Once Bitten (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #1)(57)
“It’s no intrusion at all, my dear.” She waved us inside. The gold bracelets on her wrist jangled loudly. “I’m more than happy to help you as much as I possibly can.”
Lena wore her characteristic braid down her back and more jewelry than I could ever wear at once. A long denim skirt and a tie dye t-shirt reminiscent of the 60s completed her vintage flower child look.
The small condo apartment was cozy and meticulously clean. The air had a false but refreshing pine scent. She led us into the living room where we sat on an old sofa with a patchwork quilt laid over the back.
After rushing back and forth to the kitchen and refusing my help, Lena had laid out an elaborate tray of tea, coffee and baked goods.
With an apologetic smile, she turned to Arys. “I’m afraid I must apologize, dear. I have nothing to offer that would feed your appetite.”
“Think nothing of it. I appreciate your desire to make me feel welcome.” With an aged grace that I both envied and despised, Arys captured Lena’s small hand within his own and raised it to his lips in a grand gesture. I fought hard not to sigh in exasperation and roll my eyes.
“Oh my,” Lena giggled and turned to me with a smile. “Now what exactly can I do for you?”
I recounted everything for her, editing the details of David’s murder but including the rest. She nodded as I spoke but said nothing. When I finished, she drew in a long breath and looked carefully at each of us in turn. When her eyes landed on Arys, my heart rate began to climb.
“It’s not so different from the blood bond forged between vampires when one creates another. You’ve allowed your passion to draw you into a true sharing of power.” Lena’s features were pinched in thought. “Like I told you before Alexa, sometimes this is the natural order of things, as hard as it might be to believe, it’s meant to happen. A bond like this lasts to the death.”
Negative energy swirled around us, and I noticed Arys suddenly stiffen. I tried to shake off the unease that filled me.
“So a onetime fling is a lifelong hassle?” I almost choked on the words as they spilled out.
Lena rounded on me with a look that had me backing up in my seat. “Hearing those words from you is like a slap in my face. I taught you better than that. You know not to take your powers lightly. I know you do.”
My face burned, and I couldn’t look at either of them. I noted the four different shades of brown in the carpet as I stared at the floor. I did know better than that.
“In Alexa’s defense, madam, the power that results from an encounter between the two of us is extremely potent. It’s unlike anything I’ve known in my three hundred and twenty-eight years.” Arys spoke up, taking my hand in his and banishing my insecurities.
Lena blinked at him, unconvinced. “I’m sorry, dear, but after centuries of sampling the wares, I wouldn’t expect you to resist Alexa. However, I did expect her to resist you.”
Her comment both inflated and deflated my ego. “You’re totally right, Lena.” I stared into my tea. “I was drawn in by the lure of power, and I didn’t look back.”
“It’s in your nature, dear.” She leaned forward and patted my hand affectionately. “Those with innate powers often long for more. It’s as much a part of you as the very air that you breathe. However, like any bonding, there can be repercussions. Selecting the wrong partner can change your life.”
I’d been an idiot to throw caution out the window. Immune to physical risks, I had arrogantly ignored the other potential dangers.
Arys said, “Alright, so we live with it. But, how do we deal with the weakness and urges we’ve picked up from one another?” I gave him a warning look. Ignoring me, he looked directly at the friendly witch.
Taking a long sip of her tea, she gave a little shake of her head. “That is something I’m not quite familiar with, my dear. Many similar stories end with somebody losing their mind, often committing suicide.” Worry creased her brow when she fixed me with eyes full of concern. “Promise me that you’ll be careful.”
“I promise.” I flashed back to the bloody scene on the bike path. Arys looked at me sharply, and I wondered if he had shared my vision.
“My only suggestion is to learn all that you can about each other’s personal strengths and weaknesses. Power must be controlled. Otherwise, it controls you. I’m afraid I can’t help more in that regard. I’ll do what I can to dig up more information for you,” Lena promised with an encouraging smile.
Bound to Arys until death. How was Shaz going to understand this? How in the hell was I going to live with a bloodlust that chose to strike me at random? And, Arys suffered with the agony of the wolf’s need to break free. We were so screwed.
“On the bright side,” Lena added thoughtfully. “I would imagine that if you were able to control the power, you kids would be a mighty force to reckon with.”
I couldn’t help but chuckle when she referred to us as kids. Despite Arys being centuries older than her, he looked young, and so she treated him that way just like Kale.
“Oh,” I said, jumping up to reach into my pocket. “Maybe you can tell us a little about this.” I produced Cat’s red star amulet. It lay cold and inactive in my palm.
I passed it to her, expecting some kind of scrutiny but she merely glanced at it. “It’s just a run of the mill charm. I’d say it was spelled to boost the wearer’s power supply.”
Trina M. Lee's Books
- Trina M. Lee
- Forget About Midnight (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #9)
- Smashed (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #8.5)
- September Moon (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #8)
- Sunset to Sunrise (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #7.5)
- Freak Show (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #7)
- Whisper to a Scream (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #6.5)
- Darker (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #6)
- Death Wish (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #5)
- Blonde & Blue (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #4)