Savage Awakening (Alpha Pack #2)(33)

Oh, crap! Her eyes widened and she saw immediately that he knew she fully understood his meaning. But it wasn't real! It can't be if two people connect only in their minds! Right?

The doc's brows drew together. "What?"

Aric ignored the woman, keeping his attention on Rowan. "Come on. I'll walk you to the infirmary so you can see Micah and I can put up with the doc poking on me."

Realizing she was still gaping at him like a landed trout, and that his friends were glancing between them trying to figure out the private exchange, she schooled her expression and gave Aric a polite response.

"That would be nice, thanks."

The party filed out of Aric's quarters. Nick and Jax promised to visit Micah later, and left to attend to other business. Dr. Mallory issued firm orders for Aric not to waste time and get to the infirmary stat, and then stalked ahead at a rapid clip, leaving them alone.

"I can't decide whether I like that woman or not," Rowan said, mostly to herself.

"Melina's a good person," Aric said thoughtfully as they walked together. "But she was changed by the massacre as much as the rest of us. Our leader, Terry Noble, was her mate."

A wave of sympathy washed over her. "Now I feel horrible."

"Don't. Melina wouldn't thank you for showing an ounce of pity, so it's best to be real around her."

"Like it's best with you?"

That visibly took him aback for a second, but then he agreed. "Yeah. She and I are a lot alike in that respect. I don't do pity. We're both prickly, too."

"You might make a good couple." The idea of Aric making up half of a good couple with anyone made her want to hurt someone. Weird.

He snorted. "Hell, no. I'm not interested in a woman who has bigger balls than me."

"What, you have a problem with strong, career-minded women who don't take shit off anybody? Who could maybe kick your ass?" She heard the defensive tone in her voice, and he must've as well.

"Hey, back up. I see where you're going with that and you're wrong," he said earnestly. "I'm not one of those guys who gets his fragile ego wounded when he runs up against a female who can hold her own with any man. That's not it at all. I'm talking about chemistry, and I'm not attracted to anyone-man or woman-who struts around acting like they're the shit. Does that make sense?"

She thought a second. "Okay, I can buy that."

"Gee, thanks."

She smiled at his affronted tone. "Seriously, I'm with you there. I work with people like that, and while it doesn't mean they're bad, I just don't relate to them. But I try to remember there are reasons people present themselves a certain way, and sometimes they're covering deep hurt."

"So could you kick my ass?" His lips quirked.

"Definitely, as long as it's a fair fight."

"Really? Criminals fight fair?" he teased.

"You know what I mean. You couldn't let your wolf loose or turn me into ash."

"Or toss you across the room without touching you. I'm a Telekinetic, too."

"Good grief, anything else?"

"Nope, that's all."

"Well, thank God for small favors."

She found herself enjoying this interplay between them. He seemed to be, too.

"So let me get this straight," he said with mock seriousness. "You can go a round or three with me and win, as long as I don't use my full abilities. I have to hold back. Hmm, hardly seems fair to me."

"I prefer to think of it as choosing our weapons. I choose the ones we were born with-unless you'd like for me to even the odds by using a gun loaded with silver bullets."

He laughed and slung an arm around her shoulders. "Okay, you win. Name the time and place."

"Do you guys have someplace where you work out?" The heat from his side seared into her, and his male scent tantalized. Lord, being held against him felt damned good.

"We have a gym where we train, basically keep our skills in shape. It's across the building not far from our rec room."

"That'll work. It's a date, after the doctor clears you for strenuous activity."

"There's not a thing wrong with my stamina, as you know." His smirk shot warmth straight to her toes.

And with no little discomfort, something she wasn't used to. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Oh, come on. Playing dumb doesn't become you, officer." Moving suddenly, he pushed her back against the nearest wall and trapped her with his arms, noses almost touching. "A blackjack table? Really? Naughty, naughty Rowan."

"Rein it in, caveman," she said, glancing up and down the hallway. "Someone might see."

"That's not what you told me a little while ago." Leaning so close his breath fanned against the shell of her ear, he affected a falsetto. "Oooh, f**k me harder, wolf-man."

"That is not what I said! Well, not exactly."

"Yes, you beast, do me down and dirty!" His Rowan impression was punctuated by a laugh.

"Stop it!" But the order didn't sound very convincing. Especially when she dissolved into a fit of giggles. God, when the hell was the last time a guy had made her giggle? But Aric was darned funny, when he wasn't going out of his way to be defensive or snarky.

J.D. Tyler's Books