Ryley's Revenge (Gloves Off #2)(11)

Anger boiled in my veins. Lying to me about her visiting was one thing, but using my phone to mess with her was another. “I didn’t know,” I replied. “He lied to me about who was at the door this morning, but I had no clue he would text her and pretend it was me. I’ll talk to him and tell him to back off.”

“Good idea,” she agreed. “Because if not, I’m going to handle it and it won’t be pretty. I don’t want him screwing around with my best friend.”

Neither do I.

Camden never showed up at the gym to train, which was unusual since he’d never missed a session in his life. There were cars in the driveway when I pulled up . . . a lot of them. When I got inside, I found him by the pool with the same blonde chick from this morning, straddling his waist while she massaged his shoulders. Not to mention, a shit ton of other people lounging around, who happened to be none other than Kyle Andrews’ groupies.

J.T. Michaelson caught my eye and I thundered straight over to him. He was one of Kyle’s best friends, and any friend of his was an enemy of mine. “What the f*ck do you think you’re doing here?” I growled. Everyone grew silent as I towered over him sitting in the lounge chair with one of Camden’s other girls fanning him. My body shook with rage. How could Camden cater to this douche bag?

Chuckling, J.T. stood and removed his sunglasses. “Your brother invited me,” he replied flippantly. “Lighten up, we’re just having a little bit of fun.”

Fists tightening at my sides, I was ready to take him out. “Yeah, I know what your kind of fun is and I don’t want anything to do with it. If you, and everyone else,” I shouted, glaring at the horde of people loitering around, “don’t get off my property, I’m going to personally escort you off. Now, get the f*ck out!”

J.T. looked over at my brother, but my eyes never wavered from him. I was ready to kick his ass. In fact, I wanted to more than anything. “All right, you heard the man,” my brother announced. “We’ll continue this party at another time.”

J.T. glared at me and snarled his lip before grabbing his things and stalking off with everyone behind him. I followed them out to make sure they all left and didn’t touch anything in my house. Knowing Kyle’s friends, they’d steal whatever they could get their hands on. As soon as they were all gone, I stormed back out to the pool. Camden still laid there on his lounge chair like nothing had happened.

“Do you want a massage brother? It looks like you need one,” he teased, turning his head to face me.

“Are you f*cking serious right now?” I snapped. “What the hell are you doing hanging out with Kyle’s friends? I don’t want them here, Cam. And if I see them again, nothing’s going to stop me from beating the shit out of them.”

Camden patted the blonde’s thigh and she slid off so he could sit up. “Damn, bro, calm down. We were just having a little bit of fun. Now that Kyle’s out of the picture, his friends were looking for a new leader. I guess I got the position. They love me.”

Exasperated, I ran my hands roughly through my hair. I couldn’t believe the shit I was hearing. “What the hell is wrong with you? First, you lie to me about who came by this morning. Then, you text Ashleigh using my phone. And now, you blow off practice to hang out with those cocksuckers. You’re headed down the wrong path, fast.”

Smile fading, Camden whipped off his sunglasses and stood, glaring straight at me. For years, it was like looking at a mirror when my brother was around. Now, I could barely tell who he was.

“You want to talk about heading down the wrong path? Okay, let’s do this. What about you? The last thing you need to do is get caught up with that bitch again. Did you forget that she left you for someone else? I’m trying to help you, brother.” His arms flew out to the sides. “You f*cked her, she f*cked you over . . . now move on.”

“Where’s my phone?” I asked, stressing each word.

Camden huffed and pointed toward the house. “It’s in your room. I’m warning you, don’t get involved with her.”

At first, I thought maybe he was trying to protect me, but looking into his calculating blue eyes, that wasn’t it at all. He had seriously turned into someone else. “And I’m warning you,” I snarled, standing nose to nose with him. He didn’t back down and I sure as hell wasn’t going to either. “Stay out of my life and leave Ashleigh alone. I don’t want to see or hear about you being anywhere near her. You got that?”

“So that’s it. You’re taking her back?” he asked, sounding disgusted.

“That’s none of your business.” Turning around, I stormed toward the house and yelled over my shoulder. “Just stay away from her!”

“You’re a f*cking idiot! Don’t come crying to me when she f*cks you over again.”

Back then, I was an idiot because I let her go, knowing she still loved me. This time, I wasn’t going to let that happen. If she truly wanted me back, I wasn’t going to make it easy on her. Until then, I’m not letting her in.

AS MUCH AS I wanted to put off finding out the truth, I knew I couldn’t do it any longer. After leaving the gym, I stopped by the closest pharmacy and picked up a pregnancy test. I couldn’t tell Colin before I had a definite answer. Maybe once he found out I was pregnant, it would give him the closure and the ability to move on.

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