Darkness Revealed (Guardians of Eternity #4)(103)

Cezar’s teeth clenched as his body bowed in sharp, brutal need.

“Ah…querida,” he groaned, drowning in her honeyed scent and the feel of her tongue as it trailed a searing path along the edge of his boxers. So close. So agonizingly close. “Your touch is magic.”

She chuckled as she nibbled the tip of him through the fine silk of his boxers. Cezar gave a low shout, his hands dropping from her body to grab at the cover beneath him. He was terrified he would bruise her tender skin.

Enjoying her power over him way too much, Anna took her time as she slid the boxers down his body. Even then she remained kneeling above him, drinking in the sight of his hard, straining erection with a smile teasing at her lips.

“Oh, you haven’t seen anything yet.”

Cezar’s hands lifted. He was going to yank her downward and put an end to his torment. He needed to be inside her. Deep inside. But before he could do more than grasp her waist she was bending downward and…blessed saints, she was taking him into her mouth.

His eyes slid shut as his ragged moan filled the air.

Who knew that torture could feel so damn good?

Chapter 24

Over the next three days, Anna discovered the true pleasure of being a vampire’s mate. Never in her long existence had she been so pampered, so loved, so happy.

And it was more than just Cezar’s tender attentions, although they were enough to fill the heart of the most demanding woman. What female in her right mind wouldn’t adore having a mouthwatering, drop-dead gorgeous man indulging her every whim? It was the stuff of fantasy.

But there were also days spent shopping with Abby and Shay and Darcy, along with evenings surrounded by Viper’s clan, who readily treated her as one of their own.

This is what it was to have a family.

It was…astonishing.

Of course, for all her happiness, Anna knew that there was still something troubling Cezar.

He might be a master at hiding his emotions, but she was his mate. There was no way he could disguise his aching pain when he denied himself the temptation of her blood. Or the brooding fear she could occasionally sense deep in his heart.

That vague, annoying destiny that everyone and their freaking dog seemed to know about, except her.

Perhaps foolishly, Anna refused to dwell on the future.

If she had learned anything over the years, it was that these moments of contentment were all too rare. And all too fleeting.

She intended to enjoy this time while she could.

A wise choice as it turned out.

Snuggled in Cezar’s arms in one of Viper’s countless bedrooms, Anna was deeply asleep when a sudden explosion of light had her sitting upright, her powers already filling the air with a hot, threatening prickle.

Half expecting a horde of ravaging fairies, she was startled to discover a…well, she wasn’t exactly sure what it was.

The creature looked human. Actually she looked like a little girl, her short stature and slender body covered by a white robe. But there was nothing human about the strange oblong eyes that were solid black, or the ancient wisdom that was etched on the delicate features.

Oh, and then there were the sharp, pointed teeth.


Obviously sensing Anna’s power, the intruder held up a gnarled hand in a gesture of peace.

“I am no enemy, Anna Randal,” she said, her voice low and strangely hypnotic.

Unnerved by the unexpected appearance of the woman, not to mention the fact that Cezar had yet to stir next to her, Anna tugged the covers up to her chin.

“Holy crap. Doesn’t anyone know how to knock in the demon world?” she muttered.

The tiny head dipped, the long gray braid slipping over her shoulder and nearly brushing the ground.

“Forgive me. It was not my intent to frighten you.”

Not her intent? Then maybe she shouldn’t be popping into private bedrooms, Anna silently acknowledged, smart enough to keep the thought to herself. She was learning that size had no bearing on how much power a demon might possess.

“Who are you?”

Straightening, the demon regarded her with those strange, unblinking eyes.

“I am Siljar.” Her head tilted to one side. “No, I have no relationship to Morgana or the fairies, nor did I bring harm to your vampire.”

Anna’s breath caught in her throat as the woman answered the questions that burned through her mind.

“How did you…”

“I am capable of reading your thoughts,” the woman interrupted.


Sensing her discomfort, the woman shrugged. “Yes, it is quite disconcerting for those not accustomed to my talent.”

It was more than disconcerting, but Anna had greater things to worry about than what random thoughts the woman might be reading.

“What have you done to Cezar?” she demanded, her gaze shifting to the unconscious vampire at her side.

“He merely sleeps,” she soothed. “I assure you, he is not harmed.”

Returning her attention to Siljar, Anna reached out to place a hand on Cezar’s arm. Sleeping or not, he provided her comfort just by being near.

“Is that your doing?”


Anna swallowed an impatient curse. She just wanted to be left alone with the man she loved.

Was that too much to ask?

“What do you want?”

Alexandra Ivy's Books