Into the Lair (Falcon Mercenary Group #2)(44)

“Sit back and relax,” Tits offered as he accelerated up the mountain road. “We’ll be there in half an hour.”

Chapter Twenty-Two

Ian and Braden hovered over Marcus while he finished stitching Katie’s wound. Marcus had given her a sedative to ensure she’d remain asleep while he worked.

When he finished, he started to arrange Katie’s shirt back over her, but Braden stepped in and took over. Marcus stood and glanced up at Ian, while Braden tucked her into the bed.

Marcus moved closer to Ian. “I’d like to draw some more blood from you and Braden,” he said in a low voice. “I can’t stay long. We moved Damiano off the island, and I’ll need to be with him in the coming days.”

Ian regarded him warily. “What do you mean you took him off the island?”

“He’s getting worse. He shifted to a tiger and attacked Tyana.”

“Shit,” Ian muttered. “It must be getting bad if he turned on her.”

Marcus nodded. “We thought it best to remove him from the possibility of harming her or the other members of Falcon.”

He glanced up at Ian, and Ian could see the reluctance in his eyes.

“What is it, Marcus?” he asked, though he didn’t really want the answer.

Marcus sighed. “I’m not convinced a cure can be found, that even if Esteban manufactured one, it would be successful. Damiano’s DNA has been altered. There’s no spontaneous changing back.”

Ice-cold dread trickled down Ian’s spine. “So you’re saying Braden and I are screwed?”

“No, I’m not saying that,” Marcus said quietly. “I just think our approach has to change. I’m going to be working with Damiano. Hopefully I’ll see progress.”

“How so?”

“Meditation. Spiritual guidance. Mind control. More and more I think the key is going to be in mental fortitude. The ability to control, not eliminate, the shifts.”

Eerie calm descended over Ian. “So we learn to live with it,” he said tonelessly.

“Yes,” Marcus said softly.

Ian cursed and dragged a hand through his hair. “Then why are we even after Esteban? What’s the point?”

“Because we need to know what he did,” Marcus said. “We need the chemical compound that was responsible for changing you into shifters. My ideas are only that. Ideas. I don’t have proof to substantiate them. I would have said it was impossible to create a chemical that could so radically change your make-up, but Esteban did. If there is a chance he has a way to reverse the process, then we need to find it.”

“He’ll die for what he’s done,” Ian vowed.

Braden walked over, his gaze questioning. “What’s going on, Ian? You look pissed.”

“I’ll tell you about it later,” Ian said. “Marcus needs our blood before he leaves.”

“He’s turning into a regular bloodsucker,” Braden muttered.

Marcus smiled. “Why do you think I only come out at night now?”

Ian put his hand on Braden’s shoulder and squeezed. He wasn’t sure just who he was comforting, Braden or himself. Braden shot him a curious stare, but Ian looked away before following Marcus out of the room.


Katie opened her eyes and wondered why everything felt so numb. Then she wondered why she was so comfortable. And then she realized she was in a bed. A very nice, comfy bed with pillows and sheets.

She was dead. That was the only explanation. And she was okay with that as long as she didn’t have to move.

Her hand appeared in front of her face, and she blinked since she recognized it as her hand, but hell if she remembered her brain telling her hand to move. For that matter, she knew it was her hand but it didn’t feel like her hand.

“They gave you some good shit, huh.”

She yanked her head sideways to see a large black man standing a few feet away in the shadows. His expression was indecipherable, and because of that, she couldn’t figure out whether he was one of the good guys or the bad.

And then she reminded herself there were no good guys.

He chuckled. “No need to get all uptight. You’re as helpless as a kitten right now so there’s no need to entertain fantasies about me.”

She looked at him in disgust. “If I had a knife, I’d stab you.”

“And if you had bigger tits, I’d f**k you.”

She almost laughed as she looked down at her chest. “No one’s ever complained that my tits were too small.”

“I didn’t say they were too small. Just that they’d have to be bigger. I have a big dick. I need plenty of cle**age to slide it between.”

She did laugh this time and then groaned when the wound in her abdomen protested. She reached down only to find thick bandages covering the area. Cautiously she looked back up at the man still standing against the wall.

“Uh, you weren’t the one who tended my cut, were you?”

White teeth flashed in a grin. “Nope. That would be Marcus, the team doc. He got the pleasure of seeing you naked. Although I got a peek, and I have to say, not bad, girl. Not bad at all. I can see why Ian and Braden are so growly when it comes to you.”

She flipped him the bird. “Fuck off.”

He chuckled and walked forward. Lord but he was big.

Maya Banks's Books