Darkness Revealed (Guardians of Eternity #4)(105)
“I do not believe he begrudges those years,” Siljar said, without a hint of remorse. “Indeed, he seems quite pleased with his fate.”
Anna sucked in a deep breath. There was no point in ranting and raving at this…creature. Obviously the Oracles were firm believers in “the end justified the means.”
Instead she made a silent, solemn promise to do everything possible to make sure that Cezar never had cause to regret the sacrifices he’d been forced to make for her.
“Then I’m not here because of Cezar?” she demanded.
“Is it Morgana?”
Okay. This was getting her precisely nowhere.
“Do I at least get some sort of lawyer?”
Something that might have been amusement flashed in the black eyes. “You are not here to be judged, Anna Randal.”
“Then why am I here?”
With a formal gesture, Siljar pointed toward the opening that loomed just down the tunnel.
“Step into the cavern and all will be explained.”
Not at all satisfied with the vague promise, Anna abruptly threw her arms up as there was a brilliant flash of light and the demon just…disappeared.
“Great. Just freaking great,” she muttered, blinking the pain from her eyes and turning toward the opening of the cavern. The fear that had clutched her since the arrival of the demon in her bedroom remained, but along with it was a rising sense of resignation. Deep in her heart she knew that this was the secret destiny that Cezar had kept hidden from her. That even if she turned and ran from these tunnels she would only be returned. There was no avoiding what was waiting for her in the darkness, so why the hell not just get it over with?
Squaring her shoulders, Anna allowed the always tangible sense of Cezar to fill her mind. He might be miles away, but the sensation of him flooded through her with a comforting force. Her thinly stretched courage returned, as if Cezar were standing at her side, and with an unconscious tilt of her chin she forced herself to walk forward.
If this was to be her fate, then she would meet it with her head high.
At least physically speaking.
Stepping into the inky darkness she sensed a vast opening with a high ceiling that made the slightest noise echo eerily through the silence.
She stopped not far from the entrance, unable to see a damn thing. She wasn’t overly anxious to make her entrance by tripping over something and landing flat on her face.
“Hello?” she called out, unable to hide the impatience in her voice.
Without a breath of sound a torch set in the center of the stone floor flared to life, revealing a small wooden chair.
“Anna Randal,” a deep male voice echoed through the cavern. “Sit. We offer you welcome.”
She hesitated only a moment before moving to settle on the seat. Despite the fact that she could make out only shadowed forms seated at what appeared to be a long table on a dais, she was acutely aware that she was wearing nothing more than a T-shirt, and her hair hung in tangles.
She could actually feel the weight of their gazes on her.
“Thank you,” she muttered, a shiver wracking her chilled body.
“Do not fear, we mean you no harm,” a softer voice soothed. A voice that held the faint hiss of a snake. Yikes.
Suddenly relieved that she couldn’t actually make out more than their outlines, Anna sucked in a deep breath.
“Then why am I here?”
“You know who we are?” the male voice demanded.
“I suppose you must be the Oracles, although I don’t really know what all that entails.”
“We are the justice of the demon world,” a new, guttural voice proclaimed. “It is our duty to ensure that the ancient laws are obeyed and to arbitrate disagreements between the species. We punish those who threaten our world and offer answers for those who seek our wisdom.”
“We are the protection of the demon world.” The hissing woman continued the strange litany. “With our powers we hold the veils between dimensions and help to shroud our people from the sight of the humans who infect this world.”
“We are the compassion of the demon world.” This time it was Siljar who spoke. “We provide sanctuary for those in need. We protect those who cannot protect themselves.”
It was an unfamiliar female voice who spoke the last words of the recitation. “We are the future and the past of the demon world. With the gift of foresight we steer the paths of those who have been revealed to alter our history. We preserve our traditions for those to come.”
It sounded as if they had rehearsed that impressive little spiel more than once.
It didn’t, however, answer her question.
“Yes, well, that’s all very interesting, but I’m still not sure what it has to do with me,” she said.
“We have been watching you for some time, Anna Randal,” the guttural voice informed her.
“Watching me? Why?”
“It is foreseen that you are to become an Oracle.”
The breath was wrenched from her lungs as if she’d taken a blow.
Actually, it was worse than a blow, she acknowledged, as numb disbelief flooded her body and threatened to shut down her brain. She’d taken enough hits over the years to shrug most of them aside.
But to be told, out of the freaking blue, that she was destined to become some omnipotent being that was in charge of the entire demon world…well, that wasn’t something anyone was going to shrug off.
Alexandra Ivy's Books
- What Are You Afraid Of? (The Agency #2)
- Alexandra Ivy
- Blood Assassin (The Sentinels #2)
- Born in Blood (The Sentinels #1)
- Sinful Rapture (The Rapture #2)
- First Rapture (The Rapture #1)
- My Lord Immortality (Immortal Rogues #3)
- My Lord Eternity (Immortal Rogues #2)
- My Lord Vampire (Immortal Rogues #1)
- Predatory (Immortal Guardians #3.5)