Hunter's Heart (Alpha Pack #4)(69)

She hadn't moved, but stood like a small, pale ghost with wide, fathomless eyes that he couldn't see in the dark. Only the firm line of her unsmiling mouth gave voice to her thoughts. He touched her cheek.

"I had no choice, baby. He would've killed us both."

"I know."

But her tone was dull. She was coming to terms with the fact that the man she loved was a natural-born killer. He wasn't some romantic commando from a Stallone movie, but the real thing, and he had other abilities tacked on for good measure. Knowing that and witnessing it were different matters. Heart heavy, he dropped his hand and turned to head for the office.

Daria swept in ahead of Ryon, and he left the door cracked a bit before joining her at the computer. She settled into August's black leather chair, retrieving the thumb drive case from her pack. She wiggled the mouse to wake up the sleeping machine, then stuck in the thumb drive. The password box immediately appeared on the screen.

Fingers flying, Daria tried the last several codes. Access denied. "Damn. Have any more secret access codes up your sleeve?"

"Try Project Malik, no spaces."

She clicked out the word, pressed enter. They were in! "Another safety net, mate? My, you and Nick were busy boys," she commented without looking up.

Intent on her purpose, she leaned forward. His affirmation fueled her desire to get that final piece of evidence, the ace in the hole. Ryon didn't interfere. Her computer skills matched or surpassed his, and he knew she would've eventually broken into the main screen, even without Nick's help.

Conscious of the minutes slipping away, he peered into the hallway. Still clear, but not for long. Any minute one of the guards would stroll to the pool to check in with the missing man. He and Daria might have a few more minutes before they realized the man wasn't in the restroom, or in the kitchen pilfering a late-night snack.

Sweat beaded on Ryon's forehead and neck, and not just from nerves. The room was unbearably hot, his leg killing him. Not a good sign. Forcing the discomfort from his mind, he walked back to Daria.

Hunched over, she punched in another series of numbers. Waited. Then, like a miracle, a spreadsheet filled the screen. All the information they needed, at their fingertips. Smiling, Daria raised a fist in victory.

"It's all here. The drugs they used on the shifters, names of their victims-or test subjects as the ass**les called them-names of doctors and others in their employ. All sorts of damning evidence."

"God, this is so much more extensive than what we recovered from Bowman's last testing site." Something caught Ryon's eye. "Look there. It says Medicinal Countermeasures for Morphing Agents, and it looks like a recipe. Does that mean what I think?"

"It's an antidote," she breathed. Typing fast, she opened a window and, following Ryon's direction, began to send the all-important files to the Pack compound's server.

He contacted his commander. Nick, we've got it! All the files are coming your way, and it looks like there's a reversal drug for the shit they did to Ben and the others.

After a couple of seconds, the man answered in relief. Great job. As soon as it's sent, get the hell out. Time is short. I'll get our lab people working on the antidote and try to have it in hand when we fly out to pick you both up.

All right, and thanks. For everything.

Just go, and hurry.

A box flashed with the words Transfer Complete. Ryon kissed the top of her head. "I'm impressed, angel. Now let's get going. I never want to see this place again."

"I couldn't agree more."

Daria removed the thumb drive and secured it in the case again, hands trembling. Ryon could imagine what a monumental occasion this was for her, because it meant as much to him. Now Ben at least had a chance. She zipped the pack, logged off the computer, and turned to him.

"I can't wait to see the government come down on his ass like a bad case of clap."

A deep, taunting laugh reverberated against the walls, startling them both. August Bradford stepped into the office and flipped on the lights, a pistol trained on them.

Oh, Jesus.

Ryon froze and Daria pressed herself to his side. He didn't dare glance at her. Sweat trickled down the side of his face. Swallowing his sickness and anger, he met his enemy's black gaze without flinching.

August was a handsome man, with few lines on his face to hint at his age. He carried himself tall and straight, and wore an expression of faint amusement. He looked and acted the part of a spoiled, entitled man who must have very much enjoyed playing God along with Malik and Bowman.

"They wouldn't be the first ones to try, dearest niece." August looked from her back to Ryon, his smile chilling, voice dripping with meaning. "Place your weapons on the floor, nice and slow."

They did, keeping their hands in sight, then straightened. Ryon didn't respond right away, but took in the rest of August's appearance. He was dressed in blue silk pajamas, his hair shooting in several directions, mussed from sleep. They'd surprised him, which might work in their favor. The fact that the guards hadn't followed on his heels meant he had yet to alert them. That might prove their only chance for escape.

"You might want to play nice with us, old man," Ryon said flatly.

"All right, I'll bite. Why would I want to play nice?"

"Because we just sent all of your files to an arm of the government that is very interested in stamping out every last trace of the heinous experiments you were involved in with Gene Bowman and the Unseelie, Malik, whom you knew was masquerading as rich entrepreneur Evan Kerrigan."

J.D. Tyler's Books