Darkness Avenged (Guardians of Eternity #10)(69)
He held on to Nefri as Baine offered a last mocking wave and the throne room faded to be replaced by the rolling meadow and large tree that was no longer split in two.
Barely managing to keep his balance at the abrupt change from a polished wood floor to muddy, uneven ground, Santiago’s seething frustration became pure male outrage at the stench of granite and . . . was that brimstone?
“There you are,” a French-accented voice proclaimed. “Mon dieu. I thought you’d been stolen by leprechauns.”
“Leprechauns,” a female voice taunted. “Everyone knows there are no leprechauns.”
Spinning on his heel, Santiago discovered the stunted gargoyle standing a few feet away, accompanied by a tiny female demon with black, oblong-shaped eyes and razor sharp teeth.
Gods almighty, the gargoyle had a friend?
Okay, maybe not a friend, he hastily revised his opinion as the two glared at one another.
“It was a metaphor,” Levet informed his companion, his wings quivering with anger.
The female gave a toss of her long braid, her hands smoothing down the long, white robe that covered her diminutive body. “It was idiotic,” she muttered.
“Dios.” Santiago turned to discover Nefri regarding the tiny couple with a faint smile. “Shoot me now.”
Chapter 19
Styx’s lair in Chicago
Sally didn’t know why she was caught off guard when Roke carried her directly to Styx’s dungeon.
Did she think making him her temporary love-slave would soften his hatred for her? Or hey, maybe he would be grateful she’d made him betray his people and help her escape?
Yeah, he should be thrilled-to-freaking-death with her.
Still, as he entered the house by the hidden tunnel and headed directly to the dungeon, she was overwhelmed by a sudden avalanche of panic.
What did he intend to do to her? He’d been furious in the warehouse. How did she know he didn’t intend to kill her and leave her body for the scavengers?
And once she was back in the hexed cell, she would be utterly helpless.
Pounding his back with her fists, she futilely attempted to kick him in the one place vampires were as vulnerable as any other man.
“No,” she shrieked. “I won’t be locked up again.”
His steps never faltered as he bypassed the curious guards. “I didn’t ask for your opinion.”
“Let me go.” He ignored her, shoving open the door to the dungeon and heading down the narrow corridor that ran between the line of cells. “Roke, did you hear me?”
“I’m sure your screechings are audible to half of Chicago.”
Sally bit her lip. Her hands ached from hitting the unyielding muscles of his back and with every step the cell grew nearer. Soon she would be locked away. Or worse.
Abruptly something inside her broke and to her utter humiliation she burst into tears.
“You . . . bastard.”
Apparently as shocked as she was by her emotional meltdown, Roke slid her off his shoulder so she was standing directly in front of him.
“Sssh,” he muttered, frowning as his thumbs brushed the tears from her cheeks. “I’m not going to hurt you.”
She sniffed, telling herself that she wasn’t comforted by his gentle touch.
He was a . . . a . . . cold-blooded leech.
“You already have,” she muttered.
“Me?” He appeared ridiculously outraged by her accusation. “What have I done?”
Was he serious? She lifted her arm to reveal the strange rash on her inner arm.
“This, for one thing.”
His jaw tightened, as if angered by her reminder of the crimson mark. “Don’t blame me. That’s entirely your fault.” He lifted his own arm, pushing back the sleeve of his jacket to reveal a matching rash.
“I don’t . . .” Her words faltered. Wait. How could he have the same exact rash as her? Was it some side effect from her powers? She hadn’t heard of anything like it. All right, there was the brand between mated vampires that was supposed to be some sort of red tattoo, but it couldn’t be that. Impossible. Abruptly she remembered his fury as he’d ripped off his jacket and her heart stuttered to a painful halt. “Oh crap. Is that . . .”
“A mating mark,” he assured her in icy tones.
She shook her head, stumbling backward as her brain refused to accept what he was saying.
“How’s that possible? I thought leeches had to exchange blood to become bonded.” She unconsciously ran her fingers over the markings on her arm, as if she could rub them away. “Not to mention lack the homicidal urge to murder each other.”
He curled back his lips to reveal his fully extended fangs. Yep. Definitely murder on his mind.
“Obviously your spell triggered the mating instinct.”
She shivered. Mating instinct. It was primitive. Uncivilized.
And not at all a reason for her stomach to flutter as if she were . . .
No. Way.
“I don’t care how it happened,” she said, an edge of panic in her voice. “Just get rid of it.”
He lifted a dark brow, his pale eyes reflecting the overhead light. “And how would you suggest I do that?”
“I . . .” She licked her dry lips.
Alexandra Ivy's Books
- What Are You Afraid Of? (The Agency #2)
- Alexandra Ivy
- Blood Assassin (The Sentinels #2)
- Born in Blood (The Sentinels #1)
- Sinful Rapture (The Rapture #2)
- First Rapture (The Rapture #1)
- My Lord Immortality (Immortal Rogues #3)
- My Lord Eternity (Immortal Rogues #2)
- My Lord Vampire (Immortal Rogues #1)
- Predatory (Immortal Guardians #3.5)