Overcoming Fear (Growing Pains #2)(4)

Sean stuck a key in the garage door to open it.

“Oh, wait, you live here?” Krista asked, turning around to check out the view.

He squinted into the sun as he considered her, his expression guarded. “Yeah.”

“I thought you lived closer to work?”

“I live at work, actually. But I sleep here. I surf, so this is ideal for my lifestyle. Plus, I’m not such a city boy. I like being out here where there’s limitless ocean.”

“Well, not limitless. If you had better eyesight you could see Japan.”

“Maybe I’ll get a telescope,” Sean laughed.

“Why didn’t you ever mention you lived so close to me?”

He shrugged, not properly hiding his vulnerability. Personal lives versus work lives. Krista got it. She changed the subject.

“Well, you are welcome to come over to my house for a pre-barbecue drink if you want. You can meet the girls and go over their portfolios. God only knows what they made up to put in portfolios, but that way they won’t have to truck their stuff to Ray’s.”

Sean was hosing himself off so Krista pulled up some cement to have a seat. Then she decided, why sit when you can lay?

“Shouldn’t you stretch?” Sean asked after he turned off the hose. He had taken off his wetsuit and put a towel around himself. Krista was sad she missed it.

“Actually, what I should do is some sit-ups, then some squats, then stretch.”

“All that?”

“For now. Tomorrow is jumping rope and other muscle toning stuff. I have yet to get into yoga, but I will. Someday.”

“Let me get some shorts and I’ll do it with you.”

She wanted to ask if he was serious, but she didn’t really want to look up to get his expression. Instead she just closed her eyes and willed some strength into her body. Sean came back a moment later with a glass of water.

“C’mon. Up,” he said, bending over to help her.

“Are you one of those irritating fitness guys?”

“Yes. Here, drink.”

She did as instructed, finishing the glass of water with thirsty gulps. Next she peeled off her sweaty shirt and wiped her face. She was thankful her sports bra was somewhat new. She had more holey ones than good ones these days.

“Jesus, Marshall, where did you get that body?” he asked with a laugh.

Her mushy four-pack wasn’t as exciting as his six-er. Her arms and legs were toned, not over-muscled, and she was healthy. She felt great and looked okay. It was exactly what she was after. It had to be, she didn’t have time to work out any more than she already did!

“Steroids,” she said dryly. “Wait until you see my stomach workout, McAdams. I’ll wipe that smile off your face.”

“Ready when you are.” He sounded so dang chipper about it. It was irritating.

“Alright, I grudgingly do this, you know,” she tempered. “This isn’t the highlight of my life. Yeah, I feel good after, but it is forever a chore, so please drop the upbeat attitude. It makes my ass clench.”

Sean laughed and gave her a light push. Then they got down to business.

They spent the next twenty minutes doing various stomach exercises, then another ten on squats. Krista’s legs were so tired from the run that they didn’t appreciate the squats, and gave out a few times.

Once done, and to Krista’s intense bitterness Sean kept up easily, she laid down on the garage floor again. He could have gotten completely na**d and she wouldn’t have noticed.

“Do you want to come in?” Sean asked with slight apprehension.

It seemed like meeting outside of work was doing a number on his comfort level, which didn’t make much sense, since he’d met quite a few work women after hours for non-work-related activities of the na**d persuasion. However, Krista was in no mood to point fingers. Or even raise fingers.

“Nah, I need to get home. It’s going to take some work to get this pile of doggie poopie to look presentable.”

“Do you want me to walk you?”

“It‘s the middle of the day, Sean. I don’t think boogeymen are on duty.”

“Fair enough. When should I stop by?”

“Give me an hour. I should have some semblance of structure by then. Wait, what time is it?”

“Uh…” Sean stepped into his garage, then back out again. “About eleven.”

“I gotta get going. An hour.”

Krista shakily got to her feet while Sean laughed at her. She gave a behind–the-back wave as she lumbered off toward home, beyond tired.

Once home, Krista showered, shaved, and checked the weather in the East Bay. It was amazing how large the weather differed from San Francisco to the surrounding areas. It might be sixty degrees in the city, but you crossed either bridge, and suddenly it was ninety.

It was supposed to be eighty-five where they were going, so she picked out a cute summer dress that she wished she could wear more often, and her new wedges that made her legs look stellar. She nearly grabbed her underused summer hat, but thought it might be a bit much. Instead, she grabbed some bracelets.

The doorbell rang before she could get to hair and makeup. She answered to Kate and Jasmine arguing about the best way to get to her house, even though it was already too late since they were, in fact, at her house.

K.F. Breene's Books