Hunter's Heart (Alpha Pack #4)(62)

Her face paled. "Now we've got to get that cure. We're running out of time and we've got nothing effective to fight him with."

He nodded. "Seems you were right all along and I've been a fool."

"Give yourself a break. We were being pursued and shot at. You were protecting me."

"Thanks, sweetheart. Ready?"

"As I'll ever be."

As they started off again, a shadow passed over his soul. This was a suicide mission.

And even Nick wasn't saying whether Ryon would make it home alive.

Chapter Twelve

For hours, Daria trudged along behind Ryon, staring at his perfect backside. How wonderful was her mate for seeing this through? She craved justice against August for what he'd done to Ben, and she'd have it. Ben had been a fine man, a good friend. As lovers, however, she and Ben were all wrong for each other and the parting had been painful.

But she'd done her share of grieving, and had come out the other side. After a long, desolate stretch, Ryon had awakened the longing to be touched, held. Wrapped in Ryon's arms, she finally knew what it meant to find the other half of her soul.

"Check this out."

Ryon halted in his tracks, staring ahead. The trail had led them to a small pond about a quarter of the size of a football field. The thick foliage surrounding the banks made it seem much smaller, more secluded. Sunlight filtered through the forest canopy, causing lovely dappled patterns across the greenery and glassy surface. Huge old trees stood sentry at the perimeter of the bank, their dark roots extending into the water like bony fingers. Several azure butterflies floated on the air, some drinking from large flowers.

"Oh, wow! It's gorgeous!" Daria tugged on his arm, as excited as a child. "I'm so hot and grimy, could we cool off? Please?"

"I don't know." He scowled, taking in the area. "Let me try something first. Give me a bit of your jerky."

"What for?" Curious, she wasted no time setting down her pack and fetching the beef, especially if it meant a bath. She opened the bag, tore off a piece, and handed it to him.


Ryon tossed the dried meat into the center of the pond. Nothing happened at first, but gradually, tiny ripples broke at the surface of the water, like a pot beginning to boil. The action, however, never became frenzied. The fish nibbled at the treat until nothing remained, then disappeared. All was calm again. Nothing else moved.

"You were testing the pond for dangerous critters," she remarked. "I'm impressed. I probably wouldn't have thought to toss out bait."

"Just a precaution. We're close to the estate again, and getting eaten by something mutated that August helped create would ruin my day. It appears safe enough, but I'll go first. Pull up a tree root and try not to get into any trouble." He gave a lopsided grin. "And no peeking."

"Huh. Don't flatter yourself."

From his smirk, he knew she was teasing. She didn't turn away as he peeled off his dark T-shirt. When he tossed it aside, sent her a smoldering look, and went for the zipper on his fatigues, she did moan. A low, deep laugh rumbled from his chest, warming her like a shot of the whiskey she wished she'd brought along.

Daria sat on a big root, eyeing him as removed his pants and rustled through his belongings. The water swirled invitingly as he waded in. Dear Lord, Ryon belonged on one of those hunk-of-the-month calendars. The man possessed a body to rival a Greek god. Silky blond hair brushed his neck. The lean muscles of his back and arms bunched under golden skin. His chiseled butt cried out for her hands.

He waded out until the water lapped at his hips and turned so that she had a great side profile. Then he leaned back and dunked his head, giving her a tantalizing view of his chest and ripped abs. Whoa, baby!

Ryon straightened and began to lather his hair with a bar of soap she hadn't noticed in his hand. He repeated the procedure all over his upper body until she actually began to feel envious of the bubbles. He dunked himself twice to rinse, then swiped the water out of his face with his free hand. Without warning, he spun and grinned at her.

"Enjoying the show, baby?"

"I was just scouting the area for danger," she quipped.

His grin widened into a blinding smile. "Your concern for my safety is heartwarming, but the only dangerous animal around here will be me if you keep eyeballing me like I'm a steak."

"Deal with it."

Laughing, he finished up. Then he got out, used the blanket to pat dry, and got dressed. Too bad. She rose from her gnarly perch as he was pulling on a clean shirt, still favoring his side. He donned clean fatigues as well.

"I'd like to wash our dirty clothes before we leave so we can lay them out tonight to dry," she commented. "No telling when we'll find another good place to get clean."

"Good idea."

Daria discarded her clothing as fast as humanly possible, grabbed the soap, and dashed for the water. She plunged into the pond and faced Ryon, making sure her br**sts were well within his appreciative view.

"Oh, it's so warm!" she called to him. "This feels terrific."

"Doesn't it?" He didn't look like he was thinking about the water as he eyed her.

"I'll never take my shower at home for granted again."

He laughed once more. She loved the rich sound. As she scrubbed herself from head to toe, she spent the time contemplating how to get him to do it often. And that voice, made for a darkened bedroom and tangled sheets on a hot summer night? Made her wet.

J.D. Tyler's Books