few seconds, she didn’t respond, just studied his handsome, rugged features. His gaze narrowed as he peered at her closely.

“I thought it wasn’t,” she admitted shakily. “But as it turns out, I’m not built like you, Kam.”

Her low voice, and all it implied, seemed to reverberate in her ears in the silence that followed. Slowly, he released her breasts. She missed his warmth. She missed it sorely.

“You mean you’re not built for a casual affair?” he clarified.

She nodded, holding his gaze.

He seemed to consider. “So I would be a real bastard if I insisted you stay after you told me that?”

She smiled. “I don’t know if you’d be a real bastard, but—”

He placed his hand along her jaw. “I’m not a bastard. Not when it comes to you. Stay.”

Her heart seemed to stall in her chest. Not when it comes to you.

“You’re sure?” she asked, her voice sounding a little shaky.

He wrapped his arms around her and lifted her over his body. When she landed, she was next to him, her breasts pressed against the side of his chest. She stretched along his length. His mouth covered hers, firm and insistent. Her toes curled against the duvet as that delicious sensation unfurled and spread at her core like a flower made of heat. A dazed moment later, he sealed their kiss, laid her back against the pillows and leaned down over her.

“Do I look sure?” he asked.

She searched his face in the dim light. “You do.”

A small smile shaped his mouth. “You don’t have to look so surprised. I wouldn’t have asked if I wasn’t serious about it. So you’re mine until Monday?”

She smiled and nodded her head. For a heady few seconds, they just grinned at each other.

“So what are you going to tell Ian?”

She blinked, a sudden alarm sounding in her brain. “Tell Ian about what?”

“What’s your excuse for skiving off that brunch meeting tomorrow? Ian mentioned something about it when we talked on Friday. I remember, because he gave me quite a look when I told him he overworked you,” Kam said, the hint of amusement in his tone saying loud and clear that he wasn’t overly concerned by Ian’s annoyance at his observance.

“He doesn’t overwork me. I do it because I want to. And I don’t think I need an excuse. I’ll just call and cancel. Say something came up,” she said, entranced by the warmth in Kam’s eyes. She felt herself sinking. Flying. She didn’t know which. She could so easily lose herself to this. To him. Did he realize that? He’d sounded so certain about telling her to stay after what she’d revealed to him, but that didn’t mean he was feeling the same way as she was.

She immediately forced her thoughts away from figuring out precisely what she was feeling. It was too complicated, and too difficult, especially in the presence of Kam. He overwhelmed her senses and completely eradicated rational thought.

“You don’t think you need to make up an excuse for canceling on work? Let me guess,” he said, leaning down to kiss her neck, sliding his lips over her pulse. She sighed. He knew exactly where to kiss to get that reaction. “You’ve never called in and said you weren’t coming in for personal, selfish reasons before.”

He scraped his teeth against a patch of skin just behind her ear. A puff of air flew past her lips. “I’ve never had to before.”

“No. You never wanted to,” he corrected her, his voice muffled against her skin. His hand lowered, caressing a breast and feathering her belly. “But you want to for this?”

“Yes,” she whispered, turning her head and seeking him out with her mouth. “Very much.”

“That’s what I wanted to hear,” he growled softly, capturing her lips with his. He cupped her sex. She moaned against his mouth. He shifted, placing his mouth next to her ear.

“I’m saving this little * for tomorrow,” he rumbled. “It’s going to be all mine on the first day that Lin Soong ever plays hooky.”

She laughed, shivering at the impact of his low, rough voice in her ear. “You don’t have to wait, Kam. I’m fine.”

“No,” he said firmly, almost as if he was saying it to himself more than her. “I know how hard I rode you last night, again and again and again.” She felt his cock leap against her as he repeated the word, and knew he was remembering their frantic, wild lovemaking last night just like she was. He swept her nightgown over her hips and down her legs. He reached behind him and the room was plunged into blackness.

Beth Kery's Books