Once Bitten (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #1)(69)
Shaz’s platinum hair caught my eye amid a cluster of women who sought his attention. This was a regular occurrence on cheap drink night. These women looked forward to hitting on the bartender all week. As I drew near him, my wolf fought to break free of my restraint. Over the toxic combination of cologne, perfume and alcohol, I honed in on Shaz’s scent and energy. If my wolf had been a separate entity, she would have run ahead to knock Shaz to the ground and shower him with wet wolf kisses.
He felt me, too, and broke away from his adoring fans to come to me, grateful for the escape. No fear or disgust showed in his beautiful jade eyes, even though I expected it. Guilt washed over me in a crashing wave. He knew what I’d done in the shadows of the walking path, and his feelings for me remained. I did not deserve this.
“Lex! My lovely wolf queen.” His grin tickled me right to the bottom of my feet, and I reached for him but stopped short. “How are you doing tonight? Better, I hope.”
Every woman turned to see the intruder that so easily captured the attention of their bartender. I flashed them a fake smile before dismissing them completely.
“I’m fine, Shaz, but boy, do I have a story for you.” I tucked a stray chunk of dyed gold hair behind my ear and cast a glance around the bar. I stayed on full alert. Zoey could be anywhere. “Are you up for a run? I really need to unwind. And then, I can fill you in on everything. I just came from Raoul’s. It’s not good.”
He searched my eyes briefly and then nodded. “I’d love to go for a run. Just give me a minute to finish up here and grab my things.”
He gave my arm a gentle squeeze before disappearing behind the bar. On his way back, he was intercepted by a large, older lady. Though I couldn’t hear their exchange, the look on Shaz’s face spoke volumes. The lady produced a card from between her heaving br**sts and pressed it into his hand, and I couldn’t hide my laughter. She blew him a kiss and sauntered away, while he looked on, dumbfounded.
“That was strange.” Shaz said as he rejoined me. He fished in his jacket pocket for car keys. He really had no idea how good he looked in that leather jacket and blue jeans. He could pass for art. “She told me to call her if and when I’m looking for a sugar mama.”
“Oh yeah?” I raised an eyebrow in question and smiled. “Sounds like somebody’s moving up in the world. When’s your first date?”
“Ha ha, funny.” He rolled his eyes, but I caught his sudden blush. “So, I’ll just meet you at your place?”
“Yeah. I’m going straight to the backyard. I’ll meet you there.”
I turned toward the exit, and I could have sworn I heard Shaz say, “Right behind you, sweet thing,” but when I turned back to him, he just winked.
Chapter Seventeen
I needed the release of that run. When I ditched my clothing in the backyard and dropped to all fours, the shift had never felt so right. I wondered if Arys shared my relief as my body reformed itself into an ashen wolf. I felt the gentlest touch on my mind, and for just a moment, I heard the vampire’s soothing laughter.
As Shaz and I raced through the trees, the magical scent of fresh rain swept me away. We rolled amid the wet leaves and moss. I felt a greater joy than any human experience. In this form, I felt my connection to nature so much stronger. Rich soil streaked my fur and filled my nostrils with fertility, while my sixth sense reveled in powerful earth energy. Nothing competes with what I feel as wolf.
We ran. We chased each other and wrestled amidst the underbrush. We lifted our voices to the sky, howled together in a crescendo of harmony that haunted my rapidly shrinking human side. Miles away, a farm dog took up the howl in acknowledgement of our mighty declaration.
Dawn streaked Shaz’s white fur with a colorful glow as he ran ahead. I loped along behind him and watched as he gave chase to two ravens that dared to settle too close to his path. We had run so far out of town that we needed the better part of an hour to trot back to the field behind my house. A brilliant golden glow crept over the town with the promise of another hot summer day.
I wondered if Arys could sense the magnificence of the sunrise, which he would never again experience himself. His presence returned, heavy in my mind. He’d been there before my change to wolf. Our connection crossed physical limitations. I felt I could call out to him, and he would hear me.
As we crossed the field to my house, I felt eyes on me, not from my house or even my street but from the street that ran perpendicular to mine. Shaz’s startled expression indicated that he felt it, too. A scan of every backyard on that street showed nothing. We were a good distance off though.
I stopped where I was. I just stared in the direction of our watcher. I could feel Zoey. No way in hell was I going to lead her to my house if she didn’t already know where it was. Unfortunately, five in the morning was not a good time to give chase through the streets of Stony Plain. I maintained my stare across the field, until I felt her go.
Why she was following me? I didn’t know, but if for one minute she thought that she was going to take me out for stealing Raoul’s warped affections from her, she had another thing coming. Of course, my nagging human side pitied her. The sight of Shaz and I together as wolf must hurt her more than I would ever know.
Shaz’s furry eyebrows raised in question, and I nuzzled him briefly before breaking into a run. I wasn’t too keen on having the neighbors witness our approach in the early morning light.
Trina M. Lee's Books
- Trina M. Lee
- Forget About Midnight (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #9)
- Smashed (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #8.5)
- September Moon (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #8)
- Sunset to Sunrise (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #7.5)
- Freak Show (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #7)
- Whisper to a Scream (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #6.5)
- Darker (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #6)
- Death Wish (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #5)
- Blonde & Blue (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #4)