Into the Lair (Falcon Mercenary Group #2)(47)

“Go, Ian,” Braden said quietly. “I’ll make sure Katie stays safe from you.”


Katie lay staring at the ceiling, wondering how much of her stupidity she could blame on the drugs. Or maybe she just needed to take more.

She’d invited him to come lie down with her. She nearly snorted. Who the f**k was she kidding? She’d invited him to screw her senseless. No wonder he’d looked at her so oddly. He was probably in the next room hoping to give her enough time to pass out.

Her gaze flickered lazily toward the door when she heard a sound. Warmth and longing flooded her when she saw Ian standing there, one arm propped on the doorframe as he watched her.

Her pulse quickened. Adrenaline shot up her spine and rebounded off the base of her skull.

Then he moved. He awkwardly shuffled forward, his feet making dragging sounds on the floor. As he’d done before, he settled on the edge of her bed at her hip. She held her breath, wondering what he’d say. What he’d do.

“I need to know how much of your invitation was the drugs and how much of it was you knowing what the hell you were saying.”

Her blood stirred and rushed just a little faster, heating her skin and bringing a flush to her cheeks. They stared at each other, not like two potential lovers, but two people who might just devour each other before the night was over.

“It’s been a long time for me,” she said evenly.

One part of her recognized that she was stalling, while the other part wondered why she was babbling like an idiot.

“Paulo was my last lover.”

“Was he any good?” Ian asked bluntly.

She turned her head and studied him. Such a strange conversation to be having.

“Yes, he was,” she said. “Very good. It was for that reason that I had such an easy time turning Ricardo down when he showed interest. I was young and starry-eyed. The older brother would have been the better choice since I wanted security and family. I wasn’t the choosiest of women back then. I was more interested in the trappings than the actual man.”

“If that were true, you would have dropped Paulo with no compunction,” Ian pointed out.

She shrugged. “Paulo was actually very good to me in the beginning. I’m not defending him. He turned into quite the asshat, but for a while we were happy. For a while I actually hoped that I’d fit in. That I’d have the things I wanted.”

“And what do you want right now?” he asked, bringing them back to the two of them. In this room. Right now.

“I want you,” she said softly.

“Is that the drugs talking?”

She smiled. “I won’t lie and say I’m not a bit loopy. I won’t even lie and say that I might not regret it tomorrow. All I can tell you is that tonight, it’s what I want more than anything. Can you accept that?”

His breathing sped up, and his eyes glittered with lust. “Yeah, I can accept that. As long as you realize that tomorrow, when you may or may not regret it? Too damn bad. Because once won’t be enough.”

Her hand went automatically to her stomach and the thick bandage. Excitement rocketed through her body at his words. This was supposed to be on her terms. She called the shots. But she had the distinct feeling that once they made love, she was going to be giving a much larger piece of herself than she planned.

“I won’t hurt you, Katie,” he said softly.

His fingers curled around her wrist, and he moved her hand gently away from her wound. She watched with shocked arousal as he leaned down and pressed his lips to her belly. So soft, she nearly didn’t feel the slight brush of his mouth.

Carefully he pushed at her shirt until it rode high on her belly, baring the skin and the bandage to his gaze. And his lips.

She shivered when he kissed her navel then trailed his tongue around the indention. The stubble of his jaw scraped delicately against her skin. Then he slipped her shirt higher until it gathered at her neck.

Free of constraint, her ni**les puckered and stood erect. He palmed one breast, molding it in his hand. His thumb rubbed across the tip and then back again. Her breath caught when he pinched it slightly between his fingers.

Her gaze moved beyond Ian to the doorway where she was stunned to see Braden leaning against the wall. She stiffened as she locked stares with him.

Ian’s head turned to follow her line of vision, and then he looked back at her, his expression odd and unreadable.

“Why is he there?” she said in a low voice.

Braden heard, though. He straightened his stance and stared at her with hungry eyes. She looked back at him, remembering his kiss. Hungry was an apt term. He’d devoured her. There was nothing gentle in his approach. Not patient as Ian was being.

Desire burned low in her belly, spreading like a fire she had no control over. She wanted them both. Wanted what they could both give her, or what she thought they could.

“He’s here to protect you…from me,” Ian said. “Can you forget his presence, or is it going to be a problem?”

Her gaze slid to Braden once more. He stared back challengingly, a slight smirk on his face as though he dared her to go the route of the prude and put on some hysterical fit because he was watching.

“Maybe I don’t want to forget his presence.”

Braden smiled. A slow, arrogant smile that was a tad triumphant. She wondered then what had gone on between the two men outside of her room. The last thing she wanted was another pissing match between brothers. Been there done that, had the dead bodies to prove it.

Maya Banks's Books