Darkness Avenged (Guardians of Eternity #10)(44)
Nefri slowly bent down to sit on the floor. Towering over the child wasn’t going to help. “Does she know what happened to her?”
“We were just getting to that, weren’t we, Melinda?” His attention returned to the female, who gave a violent shake of her head.
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“I know it was horrible for you,” he sympathized in soothing tones.
“It was worse than horrible.”
“Let’s return to the beginning,” Santiago urged. “Can you do that for me?”
Melinda shuddered, but clearly as susceptible as every other female to Santiago’s potent charm, she sucked in a deep breath. “I’ll try.”
“Good girl. How long have you been here?”
Her brow wrinkled in genuine confusion. “I’m not sure. A day, maybe two. Does it matter?”
“No. Everything’s fine.” He tilted back her chin, studying her pale, tearstained face. “Why were you at this place?”
Nefri watched the girl struggle to swallow, the sound of her pounding heart thundering through the room.
“It was a party. A birthday party for Brian,” she at last managed to rasp. “We always come here because the police never drive out this far.”
“How many?”
“We started with a couple dozen or so, but once the keg ran dry a lot of people began returning to town.” Her bottom lip stuck out, reminding Nefri of just how young she truly was. Barely more than a baby. “There was some stupid dance at the high school.”
“But you stayed?” Santiago asked.
“Yes.” She gave a slow nod. “I’ve waited forever for Robert to notice me and he . . .”
“Go on,” Santiago urged.
The girl burrowed her face in Santiago’s shoulder. “It’s embarrassing.”
“You can tell me,” Santiago said, threading his words with a trace of compulsion.
Nefri lifted her brows at his delicate touch. It was rare for a vampire to be able to influence a human without seizing complete control of their minds and destroying their free will. At the same time he was able to soothe her hysterics despite the fear that continued to pulse in the air.
With a tentative motion, Melinda pulled her head back to meet Santiago’s dark gaze. “There were six of us left and we started kissing and stuff,” she admitted in a husky voice.
“And?” he prodded.
“Santiago,” Nefri softly protested.
He lifted a silencing hand, his gaze never straying from the humiliated girl. “Melinda, tell me.”
She hunched a defensive shoulder. “I think someone must have spiked our drinks because one minute I was making out with Robert and the next we were all on the ground . . .” Her head dropped, a blush staining her pale cheeks. “You know . . . together.”
“And that’s something you don’t usually enjoy?” Santiago asked.
“Of course not.” She tilted back her head. “I’m not a slut no matter what Vicky Spearman might say.”
“So you just couldn’t stop yourself?”
“No. We were all out of control.”
Santiago shot Nefri a glance and she gave a slow nod. The girl was incapable of lying under Santiago’s compulsion, which meant that she was truly horrified by her participation in group sex.
As powerful an emotion as violence and fear.
Santiago shifted his gaze back to Melinda. “Then what happened?”
She trembled. “The air was suddenly freezing and when I opened my eyes I realized there was a stranger standing over us.”
“Describe him.”
“Not super tall, thin with dark hair.” She licked her lips, her heartbeat quickening. “Weird eyes.”
“It was like he was looking at us, but he wasn’t really seeing us,” the girl explained. “I thought at first he must be some crazy crackhead who wanted to be closer to the fire.”
“Was he alone?”
Nefri leaned forward. Gaius was alone? Surely the girl had to be mistaken. “You’re certain?”
Melinda never allowed her gaze to stray from Santiago. “I didn’t see anyone else, I swear.”
“I believe you,” Santiago assured her. “What did the stranger do?”
She paused, as if struggling to remember. “At first he just stood there, but then Brian jumped up and tried to take a swing at him.” She made a sound of distress. “The man laughed and grabbed Brian by the throat and . . .”
“Ssh. You’re safe, mija.” Santiago’s voice eased the rising panic, as soft and beguiling as dark velvet. “Go on.”
“He bit him.” Melinda lifted a hand to her own neck, touching the wounds that still leaked a trickle of blood. “Like he was an animal or something.”
“What did you do?”
“I wanted to run, but I was so freaked out I couldn’t move. None of us could.”
Had Gaius been able to shift the humans’ emotions from lust to fear? Or had the mysterious spirit been hidden nearby?
“Did the stranger hurt your friends?” Santiago continued.
Alexandra Ivy's Books
- What Are You Afraid Of? (The Agency #2)
- Alexandra Ivy
- Blood Assassin (The Sentinels #2)
- Born in Blood (The Sentinels #1)
- Sinful Rapture (The Rapture #2)
- First Rapture (The Rapture #1)
- My Lord Immortality (Immortal Rogues #3)
- My Lord Eternity (Immortal Rogues #2)
- My Lord Vampire (Immortal Rogues #1)
- Predatory (Immortal Guardians #3.5)