Four Years Later (One Week Girlfriend #4)(44)
“Autumn and I want to come see you.”
Fable’s words surprise me and I sit up straight, run my hand over my head as I glance around my bedroom, squinting into the darkness since the blinds are closed tight and my door is shut. It’s Sunday, and I always sleep in since if I’m not working Saturday night, I’m usually at a game. Or I’ll play in the afternoon and sometimes if my schedule’s real intense, I’ll end up working that night, too.
Exactly what I did last night—and those are the worst days. I’m f**king beat.
“Autumn wants to come visit me, huh?” Yawning, I stretch my neck, my entire body sore. I almost felt out of shape out there on the field. Taking a few weeks off from practice threw me.
“Absolutely. She misses her Uncle Owen terribly. I miss you, too,” Fable adds.
“So when do you two want to come?” I ask, scrubbing a hand along my jaw, the rasp of my beard poking at my palm. I need to shave, and soon. Chelsea would probably complain if I kissed her with a face like this.
Thinking of kissing Chelsea makes my skin tingle and I fight it. I’m talking to my sister, for the love of God.
“Well, you’re playing a big game this next weekend, right? Archrival team, getting closer to playoff season and all that homecoming crap?” I love her sarcastic enthusiasm for college life. She always felt like an outsider looking in.
“Yeah, it’s a pretty big game next weekend. Starts in the late afternoon, though I don’t remember the exact time,” I say. “I’d love to have you here. It would be just you and Autumn, right?”
“Yeah. Drew will be out of state next weekend. Green Bay.”
Freaking cold and a hell of a team. I don’t envy him that. “You … don’t want to stay at my house, do you?” I’d probably have to fumigate if that were the case.
“Hell no. Are you kidding? That place scares me. I’ll get a hotel room,” she says with a soft laugh.
“Okay, cool. Yeah, if you want to come for the weekend, I’d love it.”
“Awesome. I’ll talk more with Drew about it and figure out the schedule.” She breathes a relieved little sigh. “It’s so nice talking to you on the phone with no baby in my arms. She’s always wiggling around, crying or reaching for things.”
“Where is Autumn, anyway?”
“Taking a nap. I have a sitter coming later. I’m going to Drew’s game tonight.”
“Wish I could go,” I say, like always missing my sister. And Drew. Even the baby, because I bet she’s changed a ton since the last time I got to hold her. Thank God Fable always sends me pictures. Probably too many, considering all the ones I have on my phone and the baby isn’t even six months old yet, but I enjoy every single one she sends my way.
“You should! What do you have going on tonight? Are you working?”
“I’m not, actually.” The drive to San Francisco would be almost four hours. Considering it’s barely nine o’clock—damn, my sister’s mean, calling so early on a Sunday—I could be there in plenty of time.
But do I want to make the drive? This is my one day off. The rest of the week is packed. What with school, practice, work, and Chelsea, I can hardly keep my schedule straight.
I think of Chelsea again and smile. It’s been a week since the night I took her up the Skyway and kissed her on the roof of my car. We’ve seen each other a couple of times since, though never long enough for my liking. And we sort of ruined last Wednesday’s tutoring lesson. More like it turned into me teaching Chelsea the art of slow, hour-long kisses.
She’d been so worried about getting caught, which only made it that much more intense, that much more exciting. I sat on a table, my legs spread, Chelsea standing in between them, her hands in my hair, our mouths fused. Kissing, whispering, her trying to pull out of my arms only for me to drag her back in.
Fuck, it had been hot. Knowing I couldn’t do anything with her beyond kissing. As if I’d get her naked on campus. I want her, but I’m not that stupid.
Besides, I really am still working on my portfolio and need to keep up with my English assignments. Though truthfully, I hardly need Chelsea for any of that anymore. Not that we’ve cancelled our arrangement yet.
Hell, I’m starting to believe it’s the only time I can get to see her.
“I could get you skybox tickets. I usually like to sit on the field, but the skybox is so much fun and the weather is crappy today, so we should definitely sit in the box,” she says, sounding excited. “Though I totally understand if you can’t make it, Owen. You’re busy—you need some time to relax rather than drive all the way here only to turn around and go back.”
An idea forms in my brain, one that would make going to San Francisco to see my family even more worth it. “I want to go. I’d love to see Drew play.” I pause, trying my best to sound nonchalant. “So hey. Can you get me two tickets?”
“Absolutely. Who do you want to bring with you? Wade?” I’d brought him to a couple of games in the past, so her assumption made sense.
“No … I want to bring, uh … Chelsea.” I wince, waiting for the barrage of questions and teasing.
“Owen. Really? You want to bring a girl?” Fable sounds shocked. “The girl who’s your tutor?”