Rome (Marked Men #3)(41)


He tilted his chin up in greeting and motioned toward the closed door that was off to one side of the shop.

“She has a late client. She’s probably gonna be a few. You wanna go get something to eat when she’s done?”

“I ate at the bar. Speaking of which, do you know anyone that knows how to bartend that can help me out for a few days? Brite asked me to keep an eye on the place for the next few weeks and I don’t know a thing about bartending.”

“You know how to drink vodka like it’s water.”

I popped him in the shoulder. “I remember more than a few nights where Crown Royal made you its bitch, so let’s not point fingers.”

Rowdy chuckled and made his way over to join us. I really wanted to dislike the guy. I didn’t like that he was so familiar with Cora, that the two of them had such an easy camaraderie, but he made it hard. He was just an easygoing and totally affable guy. Plus his quirky sense of humor made him entertaining as hell to hang around.

“Talk to Jet. He knows more people in this town than all of the rest of us combined. I bet he knows someone that can help you.”

That was a good idea, but Jet was gone more than he was home anymore, and when he was around he was usually wrapped up in Ayden. I didn’t envy them trying to juggle a new marriage and so much time apart, but they looked happy and it seemed to be working just fine for them.

“I’ll do that.” I turned to look at the door as a guy came out followed by Cora. Her hair was flipped up into a fancy curl at the front of her head today and she had on a short orange skirt. Her top was bright purple and she had on black combat boots that laced up to her knees. She smiled at me when she saw me leaning next to Rule and I caught the way the turquoise eye brightened just as the brown one darkened. She was like a kaleidoscope of color and emotion, and whenever I looked at her, I never knew what was going to be reflected back at me.

The guy leading the way out of the room looked at me then back at her as she took her seat back behind the desk.

“Remember, be careful with it. They take a long time to heal.”

He nodded and forked over an amount of money that was surprising and gave her one last look. She just smiled sweetly and looked up at me.

“You ready to go?”

I shrugged as she started to do the cash out for the end of the day.

“What part of that guy’s body did you just shove a needle through?”

She lifted her pale eyebrows at me, and I elbowed Rule in the side when he asked, “Do you really want to know the answer to that?”

I made a face. “Seriously?”

It was her turn to shrug. “Don’t knock it until you try it, big guy.”

The idea of having anything sharp and pointy down there made me break out in hives. No thank you, I would keep my junk metal-free. Not that I didn’t like her sweet little hoop that was attached to all my favorite parts of her, it was hot as hell, but I didn’t need a door knocker hanging from my dick.

“I’ll pass, thanks.”

She paused in her counting to smirk up at me, and I wanted to kiss it off her face. “That’s okay, little brother has enough down there for you and everybody else in the room.”

Rule burst into laughter and Rowdy chuckled, probably because the idea of Cora with her hands on anything in Rule’s pants made me scowl at both of them.

“I could have lived forever without knowing that.”

She laughed and got up to make her way around the desk. She threw her arm across my shoulders and kissed my temple where the end of my scar hooked down by my eye.

“Don’t worry, his was business, yours is all pleasure. Let’s get out of here.”

I followed her and the guys out so she could lock the door. The boys were gonna head to the Goal Line and grab a beer and some wings. I wanted to get Cora someplace alone and horizontal so I could make her forget she had ever been up close and personal with any part of my brother’s anatomy. She wanted to spend the night at her place even though mine was closer because she had breakfast plans with Shaw and Ayden in the morning, so I told her I would just meet her there after I went and picked up the truck. It was kind of an even trade-off because my place was closer to the shop and hers was closer to the bar. My place generally had less people in it, but I liked Ayden and Jet, and Asa was a character. Plus her bed was awesome, even if it was covered in pink.

Cora was in the kitchen when I walked in the front door. She was puttering around making something for dinner and talking on her cell phone. I didn’t want to interrupt, so I plopped down on the couch and looked up as Asa came into the room. The walking cast was off of his foot, but he was still moving pretty slowly.

“You get that off today?”

He sank gingerly into the recliner across the room.

“Yesterday. It feels like it’s going to fall off.”

“I had one when I got blown up last year, but mine wasn’t as bad. My shoulder took the brunt of it.”

“It blows.”

I was going to tell him that maybe he should avoid situations where he pissed off a bunch of bikers but that seemed kind of hypocritical, so I just asked him if he knew when Jet was going to be back in town. He shook his head and bent down to rub his shinbone.

“No clue. I think he mentioned that he was coming back for a week and then he wanted Ayd to come with him to L.A. for a week after her summer classes were done.”

Jay Crownover's Books