Hunter's Heart (Alpha Pack #4)(73)

"Calm down, big guy." He stilled and then whined, nuzzling her hand and scooting into her side. "Let me get these clothes off you. Stay in your shift as long as you can. Then I'll help you get dressed again."

The longer he could stay in wolf form, the better for his healing. At least he might be able to make it to the transport. Carefully, she removed his clothes and examined his back leg. She couldn't see the punctures for all the fur, but she hoped the wounds were improving at least a little.

Despite his earlier protests, he managed to hold his shift for almost half an hour before he morphed into human form again. Beside her, he was completely down for the count. But she thought he was breathing a tad easier, his color a bit more natural. On examination, she found the wounds on his thigh to be not quite as angry, and that sent a wave of relief washing through her.

Her mate had bought himself some time. Hopefully just enough.

Daria wasn't sure how long she sat beside him, watching and worrying. Eventually, she gave in and slept.

By dawn, Ryon was shaking with the chills, teeth chattering, yet scorching heat radiated off his big body in waves. Alarm kicked her in the gut. The shift should've bought him more time, and if they didn't get moving he'd be out of what little he'd gained.

She'd have to wake him. Laying a hand on his arm, she shook him gently. "Ryon? Wake up, we have to go."

Several attempts later, he opened his eyes and stared at her with a dazed expression. For a few seconds, he had absolutely no clue where he was, and it scared the hell out of her. Then, awareness returned.

"Daria," he croaked. "Take the spare water from my pack."


"You're going to meet the helicopter alone, then send the guys back for me."

"No. No way," she said in a steely tone. "That is so not going to happen. Get up. Now."

"Listen." He coughed and shuddered, taking a deep breath as though talking cost him. "I'll slow us down, and we'll get caught."

"If you stay, August's men could find you before help arrives."

"Just do as I ask, all right? I don't want to argue with you."

"I won't argue with you, either," she said firmly. "I'm not leaving here without you and that's final. If you can't go on, my uncle will find both of us."

A few minutes later, he rose with a great effort, gathered his things, and stumbled out of the tent. Daria sagged in relief. Thank God. Now she just had to keep his sexy ass moving.

A lot of the fight had gone out of him, but she intended to keep pushing.

No matter what, he wasn't going to give up.

. . .

Somehow, Ryon put one foot in front of the other. He'd never been this low. Ever. Not even when he'd awakened in a hospital overseas with a raging wolf for a brand-new companion. Not in the months afterward, when he'd fought to control his other half and retain his tenuous hold on sanity.

Nick's voice broke through his thoughts. Ryon?

Yeah, boss?

The lab has a batch of the serum ready, so we'll bring it, see if we can find Ben. Where are you? We're about to leave.

That's great! Um . . . I'm not sure. A few miles south of August's estate, following the river. We're looking for a good clearing.

On our way. Hang in there, all right?

Sure thing.

He wasn't sure at all, but he kept moving. "Nick contacted me," he said hoarsely. "They're coming. They've got some serum for Ben."

"Best news I've heard all week!"

Daria attempted to speak to him again, but he didn't really hear her. Couldn't. He just walked until a weird buzzing noise made him stop, c**k his head, and listen. Daria said something else. He couldn't understand her over the noise, like thousands of bees in his head.

The forest began to dim. His head tilted back and he saw blue sky as his knees buckled. Sky?

Then nothing but darkness.

. . .

"Ryon, look!" Daria exclaimed, pointing. Just ahead, the forest ended and a flat river delta widened before them for at least a mile. Plenty of room for a helicopter to land! "Better contact Nick and tell him about this place. Ryon?"

He'd stopped and was looking up, his head cocked-then he folded and slumped to the ground.

"Shit!" She knelt at his side, slapped his face. "Come on, don't do this! We're almost home free, so you can't quit."

Ryon's breathing was harsh and labored, his color gray beneath his tan. Rolling him to his side, she worked the pack off his shoulders and laid aside the rifle. After settling him on his back, she fished through the pack and retrieved a bottle of water.

Cradling his head in her lap, she placed the opening between his lips and poured a tiny bit of the liquid into his mouth. He sputtered and coughed, but opened his eyes to slits and raised his head, seeking more. The next swallow went down without difficulty now that he'd regained consciousness.

"That's it, easy now," she crooned. "Hang in there, okay? We're at the edge of a clearing. Perfect place for them to land. Couple of hours, maybe, and we're home free."

He tried to smile. "That's good. Nick will send a small team in to find Ben. They'll help him."

She was beyond touched that he'd think of Ben at a time like this-especially when it was Ben's creature that had put him in this condition. "I'm grateful they're willing to give it a shot."

J.D. Tyler's Books