Primal Law (Alpha Pack #1)(34)

My goodness, what a lovely male specimen, no matter his species.

Too bad that ill-tempered, possessive wolves were more her type. One tattooed, goateed, ubermacho wolf in particular.

"Zander, is there another empty room he can occupy, perhaps one close to mine? I'll take full responsibility for his liberation."

"I don't know, Kira," he began, frowning.

"Nick gave me the chance to prove I could make a difference. How can I do that without a little cooperation? Work with me. Sariel won't harm anyone here, and he wouldn't have fought you all if he hadn't felt threatened. Right?"

"This is true," he said gravely. "I would never harm another unless in self-defense."

She gave Zan her best pleading look, and after a few seconds, he relented-though he wasn't thrilled.

"It's not only your ass on the line if you're wrong; it's all of ours. But I'll go with it, for now." He gazed past her to Sariel. "You cause trouble, and you're on your own. Nothing personal."

The faery pressed his lips into a thin line and inclined his head. "I understand."

Hammer returned, thrusting a pair of army green and brown camouflage pants and a green T-shirt, along with socks and boots, at Sariel. "Couldn't find that fancy getup you were wearing. Best I could do on short notice."

Sariel eyed the garments dubiously. Kira doubted a Fae prince had ever had an occasion to dress up like a clump of turf, but he was too nice to say so.

He took them, managing a polite, "Thank you." Which earned some points of approval all around, however unintentional. "But I can't put them on unless these are removed." He lifted his bound hands.

Here was the test. If she was wrong about Sariel, they were screwed. Zan looked to Hammer, who nodded. They were aboard. Zan removed a set of keys from his pocket and flipped through them. Finding the one he wanted, he unlocked the silver cuffs and the attached mesh gloves. The Fae male flexed his hands, and then expressed his thanks.

"Once again, you have my gratitude. Allow me a moment?"

She breathed a sigh of relief, and they slipped into the hallway, leaving the door cracked a bit so he could come on out when ready. Kira heard clothes and feathers rustling, some muttering, and finally he joined them. He was dressed except for the shirt, which he held aloft. She was struck again by how thin he was, and made a mental note to get him to eat.

"I can't get it in place over my wings," he explained. "Perhaps one of you might be of assistance?"

"Shoulda thought of that," Hammer said. Reaching into his pocket, he fished out a small knife and flipped it open. "Hold it up so I can see the back."

He did, and Kira grabbed the edge of the shirt, pulling the material taut. Hammer went to work and made two long vertical slits at the shoulder blades.

"Try it now."

Sariel pulled on the shirt, and then Kira helped by gently guiding each wing through the slit. They were a bit tight going through and the fabric tore some, but once in place he stretched one, then the other, seeming satisfied. Kira stared, unable to get over their magnificent span and iridescence.

"Much better." He swept his long, blue locks over one shoulder and regarded them with a regal tilt of his head. "To my quarters?"

On the way, they caused a little excitement. Dr. Mac and another woman wearing a white coat were walking with a couple of people wearing scrubs-one young man and a third woman-who might've been nurses or lab techs. The group stopped and stared, openmouthed, at the entourage. The woman with Mac, the one in the lab coat, stepped into their path, her expression morphing from incredulity to anger.

"Excuse me, but what's going on here?" Her eyes swept over Kira and then apparently dismissed her as unimportant in the matter. She turned her attention to Zander and Hammer as the others with her exchanged whispers. "Where do you think you're going with Blue? I didn't authorize any order for my patient to be moved."

The woman's chin lifted, dark eyes snapping with anger. Her tone left no doubt about who ruled this little corner of the compound. Behind her, Mackenzie gave Kira a nod, her expression encouraging.

Kira returned the gesture and turned her attention back to Mac's friend. She immediately recognized this woman's type from her own work experience. The names and address had changed but the song remained the same. This steely woman with the short cap of black hair would be the alpha bitch, the one who could choose to make her life here a living hell, or not. Whether or not she was also a fair-minded person and well liked among her colleagues, Kira would soon find out.

Zan handled her smoothly. "Hey, Doc, good to see you. Now that our new pal is up and around, we have some introductions to make." He waved the Fae male forward, who came to stand at his side. "Sariel, this is Dr. Melina Mallory. Melina, this is Sariel, prince of the Seelie High Court."

"Displaced, as it happens." Sariel swept a bow, and then regarded her steadily. "Doctor, we've met before, but it's good to make your acquaintance under less stressful circumstances. Call me by my given name; it is much simpler."

The doctor in question stared at the faery in amazement, mouth agape. Quickly, she regained her shaken composure. "Sariel. It's good to see you up and about, and willing to talk. Who do we have to thank for this positive turn of events?" Though she sounded sincere, she also appeared a little wary.

J.D. Tyler's Books