Once Bitten (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #1)(48)
As I crept down the eeriest bike path in town, I stifled a giggle. My wolf didn’t drive me forward. No, I had succumbed to the intoxicating temptation of the bloodlust. I suddenly wanted it so bad that I could already taste the sweet copper on my tongue.
I didn’t need the whimpering to guide me to the couple. I could see them fighting near the thin tree line. The scent of fear hung thick on the air, as enticing as bread, fresh from the oven. But, there was also the heavenly scent of pain, which I despised myself for loving.
As I got closer, I realized how dire the situation was for the humans. They grappled in the dark for control, and one was fated to lose. The she-wolf in me reared her head at that, and a surge of rage hit me as the warm and cool energies of the wolf and vampire struggled for dominance.
“Please, David, don’t!” I heard the shrill and terrified cry, and I saw his hand rise before the deafening smack followed.
“Nothing but a goddamned tease.” Flesh struck flesh, and then I heard a muffled whimper.
The vampire may have gotten more enjoyment out of the fear heavily lacing the air. I on the other hand took greater pleasure in the cocky display of caveman mentality and knowing this guy would die for it.
The barest shred of realism appealed to my quickly fading sanity. I realized that what little was left of my humanity was falling away. Power rode me in an overwhelming rush. I knew such undeniable hunger when the vampire’s appetite rose to the surface. The side of me that was wolf looked on the scene before me with apathy: he was a danger; he had to die. The scent of blood hit me, and the power building in my core broke free.
My head swam as instinct took over, and the beast within was unleashed. When I lifted my victim off his feet with one hand, I only wished he could see me better in the dark and fear me even more. With my fangs bared, a growl erupted from my throat. As I jerked the man away, the woman let out another ear-piercing wail.
Her fear fed my fire like gasoline, and I struggled to say, “Run,” before I reached for her, too. She didn’t have to be told twice. With David long forgotten, she ran screaming into the night. She would need a good twenty minutes to find someone even to look for the monster eating her loser boyfriend.
A cold sweat broke out on my skin, and I shivered despite the warm summer air. Conflicting urges toyed with my emotions, but all I felt was the hunger coursing through me.
David’s attempt at a strangled scream was music to my ears. I smiled and licked my lips. Even in the dark, I could see the whites of his bulging eyes as he fought to breathe around my crushing grip.
“So you don’t like to take no for an answer? Well, neither do I.” I gave him a mind-numbing shake. His sudden resurgence of terror hit me like an overdose. I didn’t need more fear to feed my inner fire. I saw through a red haze. The sky, stars and moon all shone down on us with a blood red glow. I don’t have a clear recollection of sinking fangs and tearing flesh. I know only that David’s noises stopped instantly as his blood sprayed in hot drops, like lava, and spattered my face.
My intention went out the window when I tasted his blood. Any remaining thread of my humanity broke. I blacked out.
It was absolute carnage, nothing like the two neat holes of a practiced vampire. When I came back to myself and took in the scene, a cry escaped me that sounded foreign, like somebody else. I’d killed the wretch of a man, and the remnants of David were strewn about everywhere, most of them unidentifiable. The fact that his head remained just barely attached to his torso was sickening enough. The pile of intestine near my feet had me scrambling backward. I clawed at the pavement in my haste to retreat.
Blood coated the back of my tongue bitterly, and I made it a few feet before vomiting a stream of blood and flesh. My hands and face felt sticky. My heart raced so fast that I expected it to give out. Silent tears zigzagged twin paths down my cheeks as I gasped for air.
My mind was reeling. What in the f**k just happened? Desperately, I tried to wrap my mind around what I had done. I was haunted by how good it had felt, better than any physical sensation that I’d ever known. Once I’d accepted the taunting lure of the vampire’s need, there had been no going back.
I began to sob even as I spat blood and tissue. Crying wasn’t going to help anything so I forcibly bit back my sobs, though the tears refused to stop. I recognized the copper flavor of blood, goddamn vampire tears. My stomach rolled again with nausea and bile rose in my throat. I had to get out of there.
I was scared shitless but not stupid. As soon as David’s girlfriend reached the heart of town, she’d send someone. With any luck, he wouldn’t be found before daylight, but I needed to get the hell away from the scene. I quickly checked for any personal evidence. No human dental records in the world would match any bite marks on the body parts.
My clothes, my face, and my hands were gory. I looked like I had been finger painting with vital fluids. I had to clean up, but the darkened path led away from the creek. If I turned back, I’d expose myself to the light from the main road. Out of the question. I’d have to get back home without anyone seeing me.
Deeper in the darkness, away from the main road, was another intersecting trail. That one however led only a short way to a residential sidewalk and ended. I glanced over my shoulder to the headlights on the busy street. I had no choice but to take the quiet residential streets.
My legs moved with Jez’s speed as I hopped fences, ducked in between houses and slunk through the dark alleys. I stopped twice more to vomit. By the time that I arrived at home, I was dizzy and nauseous.
Trina M. Lee's Books
- Trina M. Lee
- Forget About Midnight (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #9)
- Smashed (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #8.5)
- September Moon (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #8)
- Sunset to Sunrise (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #7.5)
- Freak Show (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #7)
- Whisper to a Scream (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #6.5)
- Darker (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #6)
- Death Wish (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #5)
- Blonde & Blue (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #4)