Fear the Darkness (Guardians of Eternity #9)(89)
Roke widened his eyes at the unreasonable command. “But—”
Styx lifted a hand to halt the outraged protest. “Just do it.” He turned his narrowed gaze toward the gargoyle. “Both of you.”
Roke hissed in frustration. “Damn you.”
Assured the vampire would do everything in his power to find a method of luring the Dark Lord from her lair, Styx fell into step with Salvatore as he headed out of the study and down the hall.
One disaster at a time.
“Damn. I thought I was a bastard,” the Were muttered.
“You are,” Styx assured him.
Chapter 21
Styx grimaced at the sound of scurrying guards as they wisely fled the tunnels.
He didn’t blame them for their hasty retreat.
He and Salvatore were powerful alphas. Perhaps the most powerful in the world. Just being in the same room with them was enough to make most demons cringe in fear. But when they were both in hunter mode, the very air trembled in fear.
Struggling to leash his power, which was shattering the overhead lights, Styx was caught off guard when Salvatore came to a sudden halt.
“Shit,” the wolf muttered, his eyes glowing gold.
“What is it?”
“My weapons.” He glanced down at his sweatpants in disgust. “I left them in my rooms.”
“Here.” Styx pulled a gun from the holster at the small of his back, his expression somber. “If you want, I can take care of this.”
“No, Caine belongs to me.” He reached to take the gun, loaded with silver bullets. “It’s my duty.”
Styx understood. Being a leader not only meant making the hard decisions, but also carrying them through. “Evil times,” he murmured.
Salvatore nodded. “Sí.”
The Were jerked back into motion, leading Styx down a corridor to the isolated cell. The true dungeons were a level below. These rooms were for vampires awaiting sentencing from the Anasso, or for the nonmagical demons who could be held by conventional means.
They had taken less than two steps when they caught the sound of a muffled female voice.
“Caine, can you hear me?”
“Cassandra?” Styx demanded.
Pure relief flowed through Styx. “Alive.”
“At least for now,” Salvatore said, racing toward the end of the corridor and throwing open the heavy steel door.
Styx entered the cell directly behind the King of Weres, his fangs lengthening as he caught sight of the mutated beast that rose up in fury at their entrance.
Holy . . . shit.
Even after Salvatore’s warning, he was shaken. He’d seen any number of creatures, some so grotesque they could turn the stomach, but this was . . . wrong.
Distracted, Styx nearly overlooked the tiny female until she darted in front of the beast, her arms spread wide.
“No, stay back,” she cried, her delicate features so like Darcy that it made Styx’s heart clench in fear.
She had to be kept safe. His beautiful mate would be devastated if she were to lose her sister.
Not to mention the danger to the world at the loss of their prophet.
“Salvatore,” he muttered in low tones. “Do something or I will.”
The Were ignored his threat, focusing his power on the stubborn female who stood between them and the feral beast who could kill her with one blow.
“Cassandra, come to me.”
The force of his words crashed through the small cell, sizzling through the air with enough power to make Styx hiss in annoyance and Caine whine in pain.
Cassandra, however, stood without flinching, her eyes flashing emerald fire and the fine strands of her blond hair floating in the sudden breeze. “No. I won’t let you hurt him.”
“He’ll kill you,” Salvatore muttered, taking a step forward. “Now come to me.”
She scowled as the beast behind her growled in warning, his eyes glowing with madness and his large body poised to attack, despite the heavy silver manacles wrapped around his ankles.
“He won’t hurt me,” she ridiculously tried to convince them. “He only wants to protect me.”
“I’m sorry, Cassandra, more sorry than I can say, but he isn’t trying to protect you,” Salvatore said, lifting the gun. “He doesn’t even recognize you. He’s too far gone.”
Her eyes widened, the scent of her agitation making Caine howl in fury. “You’re wrong,” she hissed, her hands lifted in a pleading motion. “I reached him.”
Salvatore shook his head. “It’s impossible.”
“Not for his mate.”
Styx heard the King of Weres suck in a startled breath. “Mate?”
“He . . . no.” The prophet waved a frantic hand as Salvatore took a step forward when the feral beast wrapped a clawed hand around her arm. “Stay back.”
“Cassandra, it doesn’t matter.” Salvatore slowly continued forward, his gun aimed at the center of Caine’s chest. “I have to get you out of there.”
Cassandra winced as the beast dug his claws into her arm, his glowing gaze watching Salvatore with a growing fury, but still she tried to keep her body between her approaching king and the creature who had once been her mate.
“Listen to me. We’re connected,” she said in desperate tones. “He’s part of my family now.”
Alexandra Ivy's Books
- What Are You Afraid Of? (The Agency #2)
- Alexandra Ivy
- Blood Assassin (The Sentinels #2)
- Born in Blood (The Sentinels #1)
- Sinful Rapture (The Rapture #2)
- First Rapture (The Rapture #1)
- My Lord Immortality (Immortal Rogues #3)
- My Lord Eternity (Immortal Rogues #2)
- My Lord Vampire (Immortal Rogues #1)
- Predatory (Immortal Guardians #3.5)