Highland Warrior (Campbell Trilogy #1)(53)

His low growl of pleasure as he squeezed her br**sts with his hands and sucked her with his incredible mouth sent heat washing over her. Her hips started to lift as the urgency between her legs grew unbearable.

Her obvious need seemed to shatter his control. His mouth grew more insistent as he sucked, his tongue circling and his teeth nipping lightly on the turgid peak until her entire body arched against him.

Finally, when she didn’t think she could stand it anymore, he lifted his head from her breast and moved over her. He lowered his chest to hers, letting her feel some of his weight. The warm air hit her skin as he lifted her nightraile and slid his hands between her legs.

All of a sudden, she froze.

His weight suddenly felt suffocating as her mind filled with haunting images. His gentle touch suddenly felt rough and threatening. Bile rose in the back of her throat. The smoke. The soldier attempting to pry her legs apart.

She pushed against him, tears stinging her eyes, the beauty of the moment shattered by memories of the past. “Stop!” she cried. “Please stop! I can’t do this.”

Chapter 12

Desire twisted around Jamie like a steel vise. He drew a long, ragged breath, every inch of his body primed for passion. Never had he so wanted to thrust inside a woman and relieve the agonizing pressure in his loins. His c**k throbbed, pulsing with need. Every primal instinct clamored to take. Her kiss. Her moans. The sweet movements of her body. Her responsiveness had brought him to the breaking point. He held himself taut, fighting for control, until sweat gathered on his forehead.

He knew what he had to do, even if it killed him. Slowly, he lifted himself off her. “You have nothing to fear from me, Caitrina. I would never hurt you.”

She looked ready to burst into tears. “It’s just that I keep remembering . . .”

Jamie cursed his brother’s guardsman. If the blackguard weren’t dead already, he would be now.

“You don’t understand.” She looked at him wildly, tears streaming down her cheeks. “I think he . . . violated me.”

He wiped a hot tear away with his thumb. She’d remembered more than he’d realized, but not all of it. “He didn’t rape you, Caitrina.”

“How can you be sure?”

“Because I prevented him from doing so.”

Her eyes grew wide. “You did?”

He nodded. “You were unconscious, and I wasn’t sure how much you remembered. I would have said something earlier if I’d known what you thought.” His face grew grim. “But be assured the scourge paid the price for what he attempted.”

He could see that she’d understood—the soldier was dead.

“Thank you,” she said softly, lifting her eyes to his.

Though he knew she was relieved to discover she hadn’t been raped, he also knew that her fears would not be so quickly forgotten. But he also knew that making love would bring them closer. How could he show her . . .

All at once, he knew.

He took her hand, drawing it up to his mouth to place a soft kiss on her palm. “You show me what you want.” He saw her uncertainty.

“What do you mean?”

“I swear that I will not touch you unless you ask it of me.” Heaven help me. “If you want to stop, just say so.” She would be in control.

She looked at him uncertainly. “You would do this for me?”

“Aye.” He lifted her hand to his mouth. “I told you, I want to bring you pleasure.”

She blushed. “You were, until . . .”

He thought for a moment. Until he’d moved over her and slid his hands between her legs. The first could be solved easily enough; the second, well, if he did his part, she would be begging for his touch.

He lay down in bed beside her and rolled her on top of him, excruciatingly aware of every inch of her incredible body plastered to him. Her long, slim legs were entwined with his, the curve of her hip nestled against his manhood, her lush, round br**sts crushed against his chest, and the delicate pink tips poked him erotically. The sensation of this delectable woman poured over him was so extraordinary, and so unlike anything he’d ever experienced before, that Jamie wondered if he’d been hasty in his vow not to touch her.

He said a quick prayer for strength and tried not to think about it—which was easier said than done with her molded against him.

When he looked into her eyes, he could see her surprise—but not, he was relieved to see, fear.

“Um . . . are you sure it can be done . . .” She bit her lip. “Is this natural?”

God, yes. He tried not to groan, thinking just how natural this position could be. He didn’t want to think of his hands around her waist, her br**sts bouncing against his hands as she moved up and down on his throbbing—


Clearing the lustful images from his head, he answered, “There is more than one way to make love, Caitrina. And I promise to show you all of them.”

The shy blush that rose to her cheeks was one of the most sensual things he’d ever seen, for he could see the eager curiosity in her eyes.

He held his hands firmly at his side, resisting the urge to slide them along the smooth curve of her back and cup the lush swell of her bu**ocks.

“I’m afraid I don’t know what to do,” she said, clearly embarrassed.

“Whatever you will,” he replied. “I’m yours to command.”

Monica McCarty's Books