Not Safe for Work(32)

“I never did make you come,” I murmured. “Seems like I should do something about that. Especially since I didn’t make it easy for you. Did I?”

“N-no.” He pushed his cock into my hand. “Not at all.”

“But you held out anyway, so I think you deserve to be rewarded. Should I get you off, Rick?”

He licked his lips, nearly brushing mine in the process. “If…if you want to.”

“Do you want me to?”

“Yes, please.”

I kissed him again, full on, and whispered, “Since you asked so nicely, I will.”

“Thank you,” he breathed.

Lifting myself up, I added, “And you don’t have to hold back now. I want you to enjoy it, and when you’re ready to come, I want you to come.”

He closed his eyes and exhaled, and I wondered for a moment if he might come right then and there.

He didn’t, though, so I took the lube from the nightstand and poured some on my fingers. With my dry hand, I pulled the sheets back, and Rick was already parting his legs before I’d even moved myself into position.

“Oh God…” He closed his eyes.

I laughed. “I haven’t even done anything yet.”

“No, but you’re going to. I know you—”

I pressed my lubed fingers between his cheeks. “You know I’m what?”

He gulped, kneading the mattress. “You’re—”

Both fingers slid into him. “Answer me, Rick.”

He took a breath, but I pushed my fingers deeper and bent them, reducing whatever he thought to say to a soft moan.

“I’m only going to make it tougher for you to talk.” I started f*cking him with my fingers, making sure to rub them across that sweet spot inside. “So you’re better off answering me—”

“I know you’re going to make me feel incredible.” The words came tumbling out. “You…always do.”

“That’s exactly what I intend to do.”

With that, I leaned down and took his cock between my lips. He was almost soundless now, breathing hard and whispering curses, but it was like he couldn’t find enough air to cry out or even groan, and I loved it. The more I stroked and sucked him, the more I finger-f*cked him, the quieter and shakier he became.

“Goddamn,” he finally managed to murmur. “Want…to enjoy this, but…” He clenched around my fingers and stiffened between my lips. “Gonna come.”

I groaned around his dick.

“Gonna… Oh my God…”

I pressed my fingers against that sweet spot again, and with my mouth, gave him everything I had.

“Fuck!” He released a ragged breath. Tensed. Swore. Gasped.

And then semen rushed across my tongue as his hips jerked and twitched.

“Oh my God…” He sank back down to the mattress. “Fuck.”

I withdrew my fingers and came back up to him. Before I’d even had a chance to clean the lube off my hand, though, he grabbed me and kissed me. Deep, hard, breathless—Christ, he was going to turn me on all over again.

“Your mouth is…” He dragged his lips across mine. “I…”

I silenced him with another kiss. “Now you know what happens when you do as you’re told.”

“In that case, I can’t think of much I wouldn’t do.”

“I’ll keep that in mind. Don’t move. I’ll be right back.” I got up to wash my hands. When I returned to bed, we cuddled up under the covers again.

Before too long, Rick dozed off.

As I watched him sleep, I could see traces of every facet of Rick that I knew about. This was the gentler side of him—the submissive who surrendered completely and beautifully—but the CEO was still there too. He was one of those people who carried his tension in his forehead, and even now, as he lay totally relaxed in my arms, the faint grooves were visible. Time and work had worn lines into the corners of his eyes and grayed him slightly, but he wore it well. He was one of those guys who looked distinguished with some silver in his hair.

Admittedly, I was curious what he’d looked like when he was younger. And what he’d been like back then. Had he always had money? Or had he clawed his way up from ramen noodles and studio apartments? Was he always ambitious, or had there been a rebellious period when his parents had wrung their hands and wondered if he’d ever get his shit together?

Well, wherever he’d started, he’d made it, and somewhere along the lines, our paths had crossed, and he’d made it into my bed.

I still couldn’t believe we were even here. That I was lying here, and that he’d gone from Rick Pierce to…Rick. Literally overnight, he’d gone from “client to be pleased at all costs” to a man sharing my bed with me.

I brushed a few strands of hair off his forehead. I knew better than to imagine this was anything more than it was, but everything just fit. Although it was still hard to believe this was real, it didn’t feel weird. Nothing felt out of place. In the office, he was miles above me. In the bedroom, he was on his knees below me. And afterward, when the work day was over and the dust had settled, we landed on level ground.

It really was level ground, wasn’t it? He gave me control, and I gave him domination, and when all was said and done, we both had what we needed. It was a degree of equality that only came with a perfect balance of dominance and submission.

L. A. Witt's Books