Primal Law (Alpha Pack #1)(42)

A few seconds later, the door to his apartment slammed and he was left alone.

"Well, f**k!"

Even Mary Sunshine had her limits, it appeared. This wasn't how he'd envisioned their interlude ending. But it was probably for the best. He'd never wanted to tie himself to any one lover, even more so since his last disastrous relationship. Nothing good could come from leading on someone as genuine as Kira.

Wandering into the living room, he tried to decide what to do next. Kira was on her way to meet with Melina, so Jax's own visit with the doc would have to wait. Maybe he'd see if Zan wanted to do some sparring in the gym.

Nothing like a little friendly bloodshed to keep his mind off a cute blonde.

Already, he knew the odds of the distraction being completely successful.

Damn it.

"Nosy!" she seethed, stalking away from Jax's place as fast as her feet would carry her. "Insufferable jerk. Where does he get off yelling at me?"

She was inquisitive. So what? And if that undesirable trait helped uncover something illegal or immoral, then it wasn't all bad. No, her biggest problem at the moment seemed to be Jax believing he had the right to tell her what to do.

Being shouted at tended to shut her down, always had. Her dad had been one to shout whenever he conveyed his displeasure over anything, no matter how small. She and her mother had to put up with it when Kira was growing up, and her mother still endured his bullying. But Kira didn't have to take it from Jax, or any man.

God, if only she could forget the play of his muscles under her palms. The way he moved inside her, took control. Owned her body as no lover ever had.

"Kira? May I walk with you?"

Halting in her tracks, she turned to see Sariel close his door and stride toward her. She was struck anew by his ethereal beauty, so different from Jax's rough-aroundthe-edges male potency, but no less effective. If it wasn't for Jax-no. She wasn't going there, not with the Seelie and not with Jax, ever again. She'd been a fool to fall for his seduction knowing full well that she was a substitute for his failed liaison with someone else.

"Sure. I'm going to see Dr. Mallory. Which reminds me, I was supposed to buzz her first."

Catching up with her, he smiled. "Would you like to use my communication box?"

"Your phone," she corrected, laughing.

"Yes, that thing."

"Might as well." She was going to suggest that she use her own phone since her door was closer, but Jax chose that moment to leave his apartment and spotted them. "Your room, then."

Okay, that was probably mean of her, saying that loud enough for Jax to hear. But he needed to get the point. She wasn't going to follow orders where her personal business was concerned.

Even if he was hot enough in bed to set the sheets on fire.

She was glad his Psy ability wasn't setting fires because the look he gave her and Sariel as he stalked past would've fried them both in their shoes. Lifting her chin, she trailed the faery into his room and walked to the phone, scanning the list of extensions. Finding the correct one, she punched in the numbers and waited for the doc to pick up.

"Dr. Mallory."

"Hi, um, this is Kira Locke. I know it's early, but I was wondering if you had time to see me before lunch." She glanced at her new friend hovering nearby. "Sariel, too."

There was a pause, and the sound of papers shuffling. "I was just finishing a couple of tests, but I should be free in ten minutes or so. I'll see you first, then him. Does that work?"

"Yes, that's great. Thank you."

"You're welcome. See you in a few minutes."

Kira hung up and replaced the receiver in the dock. "She'll see us in ten minutes. Me first, then you." She looked at Sariel and felt a tremor of anxiety roll from him, despite his placid expression. "Don't worry. She seemed warmer than when we met earlier."

His brow furrowed. "Warmer? Was she cold?"

She stared at the prince for a couple of seconds before realizing that he'd taken her words literally. Not wanting to hurt his feelings, she stifled a giggle. "No. What I meant is, she didn't seem as unfriendly."

His confusion cleared, if not his fear. "Oh. Well, I suppose that's good."

"Sariel, I don't believe either of us needs to worry about being in danger here. These people are only trying to protect the world from evil."

"It's not the people here who concern me," he said, golden eyes darkening. "And none will be able to protect me from Malik once he learns where I'm hidden. He will destroy me, and if I'm fortunate, he'll allow me to die."

His words, so matter of fact, sent a chill through her. She longed to offer him comfort, but knew he wouldn't appreciate empty promises she had no business making. "The Alpha Pack team will do their best, I have no doubt. We have to believe that's enough."

His smile was accompanied by a wave of sadness that made her want to cry. "Perhaps it will be."

But he didn't believe that. Sariel fully expected to die at the hands of his own father.

Their walk to Dr. Mallory's office next to the infirmary was a quiet one, punctuated only by their footsteps and the occasional rustle of his wings. Giving him a curious sidelong glance, she noted his regal bearing never wavered despite the onslaught of emotions battering at him. Unlike earlier, when she'd seen him quietly falling apart in his cell. That couldn't be good.

J.D. Tyler's Books