Primal Law (Alpha Pack #1)(33)

"From where?" she prodded gently.

"The Seelie High Court. I was a prince. Now I am nothing," he whispered.

She shook her head. "I disagree there, but we'll work on it. Is that why you were running loose on the streets in Ireland when the team found you? Had you just been cast out?"

"Yes. I was in Ireland once, as a child, but when I was tossed through the gate, I was disoriented and frightened. People were screaming and I ran. I meant no harm." Remorse colored his voice, and she knew he spoke the truth.

"Why didn't you just tell that to the Alpha Pack guys when they came for you? Could've saved yourself a bunch of trouble."

"As I said, I was frightened. I thought they were sent by my sire to kill me."

"What's your name?"


She smiled. "What a beautiful name. It suits you."

Ducking his head, he flushed. "Thank you."

"Who's your father? Do you think he'll follow you here?"

This evoked a bitter laugh. "My sire is Malik. He'll stop at nothing to see me dead. He is Unseelie, and is the reason I'm no longer welcome in my world."

Not promising. "You're royalty, right? Can't your people protect you?"

"From Malik? You know nothing of Unseelie, then. They are little better than demons, and Malik is the worst. When the Seelie High Court learned that I'm a Halfling, they were upset enough. But when they found out Malik is my sire, public outcry forced them to banish me rather than risk facing his wrath. You see, he's on a quest to destroy me and will kill anyone who gets in his way."

"Why? I don't understand." How awful for Sariel.

"Does it matter? He is a rotten stench, a pestilence in any land he chooses to corrupt." Sariel paused, as though searching for the right term.

"Malik is the evil that time forgot. And now he is risen."

Chapter Six

"That's kind of melodramatic,isn't it?" Sariel leveled Zan with a cool look. "Malik likes to paralyze his prey with his venom and then strip the flesh from their bones, eating them alive-and that is when he is in a jovial mood."

"Jesus," Hammer muttered. "You sure you don't have any other relatives we can contact who'll take you in? A distant cousin or something?"

Hurt flashed in his golden eyes, and was quickly gone. "My family is the reason I am here. But if you'll kindly step aside and allow me to pass, I'll no longer be your problem."

Zan disagreed. "You will when we get dispatched to wherever you've caused a stir after being spotted by humans again. Bad plan."

"I cannot imagine that all areas of your world are overrun by your kind." His wings rustled and he negligently waved a hand. "Point me to one of those places and I'll spend the last centuries of my life there."

Kira wanted to ask how old he was, but the pain behind his declaration concerned her more. "Alone, and with no one to help if Malik locates you? I don't think so."

"When he finds me," Sariel said with total surety. "And none of you will wish to be within leagues of me on that day. No, it's best I go."

"And I believe it's in your best interests to stay." She glanced at the guys, who didn't look pleased. "What, you're going to tell me you guys are a bunch of wimps who can't take on one nasty Unseelie?"

"Nasty flesh-eating Unseelie." Zan sighed, apparently deciding she wasn't going to budge. "Fine. It's not like we've ever backed down from a fight, anyway."

"Great, it's settled! And no arguments from you, Highness," she said firmly. "I can't think of anywhere better for you to be than here, where most of the folks aren't human and can relate to your situation. Well, I can relate, but I'm human-there's nothing special about me."

He studied her, bemused. "I'm simply Sariel now, not royalty. And you're wrong about your worth. If you possessed wings, you would be Seraphim-highest of the Angel Hierarchy, a being of pure light and love."

Clearly, the wolves could use a lesson in charm from this guy.

"Well, aren't you sweet? Maybe your manners will rub off on certain others around here." She turned to Hammer. "Would you get Sariel some clothes? He can't go parading around naked." Darn it.

"Sure." He eyed their newest resident. "Tall and slender? I'll see what I can find."

After he left, she addressed Sariel again. "If we let you out, do I have your word you won't try to harm yourself again?" She should've thought of this before sending Hammer on his way.

The faery had the grace to appear ashamed. "Yes. I wouldn't have succeeded anyway, not by attempting strangulation. The Fae are not so easily killed, and I dishonored my name even further by attempting such foolishness. I was feeling very hopeless and I still don't see how things can end well for me. But I give you my word I won't attempt to harm myself again."

Eyeing him, she felt he was telling the truth. "I believe you, but not the part about dishonoring yourself. Everyone feels alone at times, like they have nowhere to turn and no options. But you have us now, so put your troubles aside for a while and let us take care of you. Okay?"

He hesitated, then smiled. "All right. I shall try."

J.D. Tyler's Books