Player's Princess (A Royal Sports Romance)(86)

"Heroes," this song is called.

Jason yanks the costume off, dropping the big padded chest and arms to the floor, and steps up to me in jeans and a t-shirt. For some reason, or maybe no reason, we begin to dance, swaying and holding each other. I kiss him hard, and then again, and again, and again.

"I will. I will marry you."

"You," Mother starts. "You can't—"

"I can. If you won't let me marry the man of my choice, I will abdicate and do it anyway."

Mother turns even redder, if that is possible. She clenches her hands into sharp-knuckled fists, and her jaw trembles as if she means to rip Jason's throat out with her teeth.

"Your Grace," a familiar voice says.

Thorlief steps past me and Jason and stands between us and Mother. I tense as I realize she's formally banished him. She could have him executed for coming here like this.

He takes three steps up to her, looming over her. I never remember her looking so small, even though she’s taller than I am. Thorlief looks enormous and imposing with his shaggy, gray hair and salt-and-pepper beard.

"What is the meaning of this?"

"Forgive me," he says.

Then he takes hold of her arms and bends to kiss her, hard. Her eyes fly open wide, and then, to my absolute shock, her eyelids flutter and press shut. The color drains from her face, only to surge back.

The kiss lasts a long time, and the band's music dies down. The entire throne room goes silent.

When he draws back, Mother's cheeks glitter with tears, and her makeup has begun to run.

She takes a step back and touches her lips, as if she'd forgotten and then suddenly remembered that she has them. For a moment, the shock and confusion on her face makes her look very young. She could be my sister, not my mother.


Thorlief clears his throat.

"Why did you never tell me?"

"It was not my place. Queens do not…."

Mother looks at him, and at me, and begins to sob and shake in place.

I break from Jason's embrace and take a halting step toward her, tears welling in my own eyes. It's as though I'm meeting a stranger and yet….

Some part of me always knew there was something else inside her. Under the iron and ice. She was so afraid that anyone would see it that she buried it far beneath the surface. How the pains of that must have gnawed at her.

"Wasted," she mumbles, staring at him. "All this time wasted."


"I'll handle her," Thorlief says, gently. "She will send for you when she is ready."

I stop in place and watch him guide her out of the throne room.

"What now?" Jason says.

"Back to your quarters," Konstantin says. "Quickly."

"This affront will not go unanswered," Mortimer snarls, from the floor.

Konstantin rolls his eyes and jabs him in the shoulder.

"Did you just threaten my sister's royal person? Did you?"


"Shut up."

Mortimer claps his mouth closed and his head falls back on the stone floor.

"Go, Ana."

I take Jason by the arm and lead him out of the hall, back to my rooms. When we're inside, he starts unlacing my gown.

"We can't now."

"I know, I just don't want to see you in this again until you're wearing it for me."

I let him strip me down to my shift and change my shoes. He laces a much simpler gown up my back, and I sit on the bed and let him undo my braid.

"We need to find you something else to wear."

He snorts. "If you insist."

"You can't meet the queen in jeans."

"I just met her in a mascot costume."

I laugh. "I meant it. I'm sorry I doubted you. You never slept with that vile creature. I know it."

"I'm glad to hear you say that. I never would. There's only you, Ana. Only you."

"Lie with me."

Jason sprawls on the bed, and I curl up with him and wait to find out if I'm still a princess or not.

Chapter Seventeen


There is a knock at our door.

I knew this would come. I've spent the last hour pacing the room, waiting. I've changed out of my wedding gown into a simple, plain blue wool dress.

Jason took great interest in watching me change, of course. He's stripped off the knight costume, and I sent for something to be found for him to wear. Some of my father's old things fit him, if a bit uncomfortably. The white shirt is too tight around his muscular chest.

I open the door and find a servant waiting outside.

"Her Grace the queen requests your presence. Both of you."

I look at Jason and sigh before I remember I have to translate for him.

"What does she want?"

"We'll see." I shrug. "Come."

I offer my hand. He takes it, wrapping his warm palm and fingers around mine. I feel a little taller, a little stronger, walking with him. The walls aren't so close, the air isn't so cold, the weight of stone over my head not so heavy.

Mother's announcement still has me stunned, swimming in my own head. I lead Jason through the castle to her chambers, in the tall tower that overlooks the rest of the fortress. We pass her guards and turn up a wide spiral stair, and find a pair of heavy oaken doors standing open.

Abigail Graham's Books