Darkness Avenged (Guardians of Eternity #10)(72)
“You think that if there was a way to get rid of this I would hesitate for even a heartbeat?” she squawked. “The last thing I want is to be tied to a leech.”
Roke stiffened as her accusation sent a stab of anger through his heart. As if he were . . . what? Upset by her fierce rejection of their bonding? She was only saying what was exactly on his mind, wasn’t she?
Thankfully his ridiculous broodings were interrupted by Styx.
“You didn’t exchange blood?”
Roke shook his head, refusing to acknowledge the ruthless hunger that had plagued him since Sally had trapped him in her spell. “No.”
“Strange.” Styx pushed away from the desk, stepping toward Sally. “You have no idea what demon blood runs in your veins?”
“Your magic interferes with my senses. Perhaps your blood . . .” Styx’s words were bitten off as Roke abruptly shoved Sally behind his rigid body, his lips peeled back to emphasize his fully exposed fangs. “Shit, Roke,” the ancient vampire muttered.
“You’re not tasting her blood,” he snarled.
Styx scowled, the icy throb of his power warning Roke who was in charge.
“Unless we discover what kind of demon she is, we won’t know how this happened.” He allowed a strategic pause. “Or if it can be reversed.”
Roke refused to back down. “No one takes her blood but me.”
“Hey,” Sally protested, kicking Roke on the back of his leg.
The two men ignored her.
“No way,” Styx snapped. “For now we can hope this is the result of her demon powers. If you take her blood—”
“No one’s taking my blood—are we clear on that?” Sally again intruded into their conversation, this time giving Roke a punch to the arm.
Styx arched a startled brow as he glanced toward the furious witch. “She’s feisty for such a little thing.”
“She’s a pain in the ass,” Roke muttered.
She growled. Not an animal growl. But an I’m-so-pissed-I-could-kill-you growl. “Someday I’m truly going to turn you into a newt,” she threatened Roke.
Without warning Styx tilted back his head to laugh with genuine amusement. “I’d go for a cave troll if I were you,” he informed the astonished Sally. “His vanity could use a few warts.”
Roke glared at his king. Traitor. “I’m glad you can find humor in this.”
Styx shrugged. “Imagine my reaction when I found myself mated to a pure-blooded Were.”
An emotion he refused to identify darted through Roke at the thought of this powerful vampire with Darcy. There was no mistaking the fact that the two adored one another and had no embarrassment in displaying their love whenever they were together.
Not that he wanted that sort of mating, he hastily reassured himself. His heart and loyalty belonged to his clan.
“It’s not the same,” he said roughly.
“No, I don’t suppose it is.” With a grimace Styx reached to grasp Roke’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, my brother, we’ll figure this out.”
Roke avoided glancing at the woman who had turned his life upside down. “We damned well better,” he muttered.
There was an awkward silence as Roke felt Sally take a deliberate step away, shaking off his clinging hand.
“Now tell me about this book,” Styx commanded.
Resisting the urge to wrap his arm around the female and tuck her back against his side, Roke rigidly concentrated on Styx’s abrupt change in conversation.
“It was hidden in a safe that was bricked over in an abandoned warehouse ten miles north of here.”
Styx nodded, not bothering to ask how Roke had managed to knock through the bricks to expose the safe. “And why do we need a witch?”
“Because it’s protected by black magic,” Sally answered. “Deadly to anyone foolish enough to touch it.”
Styx curled his lips in the typical vampire reaction to magic. “Can you get rid of it?”
Sally hesitated before giving a wary nod. “I think so, but the magic was more potent than any I’ve tried to deal with before. It will take time and specific ingredients to prepare a counterspell with enough punch to break through.”
Styx was speaking before Roke could protest. “Darcy will get what you need.”
“Fine, but I’m not returning to the dungeons,” she warned. “If you want my help, then you can’t treat me like a prisoner.”
The Anasso studied her with a narrowed gaze. “I have your word that you won’t try to escape?”
She blinked in surprise. “You trust the word of a witch?”
“Do I have your word?” Styx repeated, his voice as hard as granite.
Sally shrugged, lifting her arm to reveal the mating mark. “I swear I’m not leaving until you get rid of this. Good enough?”
Styx gave a rueful nod. “Good enough. You’ll find Darcy in the kitchen. Just tell her what you need.”
Clearly thinking it had to be a trap, the tiny witch backed her way out of the door, never taking her gaze off the massive Aztec warrior.
Roke watched her wary departure with gritted teeth, telling himself to let her go. The more space between them the better.
But the instant she was out of sight, his good intentions shattered. With a muttered curse he was heading out of the room, catching his fleeing prey just as she was turning the corner.
Alexandra Ivy's Books
- What Are You Afraid Of? (The Agency #2)
- Alexandra Ivy
- Blood Assassin (The Sentinels #2)
- Born in Blood (The Sentinels #1)
- Sinful Rapture (The Rapture #2)
- First Rapture (The Rapture #1)
- My Lord Immortality (Immortal Rogues #3)
- My Lord Eternity (Immortal Rogues #2)
- My Lord Vampire (Immortal Rogues #1)
- Predatory (Immortal Guardians #3.5)