Imitation in Death (In Death #17)(72)

For Mavis, it was business attire.

"This is absolutely magalicious,".Mauls claimed, "Outre is like the cutting edge. It was my bible of style, before I met my honeybear. I still go through it every month, but now I never have to think how I'm going to afford all the friggin' clothes. Leonardo is the ult."

"I need five minutes with her."

"It's a dunk, Dallas. If she could've kissed my ass over the 'link, I'd have lip dye smears on my butt. Just watch."

They crossed the wide lobby. It was done in sharp geometric patterns of white, red, and black. Fanning out from the central data desk were pathways that led to boutiques, a fancy. cafe, and a home decor center.

Between them on the walls were screens on which elongated models walked runways in outfits that might have been designed by a mental patient on Pluto.

"Fall fashion shows," Mavis told her. "New York, Milan, Paris,- and London." She let out a squeal and pointed. "See that? That's my babycakes's designs. Nobody comes close."

Eve studied the ensemble of skintight red stripes that boasted an explosion of -gold tail feathers and a transparent skirt that glowed with little white lights at the hem.

How could she argue?

Mavis marched by the data center to the security station that guarded a bank of glossy red elevators. "Mavis Freestone to see Julietta Gates."

"Yes, Ms. Freestone, you're to go right up to thirty. Someone will meet you." The guard's hand came up to stop Eve and Peabody. "Only Ms. Freestone is cleared for thirty. "

"You don't really think I travel alone, do you?" Mavis spoke in icy tones before Eve could work up a snarl. "If my entourage isn't welcome, neither am I."

"I beg your pardon, Ms. Freestone. I justt need to check upstairs."

"Quickly,," Mavis shot her little nose in the air. "I'm a very busy woman."

She made a show out of tapping her foot, examining her nails in the twenty seconds it took the guard to clear them.

"You and your entourage are cleared for thirty. Thank you for your patience."

Mavis maintained the diva mode until the elevator doors shut behind them. "Subzero! I could eat that with a spoon.

`You and your entourage are cleared for thirty.' Is that hot shit, or what?"

She did a quick butt-wiggling dance, then patted her belly. "I only said entourage because I thought you might punch him.". " I was thinking about it."

"I'm keeping the baby away from displays of violence. Not even watching much screen. I heard how serenity and positive energy's really good for brewing babies."

With some trepidation, Eve glanced down at Mavis's belly. Could the thing hear in there? "I'll try not to punch anybody when you're around."

"That'd be good." Mavis shut off her beaming smile as the doors opened. The diva was back. She lifted her eye-brows at the woman who waited for them.

'Ms. Freestone, such a pleasure to meet you. I'm an enormous fan of yours, and of Leonardo's, of course."

"Of course." Mavis extended a hand.

"If you'll just come with me, Ms. Gates is very anxious to see you."

"I dig this to China," Mavis said out of the corner of her mouth as they walked through another generous lobby.

In this one, clear cubes were set up for busy drones. Headsets and keyboards were fully manned by a troop that had obviously watched the fashion shows and tried to outdo them.

The space once again fanned out, and at the far curve were-double doors in what Eve now assumed was Outre's signature murder red.

Their escort hurried along in a skirt snug as a bandage, on, heels sharp as scalpels. She pressed a button at the center of the left door. Seconds later, a brisk impatient voice snapped: "Yes."

"Ms. Freestone is here to see you, Ms. Gates."

Rather than a response, the doors slid back into the wall, revealing an enormous office, ribboned with privacy screened windows.

The black-and-white theme continued. here. Black carpet, white walls, a massive white workstation. Wide chairs were covered in thin black-and-white stripes.

The red came from the scarlet roses massed in-a tall black vase, and from the sharp, powerful business suit that decked Julietta's impressive body.

She was tall, curvy with a simple sweep of honey blonde hair that swung around a diamond-shaped face. Keen cheekbones, keen chin, keen nose, with a mouth just a shade too thin for beauty. But the eyes, a deep, deep brown, pulled the attention away from the minor- flaw.

She. was crossing the room as the doors opened, her hand extended, a delighted expression on her face. "Mavis Freestone, what a pleasure. I'm so glad you got in touch. I've been wanting to meet you for the longest time! Of course, I've known Leonardo forever. He's such a--sweetheart."

"He's certainly mine."

"Please, sit down. What can I offer you? Iced coffee perhaps?"

"I'm dodging caffeine these days." Mavis remained standing, patted her belly.

"Yes, of course. Congratulations. When are you duel'


"What a nice Valentine's present." Ignoring Eve-and Peabody, she drew Mavis toward a chair.

"Get off your feet, and we'll have a cold, sparkling juice."

J.D. Robb's Books