No Limit (Armed & Dangerous #1)(53)

“What if we don’t talk about it before we go our separate ways?”

“Then if it’s meant to be you’ll find your way back to each other.”

“You and Megan seemed to get along well,” Jason mentioned, grabbing my hand. He ended up dancing with me for a while at the club, but then we left to spend the rest of the evening by ourselves. We were at the very top of the Stratosphere, gazing out at the city of lights below us.

“We did. It was nice having a female my age to talk to. I grew up kind of being a loner so I didn’t have that many girlfriends. I guess you can say I wasn’t the prom queen type.”

“You’d never believe it now.”

“What about you? Tell me about your life at home, your friends. What kind of house do you live in?” I asked.

He chuckled. “I don’t know where to begin. Where I live is actually a small city right on the outskirts of Charlotte. My house isn’t much. It’s just a three bedroom ranch, but I own the ten acres it’s on. I know that’s probably small compared to what you’re used to.”

“No, I think it’s great. When I picture Charlotte, I think of the tall high rises and horrible traffic.”

“Which is why I don’t live in the big city. I like having my own space where it’s quiet. My friends are what makes it home for me though.” He pulled me in close. “Would you believe I’m good friends with the Carolina Cougars?”

“The football team?” I asked.

“Yep. We all hang out at this tavern in town. It’s one of the best places to eat in North Carolina. After I helped one of their players on a case, I became really close to them. It’s funny because all the people from home are like my family.”

“Sounds amazing.”

“It is. Now, where my best friend is concerned, you’d either love him or hate him. Luke’s a motocross racer and a complete jackass at times, but he’s never let me down. When my sister died, he was right there for me. It was hard when my parents blamed me for her death.”

“I can imagine. Sometimes I blame myself for my parents’ deaths. If I’d only ran faster for help or tried to find something for a weapon.”

Jason gripped my shoulders, turning me to face him. “You’d be dead right now. You were only eight years old.”

“I know. I just wish I would’ve tried harder.” A tear slid down my cheek.

“You can’t beat yourself up over that, Aylee. I have scars all over my back from the fire, but I know I tried my hardest to save my sisters. That’s all that matters. The same goes for you. It might’ve taken you a few years, but you got your revenge. The f*ckers who killed your mother are dead.”

More tears fell and he wiped them away. “I know something’s bothering you. What is it?”

I shrugged. “Lots of things I guess. Once this is over, you have so much to go back to. I’m envious. I have my uncle and the B&B. And now my best friend moved to New York.”

He brushed the curly tendrils away from my face. “I thought you were a loner.”

“I don’t want to be anymore.”

Holding my face in his hands, he lowered his lips to mine. I held him tight and didn’t want to let go. “It doesn’t have to be like that, firecracker.” He kissed my temple and spoke into my hair. “Let’s get back to the hotel and we can talk about it. Then afterward, I’m going to make love to you, all night long. I hope you’re ready.”

“I’m more than ready.”

Hand in hand, we walked toward the elevators and I took one last look at the glowing city below. It was strange how something so beautiful could be filled with corruption, violence, and death. I was ready for the waiting game to be over and I knew the end was coming. Once off the elevators, we walked out to his car and drove the four miles back to the Bellagio. Instead of the valet parking, he drove us to the parking garage – which was almost full – and parked the car himself.

“Is there a reason you don’t like using valet?” I asked curiously.

We got out and started toward the elevator. “I don’t know. I guess I don’t feel the need when I know I’m capable of parking myself.”

I held onto his arm. “Good answer. I admire that you’re not like some of the people here. I’d be parking the car myself too.”

He kissed the top of my head. “And that’s why this is going to work.”

When we got to the elevator, I instinctively reached for my gun and realized I’d left my purse in the car. “I need my purse. Hold the elevator, I’ll be right back.”

Putting his foot in the door, he pulled out the key fob and pressed the unlock button. I watched the lights flash and hurried over to open the door. Before I could get there, the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. Something was wrong and it was close by. I’d been dealing with evil for a long time and I could always tell when it was near. I turned around to find a man dressed in black with a hat hung low over his eyes, sneaking up behind Jason with a two by four in his hands.

“Jason, look out!” I screamed. I tried to get the words out but my voice felt like it was moving in slow motion while the rest of the world moved on fast play. Jason didn’t even have time to react before he was hit in the head with damaging force, his body dropping hard to the ground. I could see his blood on the two by four and rage consumed me. I wanted to run to him to see if he was okay, but the attacker started toward me.

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