Savage Awakening (Alpha Pack #2)(30)

"You've been thinking of being with me?" Please say yes.

"Every minute of going on two days, since we rescued you guys." Her intense gaze held him immobile. "I'm drawn to you and I don't understand it."


"Yes. But it feels like more, too. Do we have to analyze it here and now?"

"God, no! This is our dream, and we can do what we want."


"Tell me want you want."


She brought her mouth to his, and Jesus, her lips were soft. Kissable. One of her arms slid around his neck while the other hand pressed to his crotch. Rubbed the hard rod straining to get free. Groaning, he deepened the kiss, desperate for a taste. So good, better than he'd hoped. Their tongues tangled, bodies ground together, fanning the flames of desire.

Breaking the kiss, she panted, gripping his shirt in one fist. "You want to hear my fantasy?"

"Like you can't believe."

"I want you to take me in there," she said, pointing at the entrance to the Golden Nugget. "And I want you to f**k me right on top of a blackjack table."

Aric almost choked. "Holy shit! You're not serious. Are you?"

"Why not? It's only a dream."

That was a suggestion he wasn't about to refuse. Grabbing her hand, he dragged her toward the casino as she laughed joyously in a low, husky voice. The sound sent a thrill down his spine, so sexy he almost came in his jeans. Jogging, he pulled her down an aisle of slot machines, looking for the tables. Any table would be fine for him, but Rowan wanted a blackjack table and she'd have it if he had to search forever.

In a semisecluded alcove off the main gaming room were some tables. An unoccupied blackjack table was there waiting, as if he'd wished it into existence. Weird. But not as strange as the other gamblers' being faceless, sort of blurry, like his brain couldn't conjure individual features, so they were simply avatars. He pulled Rowan up to the table and positioned her, back against the edge.

"Stay just like that. I'm going to enjoy peeling off every inch of that getup."

"What if I want to undress you?"

"You'll get your turn." He winked. "In the next dream."

"You're sure there'll be a next one?"

"A guy can hope."

Taking the hem of her shirt, he pulled the material over her head and tossed it away. Her full br**sts were almost spilling over a lacy black bra, and he resisted the urge to lick his lips. Instead he flicked the front clasp and parted the cups, revealing a gorgeous pair of br**sts tipped by dusky ni**les that perked under his attention. Especially when he rolled them between his fingers, plucking them to firm peaks.

Bracing her hands on the table's edge, she arched her back with a moan of pleasure. Moving between her spread thighs, he leaned into her, cupping one pretty globe and flicking the nipple with his tongue. The sweet flavor of her skin burst on his taste buds, pure delight-to him and his wolf. The beast in him growled, wanting more. All she would give.

Kneeling, he grasped the waistband of her leathers and paused, looking up to be sure this was truly all right. If not, he'd stop. He'd be left with a serious case of blue balls, but he would never force a woman. The wicked twinkle in her eyes and a slight nod was all the green light he needed.

Unbuttoning and unzipping the pants, he began to peel them down, half expecting to see a scrap of lacy black undies to match the bra. A neat thatch of dark curls greeted him instead, and lust almost sent him over. His blood ran hot, the fire within stoked to boiling.

"Figured they'd only get in the way," she said in a husky voice, as though reading his mind.

A witty reply lodged in his throat as he uncovered long, toned thighs and those muscular bu**ocks. By the time he pulled off her boots and finished with the pants, he was damned near salivating. Rowan was more than perfection.

"You're a goddess."

She laid a hand on top of his head as he urged her legs to a wider stance. The scent of her sex combined with her unique ocean fragrance was ambrosia, enough to drive him wild. Gently, he parted her folds and tasted the little clit. She squirmed, tightened her grip on his head, encouraging him to take more.

Glad to oblige, he laved her slit, giving her as much pleasure as he knew how, getting her nice and wet. Then he tongue-f*cked the slick channel, playing with the nub of her clit at the same time, until she yanked on his hair.

"Please! I need you in me."

Pushing to his feet, he wiped his mouth and grinned. "Anything the lady wants."

"I want to not feel like a lady right now," she retorted, beckoning him with a finger.

"I think I can deliver." At last he freed his erection, shoving his jeans down his hips. "Up on the table you go, on your back."

He helped her up, and after she was lying down, he hooked his arms under her knees and pulled her forward, until her bottom was off the edge and being supported by him. Knees shaking with anticipation, he draped her legs over his shoulders, lifting her rear. The head of his leaking c**k was pointed at the dewy mound he couldn't wait to bury himself inside.

Inching in slowly, his gasp joined hers. If any woman had felt so fine hugging his cock, he couldn't remember it. Her velvet heat encased him like a glove made for him. He sank into her slowly, watching in fascination as his length disappeared. When he was fully seated he basked in the sensation, until she bucked her hips and arched her back.

J.D. Tyler's Books