Not Safe for Work(31)

With one hand, I finger-f*cked him, and with the other, I ran the Wartenberg wheel over his skin. Hips. Thighs. Inner thighs. Each time I rolled it anywhere near his cock and balls, he clenched around my fingers, and each time I crooked my fingers inside him, he arched into the Wartenberg wheel’s spikes.

Carefully, as gently as possible, I rolled the tiny wheel across his balls.

He tensed but didn’t move, and tightened so hard I couldn’t move my fingers at all for a second. “Fuck. That’s…”

“Breathe,” I said.

He exhaled slowly. Then he took in a deep breath through his nose. As he let that out, I ran the spines over his balls again, and he shuddered as the most amazing, helpless, strangled cry escaped his lips.

“What’s wrong?” I taunted, rolling it back and forth over that sensitive area. “I’m not hurting you, am I?”

“N-no. Doesn’t hurt. Just—”

I ran the wheel along his rock-hard dick.

“—f*ck!” His body shook and jerked as if torn between jumping out of his skin and staying as still as humanly possible while cold, sharp metal touched his cock. “Oh… God…”

I set the wheel aside, though I kept it within reach. Then, still f*cking him with my other hand, I ran my fingertips down the same line along the underside of his cock, and he released a choked half sob. “So jumpy. It’s just my fingers.”

He pressed his lips tightly together. Probably biting down on a “go f*ck yourself” or something similar.

With another featherlight touch, I teased his balls. “Think you can handle more?” I finger-f*cked him faster for emphasis.

“Y-yes.” He exhaled. “Please.”

Oh, he knew the way to this Dom’s heart. Overwhelmed, shaking, frustrated, and yet still practically begging for more.

I withdrew my fingers. Without a word, I put some more lube on the condom, positioned myself against him and slid my cock into his well-prepped hole. He whimpered as I eased in. I barely kept myself quiet—f*cking him was hot enough. Fucking him while he was cuffed to a bed, blindfolded and eagerly taking anything I gave him? It was a wonder I kept myself from grabbing his hips and pounding him until I came.

All in due time, though. I wasn’t done teasing him. As I rocked my hips, taking long, deep strokes inside him, I picked up the Wartenberg wheel again.

This time, when the spines met his flesh, he damn near sent me over the edge. The wheel had barely grazed his inner thigh when he cried out, tightened around my dick, and jolted so hard he almost knocked me off balance. I recovered, though, and kept rolling the spiky wheel across his skin as I steadily f*cked him.

Rick…was losing…his mind. He murmured curses and words I didn’t understand. Twisting, arching, trembling—he tightened his hands into fists, the muscles in his arms standing out just like the cords on his neck as he arched and trembled. As tight and hard as he was, I wondered just how tall of an order it was for him to resist coming, but he held back.

I, on the other hand, was getting dizzier by the moment. I couldn’t focus, and I didn’t want to accidentally stab him with one of the spikes, so I tossed the wheel aside, grabbed on to his hips and let him have it. The bed squeaked, skin slapped skin, and Rick moaned and gasped as I f*cked him hard. The sight of him…the sounds he made…my cock disappearing as deep as he could take me…

I forced myself all the way inside him.


And slumped over him.

“You,” I murmured in between gasps for breath, “are amazing.”

Chapter Eleven Though I was the one who’d had an orgasm, Rick’s body had the consistency of a wet noodle as I unfastened his remaining cuffs. Not quite subspace—he was too hard and hadn’t been in actual pain—but he’d definitely done some flying, and he was still woozy even after I’d gotten my feet back under me.

After he’d had some water and his eyes were a little clearer, we headed upstairs to relax. He made it up the steps on his own power, though I kept an arm around his waist to be sure, and he pretty much melted onto the bed. I eased him down and pulled the covers up over both of us.

“I meant what I said downstairs,” I whispered, wrapping my arms around him. “You’re f*cking amazing.”

“I didn’t do anything. I just laid there and took it.” He trailed unsteady fingers down my arm. “You, on the other hand…”

“Well, you couldn’t see what I was seeing.”

“I couldn’t see anything.”

I laughed and touched my forehead to his. “Smartass.”

He chuckled. I raised my chin and found his lips, and we kissed lazily. As he slid closer to me, his erection brushed my hip, and he jumped, breaking the kiss. “Sorry.”

“For what?” I reached between us. “For being turned on?”

“For—” He hissed sharply as I started stroking him. “I…”

I closed my fingers loosely around his cock. “I’m not going to blame you for getting turned on.” I slowly ran my hand up and down. “I’d be a hypocrite, wouldn’t I?” Leaning in, I added, “I’m always turned on around you.”

Before he could respond, I kissed him and tightened my grip just slightly. He moaned into my kiss and f*cked into my fist, his whole body trembling as his hips and my hand moved together.

L. A. Witt's Books