Jared (The Protectors #2)(5)

“Damn if that ain’t sexy.” Jared went to touch one of her little fangs knowing he was driving Damon crazy.

“Okay, that’s it!” Damon grabbed Jared by the back of the neck pushing him away. “Stay away from my mate. This is your last warning.”

Jared laughed loudly as he tucked his arm around Pam careful not to jar her arm that had been injured in the car accident Chad Evans had caused. Damn, he should have just killed the son of a bitch when he had the chance.

“You’re so bad.” Pam swatted Jared with her good hand laughing at Damon’s possessive stance.

“No other way to be.” Jared winked at Nicole giving Pam a squeeze.

Damon rolled his eyes pulling Nicole tight against his body.

“So what’s so important that me and Pam had to rush over here with an escort?” Nicole demanded before the door burst open.

“I hope to hell you two being here means you’re back to work.” Mitch stomped in the door his booming voice bounced around them.

“Awe, you miss us.” Nicole batted her eyes at her boss.

“Hell no.” Mitch grunted. “I’m up to my ass in cases and I need you two back to work pronto.”

“Bet you haven’t been feeding dollars to the F-word jar either.” Nicole frowned.

“You know Callahan, I really haven’t missed that mouth of yours.” Mitch shot back. He hated the F-word jar. Most of his hard earned income went into the f*cking thing because he couldn’t stop saying f*ck. Dealing with kids, they had to watch their words so Nicole came up with the damn F-word jar.

“You better watch out Mitch.” Nicole’s grin turned evil. “I bite now.”

“You come near me with those new chompers of yours and I’m investing in wooden stakes.” Mitch warned, glancing at Damon. “Haven’t you taken control of her yet? She needs a firm hand.”

A sexy grin tipped Damon’s lips as he stared down at his mate. “Only when I need to.”

“For the love of God.” Mitch gave a disgusted grunt before turning his attention to a safer subject. “How’s that arm of yours?” His question rumbled to Pam.

Pam smiled at Mitch’s disgusted expression, then shrugged. “It’s okay. Still hurts, but doing better.”

Jared watched Pam closely. He knew something was going on with her, but she kept her mind closed off so tight no one could get a read on her and every one of them had tried, even Nicole with her new vampire skills.

“Where’s Duncan?” Jared took his attention off Pam. He would get to the bottom of that issue as soon as they took care of this little meeting.

“I’m right here.” Duncan came in the door eyeing Jared’s arm around Pam before quickly looking away.

Damon and Jared glanced at each other with knowing looks. Ever since they had found Pam hanging upside down by the seatbelt in her car bleeding and broken, Duncan had become very protective over the social worker. Too bad she was hooked up with Kenny, who had made only one appearance while she was in the hospital. If that had been the woman he loved in the hospital, Jared wouldn’t have left her side and he would have made damn sure she had everything she needed. Matter of fact, it seemed Duncan had taken that role more than anyone. Yeah, something was definitely up and he’d be damn sure to keep a close eye on her.

“So what’s so important you needed to see us?” Mitch’s voice always sounded pissed, even wishing someone a Merry Christmas, he made it seem like he was really saying ‘Merry f*cking Christmas…*.’

All the warriors looked at each other before Duncan spoke. “Chad’s gone.”

Nicole stepped closer to Damon. “What? How?”

“Seems he and someone he’s been working with have been busy turning humans into half-breeds?” Damon answered.

“Half-breeds?” Mitch frowned glancing back and forth between the three of them.

“Yeah, half human and half vampire. The best age for a half-breed is young, late teens. They’re rare and most are killed on site.” Jared shifted nervously.

Nicole jerked out of Damon’s grasp. “If you even think I’ll help you find these kids just so you can kill them then you can just forget it.” Nicole trembled with anger.

“Now hold on.” Jared glanced at Damon. “You need to understand something before you get your undies in a bunch. Once the half-breed…”

Nicole was in his face before anyone could stop her. “First off my undies don’t bunch and second I don’t like the word half-breed.” She snapped, her fangs growing slightly.

Jared tried, he really did, but the grin just popped out on his face. She was a sight when she was spitting mad. Leaning his face closer to her he continued. “Once these…..kids” He cocked his eyebrow. “become a certain age one of three things can happen. They will either become mindless killers of anything that breathes, they will become active leaders in the Vampire Council or they will become a warrior.”

“So it’s easier to kill them instead of waiting to see which of the three they become.” Pam demanded also not liking where this was going.

“If you two hot heads would wait until I finish.” Jared sighed. “I didn’t say we were going to kill them, but Vampira over there jumped the gun and didn’t let me finish. We need to get them into custody so they can be watched for signs of change and see if they can clue us in on what the hell is going on.”

Teresa Gabelman's Books