Primal Law (Alpha Pack #1)(55)

Until today, even if he didn't realize it yet.

"Prove yourself a good soldier and that will be thanks enough." Grinning, Nick reached out and flicked the pendant on Kalen's chest. Gestured to the earrings both Kalen and Jax wore. "Might have to lose some of the bling, though. That goes for everyone."

The kid didn't look bothered. "I'm willing to negotiate. Some."

Jax wasn't really concerned, either. Nick had lost the argument over the decorative hardware before-or rather, gracefully conceded that they didn't interfere with the job-though the boss didn't like them.

Aric laughed and handed Kalen his backpack. "Come on, I'll show you to a room."

The red wolf led their newest recruit out, the others trailing them, talking and attempting to put the younger man more at ease. Jaxon hung back, concerned to see the smile melt from his boss's face as the others left.

"Is the kid going to be okay?" he asked.

"Definitely not if he leaves, but even if he stays . . . I don't know. His storm is still a good ways off, but it's coming."

"And when it arrives?" He was almost afraid to learn the answer, with good reason.

"Kalen will either find it in his soul to do the right thing, make the hard choice. Or he'll destroy us all."

Jaxon raked a hand through his short hair. "Who's his greatest enemy, Nicky?"

"Himself," his boss said grimly.

Chapter Ten

"Who's that?"

Kira nudged Mac and both women watched with great interest as a young man entered the dining room, pausing uncertainly to study his surroundings.

"He must be the new prospective team member Nick was telling us about," Mac whispered. "Kalen Black, Sorcerer."

Dr. Mallory was chomping at the bit for them all to get started on their study of the four dead men. This morning after breakfast, Nick had filled them in on everything the sheriff and Alpha Pack had discovered. Including the short-lived battle in the cemetery with this guy. Not only was he a Sorcerer, but a Necromancer and a black panther.

"He sure looks like a Sorcerer."

"I'll say."

Kira couldn't help but notice that Mac's voice had grown a little husky, and how her pupils dilated as she studied the man. She couldn't blame her friend. The guy was seriously hot, messy black hair falling around a face that belonged on a model and a tall, lean, sexy body dressed in black jeans and a T-shirt. The only adornments were the silver pendant around his neck and the studs in his ears.

Glittering kohl-lined green eyes surveyed the area warily, and then he strode inside, choosing a place at the end of a nearby table. He sat by himself, back to the wall, where he had a view of the whole room and who might enter it. Kira wondered if he'd positioned himself this way on purpose and thought it likely, given his body language.

His gaze found them and he nodded in acknowledgment before turning his attention to the steaming dishes the kitchen staff had placed on the tables for lunch. Politely, he took a plate and eating utensils from the stack. Then he served himself a hearty portion of shepherd's pie and took two rolls. Gripping his fork, he stared at the meal like he'd never seen food in his life and then slowly began to eat. One bite, then another. Faster and faster until he'd wolfed down the entire serving and consumed both rolls in less than five minutes.

He filled the plate again and started over.

Kira and Mac exchanged glances and she knew they were thinking the same thing-Kalen was literally starving. They made small talk and tried not to stare as he dished a third helping, but it was almost impossible. Finally Mac couldn't stand it anymore and rose, walking over to greet him.

"Hello," she said, her tone friendly, offering her hand. "I'm Dr. Mackenzie Grant. I work at the Institute of Parapsychology, which is housed here on the compound."

He stared at the hand, swallowed a mouthful of food, and then shook with her. "Kalen Black, Sorcerer at large. I work everywhere, and nowhere," he said with a wry grin.

Her eyes lit with good humor. "I heard a little about that. Are you going to join Alpha Pack?"

Kalen didn't take those striking green eyes off Mac as she brushed her dark curls over one shoulder in an unconscious feminine gesture. "I haven't decided. The guys are going to show me around later. We're getting a late start today since we didn't go to bed until almost three this morning."

So that explained why Jaxon and the guys hadn't shown at breakfast, or anywhere today for that matter. Nick had been the only one present.

"Well, I for one hope you choose to stay. You won't find a better team to work with than our guys, and there's never a dull moment around here," she said with enthusiasm.

"I can see that," he drawled, sitting back lazily in his seat to stare at her.

Mac flushed, but brushed past the blatant male appreciation in his gaze. "I think you'll fit right in. In the meantime, come down to the clinic when you get a chance. You'll need a physical and I'd love to give you one." Instantly, she realized how that sounded and sputtered a bit, especially when he laughed. His genuine, broad smile made him exponentially sexier. "I mean, someone will check you out. Make sure you're healthy."

"Thank you, Mackenzie. I'll do that."

"My friends call me Mac," she said, then waved a hand in Kira's direction. "That's Kira Locke. She's new, too."

J.D. Tyler's Books