Hunter's Heart (Alpha Pack #4)(61)


Only the busy chatter of day creatures awakening all around them. The men had probably moved on. He waited several more minutes, then rose to one knee. Still nothing. He stood, then made a quick sweep around the area. Satisfied, he returned to the shelter.

"Come on out. It's clear."

Daria joined him, glancing around. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah. They've gone. The problem is, they're fanned out, moving in a straight line in the same direction we want to go-toward our rendezvous point. And now they're ahead of us, or at least this squad is, rather than behind."

Her brown eyes widened. "Oh, God. That means we're literally surrounded."

"We can assume so. The good news is they don't know that, or we would already be dead."

"Somehow, honey, I don't find that very promising."

"We're breathing. For now, that will have to do." Ryon paused, considering the wisdom of his next move. "You need a weapon."

"I'm not exactly a marksman."

"Desperate times." Bending, he retrieved the handgun strapped to his ankle. Straightening, he held it out to her, butt first. "Three fifty-seven SIG. Can you handle it?"

Daria took it from him, mouth falling open. "You're trusting me with this?"

"I'm not worried about your abilities. Just point and shoot if you have to, but watch the recoil."

She studied it dubiously. "All right. I'll do my best."

"That's all either of us can do," he said quietly. "Ready?"

"We're keeping to the plan? This would be the perfect time to turn back and get the evidence we need," she said eagerly. "August would never expect it."

Grabbing his pack, Ryon stood for a moment, thinking of the pros and cons. With the majority of August's men out searching for them, she was right. He just didn't want to admit it. After a long moment, he let out a sigh. "You make a really good point."

Her eyes widened and she stepped into him, placing her palms on his chest. "You mean that?"

"Yeah. I do." At last, he forced himself to swallow his pride and jealousy. It was a bit rough going down. "Ben is important to you, so he is to me, too. I want to help him and anyone else out there who's been hurt by those experiments."

She flung her arms around his neck and kissed him soundly. He had to force his mind from taking her then and there, no matter how badly he wanted to do it. Reluctantly he let her go and they got ready.

Daria changed back into her dark fatigues for the day's hike, tucking the gun into the waistband. Then she took two protein bars from her pack and handed one to Ryon.

"Here. Quick energy before we go."

"Thanks. Until now, I can't remember when I've ever looked forward to eating compressed sawdust." He unwrapped the bar and consumed half of the nasty thing in one bite. "I'm so hungry, I'd give my firstborn for a plate of bacon and eggs."

"Think about something else. How's the arm?"

Ryon glanced at the scratch. "A little sore, that's all. I'd nearly forgotten it."

She stuffed the rest of the bar into her mouth, then peered at his arm. "Looking good. No sign of infection."

"Thanks, Doc." His lips turned up. "You are a woman of many talents, my mate."

"You have no idea," she teased, hefting her pack.

"Oh, I think I do."

As they headed back, making a wide berth to avoid any of the goons that might've been behind them, he reached out to Nick.

Change of plans, boss. Most of August's men passed us, so we're going back to take one more crack at getting that evidence.

All right, but be careful. There's been a development.

Ryon tensed. What's going on?

The creature isn't here in the Shoshone anymore. We don't think he's anywhere around, in fact.

He let that sink in, and his blood chilled. You think he's coming here?

I'd say it's highly possible.

How fast can he possibly get here on foot?

Pretty damned fast if he was given any Tracing abilities during the experiments. The park rangers here have reported three more kills that are less than a day old-and each kill is more than twelve miles apart. No way could he have covered that wide an area on foot in one night.

Shit! But why would he come here?

I'm guessing he's going after August, or you and Daria. Perhaps he senses that Daria is gone. Keep your eyes open.

Very funny, boss. He's f**king invisible!

Not totally, Nick reminded him. Watch for irregular patterns around you, like a clear kaleidoscope effect. You can spot him.

Thanks for the pep talk.

Hang in there. Shoot us the information the second you break into his files. If there's a cure present, we'll give it to the lab and have them get right to work on it. Then, when we get the word from you, we'll go wheels up and head out to retrieve you both.

Thanks, Nick.

Talk soon.

"Daria, hold up." She stopped, looking at him questioningly. "Bad news-Ben is on the move."

"In his beast form?" she asked in a quiet voice.

"Unfortunately, that's likely the case. Nick thinks he might be headed this way, maybe coming after us or your uncle."

J.D. Tyler's Books