Rule (Marked Men #1)(95)

“I was going to crash your birthday party tonight.” We were close but still separated by a few feet. I couldn’t look away from her and she opened her other hand and put it on my chest over where the heart matching the one I just gave her laid. “That’s where I was going later.”

“I would have been happy to see you.”

She smiled a little brighter. “I decided the other day that I had to stop deciding how things were going to happen before giving them a chance to play out. You shut me out Rule but only because I let you. I was so worried about what you were doing, about what would happen I just let you close the door and when you wanted to pull it back open I was so scared of how bad being without you hurt that I just didn’t want to give it space to happen again. That wasn’t fair to either of us. I’m not afraid of the work or us anymore either and I promise to not let you shove me away again. I do need you Rule and you are the only thing I have ever wanted just for me. I should have tried harder to hold onto you because you’re right, I need to be careful with this,” she tapped her palm with the heart on it against the one pounding under my skin. “It’s precious and the best gift I could ever ask for.”

I wrapped my arms tight around her and lifted her off her feet. I wanted to kiss her, wanted to do all the things I had spent two months missing out on doing to her, I wanted to make her forget Davenport’s cruel hands and imprint on her every single thing I felt about her but just as I was about to put my mouth on hers she pulled back and shook her head.

“If you start that there is no way you’re going to make dinner and your party with everyone tonight.”

She was right but I didn’t care. I had her and that was the only present I wanted. It must have shown on my face because she pressed a boring closed mouth kiss on my lips and wiggled out of my grasp. “I love you Rule, I really do and I have something I want to give you for your birthday but it has to wait until later when we’re alone and the threat of Ayden or Cora bounding in isn’t a likely scenario so go have fun with the guys. I’ll see you at the bar later and then we can celebrate in private.”

I pouted. That’s right I pouted like a little kid denied his favorite toy which in a way I was. We had been apart too long. I needed to touch her, needed to get my hands on her but she wasn’t cooperating at all. “Come on Shaw, just a little kiss. It’s my birthday and I missed you so bad.” I sounded whiny and not badass at all but I could tell she was about to cave in by the way she slithered a little closer to me but the moment was ruined when the lock on the front door jingled and a moment later Ayden came sweeping through in all her long legged, dark haired glory. She took one look at me and Shaw and grinned.

“Halleluiah! It’s about time you two idiots figured out that you were made for each other.”

Shaw laughed and shook her head. She gave me another brief kiss and moved away. “Tonight. I promise it’ll be worth the wait.” I begrudgingly agreed even though I still wanted to make out but she clearly wouldn’t be swayed and I had to admit my curiosity was peaked as to what kind of gift she wanted to give me in private. I went home and took a shower, a freezing cold one and got ready for the night. I didn’t want to drink too much because there was no way I was letting booze inhibit my reunion with my girl. I had never give much credence to the fact that being with someone you cared about making sex so much better but it was true.

The guys took me to the Buckhorn Exchange so we could gnaw on giant pieces of wild game like cavemen and act like a bunch of general jackasses and now that things were back on track with Shaw I felt lighter and happier than I had in months and they could tell. They all gave me shit endlessly about my chronic bad mood and advanced levels of dickheadness but I could tell they were relieved and grateful that I was back where I needed to be. Dinner was fun but I was ready to get on with night so I could take Shaw home and have some proper make up sex to cement this as the best birthday ever.

The bar was packed wall to wall with people trying to wish me a happy birthday. Even Uncle Phil had come out for the occasion. I accepted pats on the back and hugs as I looked for a particular blond head in the crowd. It took some skill to avoid shot after shot getting shoved in my direction but I managed to do it when I caught sight of a shimmer of white and black near the stage. Shaw was posted up front with Ayden and Cora and it irked me to no end that Jet was already at the table getting his flirt on with the beautiful brunette. Ignoring everyone else calling my name and clamoring for my attention I scooped my girl up even though she was in really tall heels and for once almost on a similar level with me and sealed my mouth over hers. I didn’t care that she muttered a startled protest. I wanted a kiss and it was my birthday so I was getting a damn kiss from this girl that was my world.

She wiggled a little until she could get her hands in my hair and I made sure it was worth her while as I stroked across her yielding tongue with my own. She gave a little moan and I moved a hand to her ass pressing as hard into her as I could until I became aware of the roar of catcalls and applause surrounding us. I lifted my head which left us both breathless and panting and was greeted by a standing ovation from pretty much every single person in the bar. I shared a shocked look with Shaw and we simultaneously burst out laughing. I took a brief bow with she curtsied making everyone else laugh along with us as she pressed back up against me to give me another kiss that turned my head to mush. The combination of a few beers, her soft mouth and that ridiculously short dress was enough to have me cutting out of my own party early. We hung out long enough for Jet to get on strange and sing me happy birthday and for me to instruct Nash to maintain a low profile when he came home as well as grab whatever gifts I had collected from people and then I was hustling Shaw out the door well before midnight.

Jay Crownover's Books