Jared (The Protectors #2)(4)

The sound of Adam stomping up the steps echoed in the small kitchen. Tessa rushed over unlocking the door leading to the cellar. After slamming the door shut Adam went to the kitchen sink splashing water on his face.

“You okay?” Tessa locked the door back not taking her eyes off her brother.

“Yeah, I’m good.” His answer muffled with the dish towel he used to wipe his face with.

“Did he say anything?” Tessa pulled a chair out from the table practically falling in it. Her legs were so rubbery she was surprised they were still holding her up.

Adam snorted. “Oh, he said plenty, but nothing worth a damn.” He also grabbed some water before sitting across from her. “Don’t worry. He’ll talk.”

Tessa nodded noticing Adam’s one golden eye was slightly darker with what looked like a tinge of red. She wasn’t scared of her brother, but his short fuse did make her cautious. He was the same, but different. It confused the hell out of her. “Do you think they’ll find us?”

“Who? The warriors?” Adam took another drink. “I doubt it. I mean look how easy I was able to get us in their so called compound. They’re still probably trying to figure out what the hell happened.” He snorted shaking his head.

Not really comfortable with Adam’s cocky attitude Tessa frowned. “Do you need to feed Adam?” She asked remembering the warrior’s words from only an hour ago.

“Yeah…” Adam grinned rubbing his stomach. “I could use some chow. How about some of that chili from last night? You got some of that left over?”

“That’s not what I’m taking about Adam.” Tessa shook her head, but got up to heat him some left over chili.

“I know it’s not, but I’m fine. Just don’t worry about it….okay.” His words were firm, clipped with anger.

“I do worry and I will worry.” Tessa slammed the bowl of chili down on the counter. “I’m your big sister so yeah, I’m going to worry…get over it.”

Adam snorted with a grin. “You may be older, but not by much, so don’t go thinking you’re gonna be bossing me around.”

Tessa threw a wadded up napkin at the back of his head. “Don’t make me put you in timeout, mister, cause I’ll do it.”

Standing up Adam grabbed the napkin off the floor where it fell tossing it in the trash. Grabbing Tessa, he gave her a brotherly hug “I know what I’m doing, okay.” He ruffled her hair. “I know I haven’t shared a lot with you yet, but it’s for your safety right now.”

Nodding Tessa took the bowl of chili out of the microwave and set it on the kitchen table. “Whatever it takes we’ll do.”

“Damn right we will.” Adam smiled before shoving a large spoonful of chili in his mouth.

Not hungry, Tessa tossed the rest of the chili out, figuring it wouldn’t be any good tomorrow. Her stomach was a mess of nerves. What she needed was a good strong drink, but no alcohol had been in the house since their father had taken off. Having an alcoholic father had pretty much set both of them on a firm road of sobriety. That didn’t mean at times she might need a stiff one to get her through the rough times, but it had never helped their dad and she really didn’t want to go down that road.

Finishing his chili Adam put the bowl in the sink looking up at the clock. “Why don’t you go ahead to the nursing home and see Gramps.”

“You sure you don’t need me here?” A nauseous feeling churned her stomach. “Maybe we need to stick together.”

Adam shook his head. “No, you need to go check up on him. We haven’t missed a day and we’re not starting now. It’s fine. I have you blocked, they can’t find you.”

“I’m not worried about them.” She lied, but when he gave her the ‘look’, she sighed. “Okay, so I am worried, but you’re the one they’re coming for. It would be better if I stayed.”

Grabbing her keys and bag he shoved them at her, then turned her toward the door with a push. “Go. Come back in about an hour.”

Tessa turned to look at her little brother. At eighteen he towered over her and since his change he had become more dominant. Sometimes it was a nice change, but most times it made her want to scream, like now. She took one last look at her brother then headed out the door the feeling of unease growing with each step she took.


Jared punched the heavy bag so hard the top split spraying sand out the top.

“Duncan’s gonna be pissed.” Sid walked up glancing at the heavy bag. “He just replaced that after Damon split the last one.”

“Anything yet?” He ignored the comment about the heavy bag. He was keyed up and ready to find the half-breed and voluptuous red head. They had no clue who they were dealing with.

“Nope, and Damon is ready to kill something.” They both turned when the door opened to the warehouse. “Speak of the devil.”

Damon, who had another warrior pick up his mate, Nicole, walked in followed by Pam. “Anything yet?” Damon growled as he made his way toward them his hand holding tightly to Nicole’s.

Jared shook his head, then smiled at Nicole. “How you doing sweetheart?”

“Great!” Nicole grinned, showing off her new fangs. Damon had turned her after she saved his life by sacrificing her own, drawing Chad Evans to her and away from Damon.

Teresa Gabelman's Books