Cranberry Point (Cedar Cove #4)(70)

Bruce placed their order and carried a tray with sodas to their table. He unloaded their drinks and pulled out the chair across from her.

Rachel suddenly realized that Bruce had come to the mall just to see her, since he'd been walking in as she was walking out. Still, she found it hard to fathom that after all this time, after their numerous conversations, he actually wanted to take her to dinner.

"Jolene told me you went out on your date with the bachelor," he commented, then sipped his cola.

"I did."

"How'd it go?"

She shrugged and reached for her diet drink. "All right, I guess."

"Are you going to see him again?"

He was mighty curious about her time with Nate Olsen. "Probably not."

He studied her, frowning slightly. "You sound disappointed."

"I am. I like Nate. He's a little young for me, but—"

"He's younger than you are?"

Rachel burst out laughing, attracting the attention of those sitting close by. "You sound like my father."

"Sorry." He lowered his head as though embarrassed. "Forget I said anything."

Bruce seemed jealous, which shocked her. "Bruce?"

He looked up.

"What's all this about?"

"What do you mean?"

Rachel narrowed her eyes. "You know what I mean. Let's not play games, all right? When you came to the mall this evening, it wasn't because you had some errand. It was to seek me out, wasn't it?"

"Anything wrong with that?"

His defenses were up again, but so were hers. "Well, no, but why pretend otherwise? Just be honest, would you?"

He raised his hands, palms up. "I am being honest."

"To yourself, I mean," she elaborated.

The waitress, a high-school kid judging by her appearance, brought their enchilada platters. Rachel glanced down at hers and Bruce looked at his and in a perfectly synchronized movement, they switched plates.

"Do you mind if we eat before we continue this inquisition?"

She gave him a quick grin. Sliding her fork over the cheese enchilada, Rachel cut off her first bite. "I didn't intend to give you the third degree."

"The thing is," Bruce admitted between bites, "I'm not exactly sure why I asked you to dinner. I dropped Jolene off at her friend's house and here it was Friday night, and I didn't I feel like spending the evening alone. I got a hankering for enchiladas, but I didn't want to take up an entire table just for myself."

"I usually order mine to go."

"I tried to think of someone who might be interested in coming with me, and you were the first person who popped into my head. So I figured I'd see if you were available."

Rachel wasn't sure she should be flattered. At the moment she was too perplexed to figure it out.

"Jolene likes you a lot," Bruce said halfway through their meal.

Rachel was fond of the little girl, too, but her feelings about the child's father weren't quite as straightforward. Might as well find out what was going on here. "Do you like me, Bruce?" she asked bluntly.

"Obviously. I didn't stop to analyze it. I thought you" might be available and I was right. I'm glad."

"I am, too," she said. "I was headed home for reruns of NYPD Blue."

"You don't go bar-hopping with your friends?"

She shook her head. "I learned a long time ago that a bar isn't a good place to meet men." Not decent men, anyway, she amended to herself. Problem was, she didn't know where to meet men. She was wary of the Internet and not a club-joiner. She enjoyed crafts but she had yet to meet a single guy hanging out at a quilting bee.

"Have you had many serious relationships?"

She shrugged. "A few." She'd dated a guy back in her early twenties, discovered he was already married and dropped him instantly. That kind of grief she could live without. Ever since then, she'd been careful. Perhaps too careful... "What about you?"

His gaze fell to the table. "There's never been anyone but Stephanie."

The way he said his dead wife's name led Rachel to believe there never would be anyone else.

"I'd like to give this a shot," he said unexpectedly.



She opened her eyes wide. "Are you saying you'd like to go out with me?"

"Is that so surprising?"

Rachel needed a sip of her soda to ease the sudden dry-ness in her throat. "Frankly, yes."

"Would you be willing to see me now and again?"

"To what purpose?"

Bruce's mouth narrowed. "You're the kind of person who reads the last page of the book before you buy it, aren't you?"

That was precisely what she did. She laughed. "As a matter of fact, I do."

"I thought so. I don't know to what end. We can agree to play this by ear. Is that okay with you?"

"I guess." She considered it for a moment. "Tell me something first."

"All right."

"Asking me out tonight—did it have anything to do with Nate Olsen?"

The question seemed to trouble him, because he didn't answer immediately.

Debbie Macomber's Books