Never Been Ready (Ready #2)(49)

"I've made it a personal policy to never sleep with coworkers. I've seen that shit blow up in people's faces way too many times. Plus, she drove me insane."

Finishing our dinner, we moved on to another bar, and by the third bar, we'd switched from beers to shots, wanting to celebrate the evening in style. That was when Leah had the brilliant idea for a drinking game.

"Let's play Never Have I Ever!"

I groaned. "No. Hell no."

"Come on! It will be fun," she begged, her voice accentuated by the buzz of alcohol running through her veins and her eyes bright. "You remember how to play, right? I'll say, 'Never have I ever,' and then I'll follow it up with something I've never done."

"Yes, and if I've done the deed, I take the shot."

"Yep. Sounds like fun, right?"

She gave me that pretty-please look that always won me over.

I groaned. "Okay, but I'm warning you...this could get messy."

"Nah, it's going to be fun!" she exclaimed.

We ordered a line of shots and set them in front of us on the table.

"Okay, I'll go first. Never have I ever..." She looked at me, a devious smile spreading across her lips, before she said, "Shaved my balls."

I nearly choked on my own tongue, as laughter rolled out of me. I gave her a hard stare and took my first shot.

"I knew it!" she said proudly. "It was either that, or you were sneaking away for ritual waxing sessions. I didn't want to have to go kill a bitch for touching your junk. Thank you by the way. My girlie bits really appreciate the effort," she said with a wink.

I shook my head, laughing, before firing off my question. "Never have I ever...laughed so hard that I peed my pants."

It was cruel, but she had just called me out on my manscaping in the middle of a bar, so I figured she deserved some payback. I already knew the answer to the question, having heard her and Clare laughing and reminiscing one night over a bottle of rum.

She gave me a look and took her shot. "That's so not fair. I'm pretty sure guys can't even do that."

"I wouldn't know since I can hold my bladder," I teased.

"It was college, and I was drunk!" she said defensively.

I nearly fell out of my chair, laughing. "Maybe we should cut you off then!"

"Oh, I have one! Never have I ever been arrested," she said with a cocky grin.

I took a moment, letting her sweat it out, before grabbing the shot and letting it burn down my throat. She stood and did a little dance of triumph, squealing, before sitting down.

"Every bad boy has to have a back story, so spill it, Hotshot."

"It was only once —disorderly conduct at a party. I was in high school, and my dad got me out without much fuss. It was all very uneventful. But it did make me quite popular for a few weeks." I grinned. "Does it make me sexier, Leah?"

"Well, it would have been hotter if it were a bar brawl or something, but it will do."

I shook my head, chuckling. "I'll try harder next time. Okay, my turn. Never have I ever experimented with someone of the same sex."

She hesitated for a second before saying, "It was only once," and then she downed the shot.

"Holy shit...I want details. Now."

"College. Clare and I had a third roommate our sophomore year, and one night, when we got a little too drunk, we...well —"

"What? You, what?" I asked, hanging on every word.

"Oh my God, Declan, I'm f**king with you." She laughed. "It was worth the shot though."

"You're going to pay for that one," I promised.

"Can't wait, Hotshot. My turn," she said.

"Nope. I get to go again because you cheated."

"Okay, fair enough. Go ahead."

"Never have I ever...TP'd a house."

She quickly took her shot and then said, "Seriously? They didn't TP houses in your uppity neighborhood?"


"Well, shit. I just figured out what we are doing for the Leah part of the evening!"


The cashier at the twenty-four-hour grocery store gave us quite a look when we checked out with two entire carts filled with toilet paper and nothing else. We tried not to laugh, but I was sure she suspected our devious plans. She didn't say a thing though as she quietly rang up our purchase.

We wheeled our two carts to the limo and loaded the back. The limo driver never said a word. He just opened the trunk, and when that was packed full, he helped us throw packs of toilet paper in the backseat with us. I hoped Declan would tip him well for putting up with our drunken madness. We sat in the back amidst the piles of toilet paper as I gave the directions to our victim's house. We spent the car ride unwrapping each roll, so they would be ready to go. We made sure the driver parked across the street before we pulled up near the house. No lights were on, and no cars were parked in the front, making me think the owners were out enjoying the night's festivities.

"Whose house are we at anyway?" Declan asked as we finished unwrapping the toilet paper.

The floor of the once pristine limo was now covered in plastic wrappers and pretty white rolls of toilet paper. Classy.

"My ex-boyfriend, Daniel. This is the house he bought with his wife, the woman he started dating a week after he left me. I've always wanted to do something really juvenile to him for walking out when Ethan got sick, so this is the perfect opportunity."

J.L. Berg's Books