Since I Saw You (Because You Are Mine #4)(78)

It was true that he f*cked her mouth in those tense moments of bliss, but he never forgot her vulnerability. Despite his restraint, he joined her in taut bliss, drowning in her juices and taking so much pleasure in her sweet mouth that it was as if they blended for a nirvanic moment, becoming one being that vibrated with a common pulse, fused together by fire.

He felt her scream vibrate into his cock and her hips buck in a frenzy. He laved her clit with a rigid tongue, feeling the tingle deep at the root of his cock that reminded him that heaven was short-lived for mortals.

It didn’t really surprise him that they came simultaneously. He’d felt so joined with her, as if they were both controlled by the same brain for a precious moment. The same heart. It was a first for him, that feeling of deep communion during sex. He poured himself into her, thrusting shallowly, while she sucked and sucked like she was intent on turning him inside out. His mouth nursed her through her crisis, too, his tongue and lips coaxing another, and yet another shudder out of her body.

She continued to suck, wringing every last shiver of sensation out of him. He finally lifted his head, panting, utterly drained. He came up on his hands and knees, watching as he withdrew his cock from her mouth. Sliding his knees off the edge of the mattress, he took his lower body weight by standing on the carpet. He sunk his upper body onto the mattress next to her. He pressed his lips to her smooth hip, inhaling her exquisite scent as his body tried desperately to recover. She turned her head.

“Kam,” she whispered next to his skin.

He clamped his eyelids tight when she pressed her lips to his hip in turn, her gentle kiss searing straight through him.

•   •   •

Twenty minutes later, Lin snuggled in Kam’s embrace, his head on the pillow, her cheek pressed to his chest. Neither of them had said much as Kam had released her restraints and removed her cuffs, setting them on the bedside table. He’d peeled back the bedding and put out his arms, silently bidding her to him. Lin had gone gladly. It was like the hush following an unusually powerful storm, when the earth has been pummeled by Mother Nature. She lay in his arms, slowly recovering, but still cloaked by the powerful, scorching memory of the tempest they’d unleashed.

What exactly did one say to a man after an experience like that? It’d been eye-opening. Shocking. She had given him control, and in turn, he had showed her depths to her own soul she hadn’t known existed. Had he meant to? Or was that just what any woman would experience when he restrained her and demanded she submit to pleasure?

“Are you all right?” he murmured after a moment, his large hand cupping and rubbing her shoulder.

“Yes,” she whispered. She suddenly felt very small in his arms, overwhelmed by the intimacy of what had just occurred between them. She hid her face in his chest. It had probably not been all that of an uncommon experience for him. She was being foolish.

“Lin?” he asked quietly, his fingers brushing her jaw. Slowly, warily, she lifted her head. She met his stare for the first time since they’d quivered in fused ecstasy. His gaze ran over her face. His brows slanted.

“What is it?” he demanded.

She shook her head, unable to put these chaotic, new feelings into words. What had been happening to her ever since she’d walked into that restaurant and saw Kam sitting at that bar? She hardly recognized herself anymore.

“It was . . . unbelievable,” she finally said inadequately.

His confusion faded as he stroked her cheek. “It was amazing. You are.”

Then he was pulling her down to his mouth, and his kiss made her forget her anxiety.

For a moment.

When he finally sealed their kiss and studied her with quicksilver eyes, she found she couldn’t take this feeling swelling in her breast anymore. She couldn’t breathe.

“I’m just going to go wash up.” She nodded toward a door she assumed was the suite’s bathroom. He nodded and released his hold, but he wore a guarded look as he studied her face. She snagged her new nightgown on the way to the bathroom. She felt his stare on her naked back the whole way. After she’d washed and gathered herself, she returned to the bedroom now wearing the nightgown. Kam had turned down the bedside lamp to a dim setting. He lay propped up on the pillows, the sheet down around his hips, hair mussed, all lean, muscular, beautiful male.

“Do you want me to go?” she asked him quietly, sitting on the edge of the bed.

“No. I want you to take off that gown and get in here with me.”

She arched her brows at his steadfastness. “For another hour or two?”

“Until morning,” he said.

“Are you sure, Kam?”

“Of course I’m sure. Why do you say it like that?” he asked, scowling slightly.

She hesitated. “Something Phoebe Cane said to Maria gave the impression you don’t like spending an entire night with a woman,” Lin said, studying her hand on the dark blue silk duvet. “And then last night—”

“I was being stupid last night. I want you to stay,” he said. Her gaze leapt to his face. He looked fierce and very beautiful to her.

“Okay,” she whispered.

He took her hand and pulled, so that she slid up the duvet closer to him, still in a sitting position. He slipped the straps off her shoulders and lowered the gown over her breasts. He pushed the silk down into her lap and palmed her hips. She experienced that melting, heavy feeling in her lower belly. He not only turned her body into a syrupy mush with his touch, but her brain.

Beth Kery's Books