Once Bitten (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #1)(55)

I glanced up at her. She wore a long, sandy brown suede skirt with a blue V-neck sweater. “What are you all dressed up for? Or should I say, who?”

“Don’t even try that change the subject crap on me. Answer my questions.” She tossed her trendy bob and smiled. “I have a date. With Tom from my office.”

I wasn’t one for Weres playing human with real humans romantically, but I’d be damned before I’d burst her bubble. “That’s great Ky. Why is this the first I’m hearing about Tom?”

“Because, I turned him down the first three times he asked me out. And, you still haven’t set me up with that sexy vampire you work with.” She leaned across the table and picked through my open makeup case. “So, how did Shaz take all of this killing a would-be ra**st and dusting your vampire lover’s ex thing?”

“Like a trooper.” I paused to apply mascara to my eyelashes after lining my dark brown eyes with smoky black eyeliner. “Actually, every time I screw up, every time I think I’ve driven the final wedge between us, he proves me wrong.”

Kylarai studied me as I picked a glop of mascara from one lash. “That’s because he’s in love with you.” When I looked up she added, “Note that I said love, not lust.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know. I don’t deserve him. Believe me, I know.”

“You really don’t.” She chuckled and played anxiously with one of her dangly hoop earrings. “More coffee?”

“No thanks.” I’d had enough coffee in the past day to last me a lifetime.

Ky got up to refill her mug, and I noticed her energy felt as nervous as I was. I smiled to myself. It was kind of cute seeing her all aflutter like a schoolgirl. Maybe I should have set her up with Kale when she’d first hinted at it ages ago.

“Is Arys picking you up tonight?” She asked casually.

“No. I don’t trust him to drive. I’m picking him up in half an hour. When is Tom coming?”

“Any time now.” She glanced at the wall clock that read ten minutes to eight. “This is the first time I’ve been out with a man in ages. I can’t remember how to play the dating game.”

“I don’t think I ever did. But, since I have a date with Shaz coming up, I’d better crack open an issue of Cosmo and get informed.” I shook my head at my reflection and rubbed some red lip-gloss on. “I don’t know how I got so lucky.”

“Did you take that lip gloss from my bathroom?” Ky leaned closer in order to read the label. I pulled away in a gesture of mock defense.

“No. Back off, lady. If you want the lip gloss, all you’ve got to do is ask.”

We laughed together, then froze when the doorbell rang. Her grey eyes grew wide, and she sputtered a sip of coffee as she launched into action. She grabbed her purse, stuck a breath mint in her mouth, and threw her coffee cup into the sink.

“Damn, I’m nervous. Wish me luck.” She hurried toward the front door but called over her shoulder. “Be careful tonight. Don’t let that vampire ruin you for somebody more deserving.”

“I love you, too, Ky. Have a good time.” I smiled as I carefully ignored her pointed statement. I didn’t feel the need to add any words of caution. I knew she could take care of herself.

When the soft clicking of her heels in the driveway had faded, I ambled to my bedroom. I just stared into the closet for a solid five minutes. I was leery of sending Arys mixed signals so I steered clear of any cle**age baring halters or tank tops. Instead, I chose a pale blue Aerosmith baby tee and paired it up with my favorite blue jeans and black leather ankle boots. After running a brush through my long hair, I decided to leave it down and natural. With a spritz of my favorite vanilla perfume, I was ready.

Well, physically, I was ready. Mentally, a piece of me never wanted to face Arys again. I wasn’t sure I could resist him every time he made an advance toward me. Kylarai had been right. I was power hungry, and Arys was a prime source. Together we were dangerous, but we posed the greatest risk to Shaz, and I couldn’t accept that.

With one last glance in the mirror, I checked that my make-up hid my bruising. My cover up was doing a good job with the lingering bruise on my chin. The majority of my abrasions and bruises had healed as I slept, and the remainder looked acceptable.

On my way to Arys’s, I got a good case of the jitters, complete with shaky hands on the wheel. Worries that I couldn’t banish plagued me as I drove. I expected the twenty-minute drive from Arys’s to Lena’s to be uncomfortable closeness and unwelcome discussion.

I’d worried about forcing myself to ring the bell, but Arys stood on his front deck chatting with Mrs. Olson while feigning to sip lemonade. A big wave in my direction told me to stay put. Just as well, I couldn’t look that little, old lady in the eye knowing what really happened to her dog.

Arys quickly wrapped up his visit. He beamed a fangless smile at the tiny lady as she turned to go. I noticed the small bundle tucked under her arm, and a tiny puppy poked its head out of the blanket.

My heart melted. I couldn’t believe that the vampire had done such an unselfish act for another. I was touched, and I resisted the urge to break open my head and forcibly remove the part of me that reacted so strongly to him.

“You disgust me.” The words spilled from between my lips before he’d even closed the car door.

Trina M. Lee's Books