Four Years Later (One Week Girlfriend #4)(45)

“Well, yeah. I do on occasion hang out with girls, you know.” I’m irritated and I don’t really have a reason to be.

“Right, I do know. But I figured that was all you were doing. Hanging out with them and that’s it. You sound sort of serious about this Chelsea girl.”

“I’m not. Not really.” I grimace at my lie. I don’t know how I feel about Chelsea. We’re having fun. We’re taking it slow. Does she really fit into my life?


But I’m working on somehow making that happen anyway.

“So she’s a friend?” Fable asks.

“Yeah. That’s exactly what she is.” I’m not too far off the mark with that. We are friends.

Friends who like to sit on my couch when Wade’s gone and make out for hours. Until we’re both so worked up I have to practically shove her out the door for fear I’ll strip her naked and jump her bones right there in the middle of the living room. And no way can I take her back to my bedroom. I do that and we’re done for. Naked and me buried deep inside her within seconds, I have no doubt about that.

“Come on. Friends? Really?”

“Really,” I say firmly. “Let me ask Chelsea if she’s able to go and I’ll text you. Is that cool?”

“As long as you tell me as soon as possible. I need to ask for those tickets as soon as you know.”

I hang up and immediately text Chelsea, hoping she’s not sleeping in.

But hey, it’s Chelsea. I’m sure she’s already been working on her homework for the last two hours, knowing her.

Wanna go to a professional football game?

I barely have to wait two minutes before she’s responding.


Today, I type.

Are you serious?!?!

Smiling, I answer her, giving her the details, then asking: Do you have to work tonight?

No. It’s my day off.

I couldn’t make this work out any more perfect if I tried.

Then you should take your day off and come with me to San Francisco.

You really want to take me? What about Wade or Des?

They’ll kill me if they find out I’m going to a game and I didn’t invite either of their asses to go.

Tough shit.

I’d definitely rather take you.

I wait for her reply, nerves eating at my gut. This girl has me all twisted up inside and I don’t quite get it. Still.

My phone rings and I answer it without even looking to see who it is. I already know.

“I know absolutely nothing about football,” she says when I say hello.

“I can teach you.” I lie back on my bed, scratching my chest. I wish Chelsea were in bed with me. That would be a most excellent way to spend a Sunday morning.

“I’m boring. You’ll probably wish you had one of your friends with you the minute the game starts,” she says. “I’ll probably play on my phone or whatever. Or be so completely lost I won’t know what’s happening on the field.”

“You are definitely not boring. And hey, if you’re going to spend more time with me, you gotta learn about football sometime, right?”

She pauses. I can practically hear the cogs turning in her brain as she processes what I just said. “I guess you’re right,” she say, her voice soft.

That soft voice of hers gets me every single time. “I want you there with me, Chels. It’ll be fun. You could meet my sister and after the game’s done, I bet you could meet Drew, too. Come on, say yes.”

“I’d get to meet your sister?” she squeaks, sounding nervous. “Oh wow. I didn’t realize that, though it does make sense.” She pauses again, and I swear I can feel her nervousness come over the phone loud and clear. “Okay. Yes. I’ll go.”

“Good,” I say, relief sweeping through me. I’d truly been afraid she’d say no.

We make arrangements for me to come pick her up within the hour and then I hang up, immediately texting Fable that I need two tickets for Drew’s game.

I can’t wait to meet your Chelsea, Fable answers.

Yeah. I can’t wait for Fable to meet her either. Though she’s definitely not my Chelsea. Despite the occasional possessive wave that comes over me when I’m with her, we are really just friends. Friends who make out. Friends who wish for more, but neither of us is doing anything about it.

I’m almost afraid to push for fear I’ll ruin it all. She’s afraid because … I don’t know why. But taking it slow isn’t so bad.

Most of the time, it’s pretty damn good. Except when I’m walking around with blue balls.

Climbing out of bed, I exit my room and go to the kitchen, on the hunt for something quick to eat before I make my way to taking a shower and getting out of here to go pick up Chelsea.

“What are you doing up so early, ass**le?”

I stop short to find Des in my kitchen, eating a bowl of Cheerios and way too much milk. It’s practically sloshing out of the bowl and onto the table. “Good morning to you, too,” I mutter, irritated.

The guy acts like he lives here. It’s annoying as hell, especially since he doesn’t pay rent. Of course, neither does Wade, but that’s the arrangement we made before Wade moved in.

I’ve known Wade since I was a kid. His mom bailed me out multiple times and let me stay at their house way more than she ever had to. She understood Fable was always working and Mom was never around. Wade’s mother always welcomed me with open arms.

Monica Murphy's Books