No Limit (Armed & Dangerous #1)(52)

“Maybe one day I’ll show you. Tonight, however, I want us to have some fun. And then when we get back to hotel, we’ll have an even better time.”

She bit her lip. “Or maybe I won’t be able to wait until we get home. An awful lot can happen in a long car ride . . .”

I groaned just thinking about it. She knew how to get me primed.

“If it isn’t Little Red Riding Hood and the big bad wolf,” Kyle teased, walking up from behind.

Shaking my head, I turned around and laughed. “I’m the hunter, not the wolf, Andrews.”

Kyle stood there with his fists wrapped, with Megan by his side. She pointed at him and whispered loudly so we all could hear. “Don’t let him fool you, he’s the big bad wolf.”

Picking her up around the waist, he kissed her and wouldn’t let her go. “Better watch out or I might eat you.”

“Don’t threaten me with a good time,” she laughed making Aylee snicker. When Kyle sat her down, she held her hand out to Aylee. “I’m Megan. I heard about what this bonehead did to you. You’re Aylee, right?”

Aylee shook her hand and nodded. “It was this one who instigated it,” she said, pinching my arm.

Megan winked at me. “They like to underestimate us, but you showed them. I hate that I missed it.”

“All right, I’d love to stay and bullshit with you, but my fight’s about to start. Drinks after?” Kyle asked.

I shook his hand. “Sounds like a plan.”

We all three took seats and Aylee held onto my hand, smiling wide as she glanced around the room. “I like it here. The energy is amazing. We don’t have things like this where I’m from.”

“We do in Charlotte. Maybe one day you can check it out.”

All she did was smile and give me a nod.

My statement had been made to gauge her reaction to Charlotte, but she didn’t give me much to go on. There were so many things I wanted to say to her, but the last thing I wanted to do was freak her out. I needed to talk to her about what we were going to do when the case was over, but everything that came to mind made me sound like a selfish fool. I didn’t want to let her go, but I couldn’t ask her to give up her life in Maine either. The question was . . . what would I be willing to give up to join her?

I had no clue what to say to Jason’s remark. I would love to visit Charlotte, but for what, a weekend? That would be the only time we’d see each other. Two days here, two days there. Would that really work? I didn’t know what to say so I smiled and nodded my head. By the look in his eyes, I could tell it wasn’t exactly what he wanted. But what did he want me to say?

Kyle’s fight was amazing and I enjoyed every minute of it. After he kicked his opponent’s ass, he joined us at the bar for a couple of drinks. While Jason and Kyle were immersed in a conversation, Megan slid her stool closer to mine. “How do you like Vegas?”

I shrugged. “It’s okay. I’d probably like it more if it wasn’t for work. Having to deal with the people we’re investigating really makes me lose faith in humanity.”

“Trust me, I know. I’ve dealt with my fair share of pain. You and Jason seem to click really well with each other. How long have you two been working together?”

“About six weeks.”

She choked on her drink. “Really? Wow, I thought you two knew each other longer than that.”

I shook my head and finished the last of my screwdriver. “I’m from Maine. Jason actually hated me when I showed up at his doorstep.”

She nudged me in the side. “Don’t worry, that’s how Kyle and I were at the beginning. I despised him. And now look at us, we’re engaged. Are you two serious now?”

“For the moment.” We continued talking and I realized we really meshed well. I couldn’t say that about many women. All my life I had only guy friends. It was nice having a female my age to talk to. Not wanting to have this conversation with Jason beside me, I nodded toward the dance floor. “Want to dance?”

Placing her hand over heart, she stood. “I thought you’d never ask.”

I slapped Jason on the shoulder. “Going to dance. Don’t be jealous.” Before he could say anything, I took off with Megan and smiled over my shoulder at him. He and Kyle both turned around in their stools so they could watch us.

“I think we got their attention,” she shouted. Jason watched me with his heated gaze and I shivered. Megan moved closer and grabbed my hands. “I think he just answered my question.”

“What do you mean?”

She looked over at the guys and then back to me. “That boy is in love with you. It’s written all over his face.”

“I know he loves me, that’s not the problem.”

“What is then?”

“We live too far apart.”

She rolled her eyes and twirled me around. “So? You can always relocate.”

“True, but he hasn’t even mentioned it. I don’t even know if that’s what he wants.”

“And you’re afraid you’ll look needy if you bring it up first?” I nodded, realizing it for the first time. She twirled me around again and pulled me close, her voice right by my ear. “Things will all work out. I’m a firm believer of that. Before you leave Vegas I have no doubt this conversation will come up. All you’ll have to do then is make a decision.”

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