Once Bitten (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #1)(70)

Within half an hour, we both lay sprawled across my bed, sipping coffee and watching the morning news. I’d slipped into a plain black tank top and wrapped my favorite silky leopard print robe around me. I thought of Jez every time I put it on. Shaz reclined beside me clad in just his blue jeans. His slender body was well muscled and firm, inviting me to touch.

“Now, let me get this straight,” he said in between mouthfuls of refreshing java. “Raoul’s estranged half-breed daughter is running amok, murdering his lovers out of jealousy. He expects your help but refuses to believe she’s too far gone to ever come back.”

I picked a fluff off my fuzzy bedspread and watched it float down to the grey carpet. “Yeah, that more or less sums it up.”

“I wonder why she was watching us,” he mused, staring thoughtfully into his cup. “She’s a complete idiot if she’s jealous of you.”

“Thanks for that.” I sneered sarcastically as I punched him in the arm.

“No, I mean that you and Raoul can barely stand each other. It’s not like he’s pouring a whole lot of love on you.”

“True. Who knows what’s left of her mind now? I’d just as soon not be involved in this mess. But, she killed Belle, so now it’s personal.” My grip began to tighten on my coffee mug. I took a sip and frowned when it burnt my tongue.

“I can’t believe she’s gone. It doesn’t seem real.” Shaz’s voice grew soft.

I tried to hide my disgust. Belle had been a lady that every male werewolf in this town had gotten to know very well at some point. Shaz was no exception.

“Yeah, well, it looked pretty real to me.” I pictured the bright red splatters in her bleached blonde hair and grimaced. I don’t care how rotten your existence is, serial killing isn’t the answer.

Who are you to talk? A little voice taunted me. You murdered David in cold blood. And it wasn’t even personal. So what’s your excuse? Getting your kicks from sating your vampire lover’s borrowed lust?

I shuddered, and Shaz asked if I was cold. I shook my head and said, “I don’t think we can make our date tonight. We have to find this crazy chick. Can we reschedule?”

He beamed a grin that set a butterfly to flutter in my stomach and reached for my hand. “No problem. Let me know what you want me to do. I’m at your service.”

“You’re too good to me.” I felt silly, but the words were out. Before he could reply, the news lady began to talk about the missing man from Stony Plain.

We both sat up straighter, instantly alert. The police currently had no leads or clues. The man’s girlfriend had told police that she’d parted ways with him earlier in the evening, that they had each taken the path that led to their respective homes. Anyone with information was asked to call local authorities.

“Holy shit.” My heart raced a mile a minute, and I had to take a deep breath. “She didn’t tell the cops anything. That is so f**ked up. She knows damn well something got him, and she’s not talking.”

“Maybe she’s afraid you’ll come and eat her, too,” Shaz laughed, and I gave him a look. “Sorry. Still too fresh, huh?”

Fatigue began to set in as the night’s events caught up with me. I emptied my mug and set it on the night table, and then I got comfy on the bed beside Shaz. His scent was easily among my favorites, and it lulled me quickly.

I remembered the days when we would fall asleep together after a run, entangled in one another’s naked limbs. Thinking back on it, I couldn’t quite recall when or how it had come to an end.

“If you’re ready to get into bed, I can head home. I probably should anyway.” He made as if to rise, and I stopped him with a firm hand flat on his bare chest.

“No, you don’t have to. I want you to stay.” That came out a little more forward than I’d intended. “I mean, you’re tired, too. Why don’t you crash here? Like you used to.”

He looked at me so long and hard that I began to regret my choice of words. I was getting ready to back track, but my tongue turned heavy and hard to manipulate.

“I’m not trying to suggest anything … I just need you here.”

I was feeling successfully foolish and more than a little vulnerable. I hadn’t really meant to blurt out that last part.

Instead of responding and adding to my moment of awkwardness, he simply got comfortable beside me. He pulled my silky black sheet over us and drew me against him so that my back pressed against his chest. The comfort was so surreal that I made a point of taking note of every sensation.

With all that I had to think about, I expected my mind to be in overdrive. However, once we got settled, words were no longer necessary. I was out like a light.

* * * *

Just six hours later, I was awake and drinking more coffee as I spoke with Kylarai in hushed tones in the kitchen. Shaz continued to snore softly in my bed.

When I filled her in on everything from the previous night, I was momentarily afraid she was going to lose it. Anything to do with men mistreating women in any way had Ky on the offensive. She turned four different shades of red before counting backwards from ten. Her unhappiness with Raoul couldn’t have pleased me more.

“How dare he think for a minute that it’s ok to bring you into this while withholding that kind of information! Why are you helping him? He’s never gone out of his way for you in a way that’s even remotely comparable to this.” Her grey eyes blazed, and I couldn’t recall the last time I’d seen her so angry.

Trina M. Lee's Books