Hanging On (Jessica Brodie Diaries #2)(4)

Ty was helplessly chuckling as he watched me, frozen, waiting for the world to spin. He said, “That’s why women rarely do this sport—they’re too thoughtful. They’re too methodical. They think about shit.”

One of the guys nodded from his lean. “They talk themselves out of it before they even begin.”

“Always knew they was smarter. Y’all don’t have to give Jessie a big head.” Adam reached over the metal bars of the chute and gently grabbed my left hand. “Just gonna tie ya in, Jess.”

I had all my weight on the massive animal, shorter than a horse but broader. It’s back was somewhat rounded and very hard, a squat bundle of muscle. And I was allowing Adam to tie my hand, palm up, into a rope around it’s chest. I’d done some seriously stupid crap in my life, but this one had to take the cake.

“Okay, here—” Ty abruptly stopped talking. His focus went just over my shoulder. To William who was in the rink walking toward us with a head full of thunder clouds. Ty’s smile faltered, a hint of fear peeking through.

“Uh oh, Ty, papa bear looks mad,” I said with a smirk.

“Jessica, no way. No way. Too dangerous. What are you guys thinking?” William exclaimed, not seeing the humor.

Did I look like his child?

“William, you are going to rile the ball-less bull up then I’ll really get killed. Go do your job and keep me safe.”

“Jessica, this is too dangerous. You haven’t a clue what you are doing!”

“I know exactly what I’m doing. I am going to hold my hand in the air, wiggle my body around, fall, and run like hell. Easy.”

He got right up close to the fence, tilting his chin up to meet my eyes, which did not diminish his air of domination. My body tingled and my sexy-parts purred.

“Jessica, I am not going to tell you again, get-off-of-the-bull. You are not doing this.”

Arousal aside, I did not plan to take orders from my guy. I hated being talked to like a child. Especially in front of others.

“William.” I hardened my gaze, no longer playing. I also reduced my volume so he knew this was just for him. “I am not going to tell you again. I am going to ride this steer because I want to. I am old enough to make my own stupid decisions. I made it. Either I can do this with your help to keep me out of harm, or I can go down the road to McKinley’s ranch and ride one there. That is the choice you have to make.”

We stared at each other in a battle of wills. I wanted to kiss him. Rake down his chest with my fingers. Strap myself onto his body instead of this bull, and ride all night. But this wasn’t about sex. This was about principle, so I held my aching core in check and glared for all I was worth.

Finally, seeing I wouldn’t bend, a smile tugging at the very corners of his lips, William sighed. “Fine. But don’t blame me if you break your fool neck.”

“Deal,” I said. “Ty, give me some instructions.”

Four guys exhaled, one, Ty, also laughed. Apparently, standing up to William was a touchy affair. Just wait until they eventually met Flem.

“Okay Jess,” Ty said, leaning over the gate to help situate my body. “You want to hold on with all your mite. When the bull gets out of the chute, it will probably just hop in a straight line. This one is pretty docile. Keep your free hand in the air to try and help your balance. You won’t have form and technique, so just hold on until you start to fall. Then, and this is very important, let go. Let yourself fall and let go.”

“Yeah, let go. I got it.”

Ty should his head, deadly serious. “You’d be surprised. Many don’t remember that detail.”

“Because they want to stay on. I won’t. I think I’ll remember.”

“A rider that doesn’t want to stay on the bull. Huh," the guy leaning said with a smirk. This was probably more entertaining than anything else that evening so far.

“Okay, after you let go…” Ty continued, giving me a lopsided look, into which I rolled my eyes, “get up and run for the fence. William and I will keep the bull away from you. It probably won’t care about you anyway, but if it does we will make sure you are out of harm’s way. Try to fall on your side or butt. Falling on your feet would be best, of course, but...doubtful. You don’t want to fall on your head or fall on anything that you can break. Trust me, I’ve been there and it sucks. Got it?”

I nodded and smiled nervously. Ty hit me on the helmet. “Show all these young boys what’s what.”


William reached through the fence and gave my leg a pat. “You’ll be fine. That bull won’t go near ya.” He winked.

Ty jumped into the rink and Adam crawled up the fence, on the inside of the gate, and worked a clasp at the top. He looked down at me. “Ready?”

“No. Okay. Yes. Just do it.”

“Alright. Here goes.”

Adam jerked the gate open, the door swinging wide. I heard a slap that sounded like hand on bull butt, and suddenly we were air born!

The world rushed by in a stringy haze. I threw my hand up, feeling enormous pressure on the arm strapped in. The animal landed, jolting my body forward. I automatically leaned back, my whole body fighting inertia, not wanting to fall over the bull’s head.

It bounded up, the power in the leap jerking me, my surroundings lost to the rocking. I had no idea what my hand was doing anymore. Either hand. All I knew was that gravity was pulling to the side, the bull was ungodly strong, and I was falling.

K.F. Breene's Books