Cranberry Point (Cedar Cove #4)(69)

"I think it's a bit far-fetched to believe one of them has a vendetta against four American soldiers after all these years. Why wait until now?"

Bob shrugged. "I don't know." Roy could be right; this scenario was probably a fantasy, something he'd invented in his own desperation.

But nothing else made sense, either.


Walking into the mall parking lot on Friday evening, Rachel hummed an old Eagles song, trying to get her mind off her pathetic love life. Her one date with bachelor Nate Olsen had been exactly that. One date. One expensive date. It depressed her that she hadn't heard from him in the two weeks since.

Well, so be it; he'd told her he was involved with a girl back home. She could have accepted that, would have without a qualm, but then he had to go and ruin everything by kissing her. Damn, he was one good kisser. As far as Rachel was concerned, he should be arrested for possessing a lethal weapon—his lips. The way he'd kissed her had been so spectacular he'd left her in agony. That single kiss had made her ache even more for a romantic relationship.

Not that she was desperate. Not like some of the women who came into the shop. Only that morning she'd had a client, a working wife and mother, and listened to a litany of woes. The husband drank, was unemployed, hung around the house and was seeing another woman. The really crazy thing was that Rachel's client was mad at this jerk's girlfriend! In Rachel's opinion, this client was so worried about the trees, she didn't see the forest. Yeah, it was a cliche, but cliches were useful sometimes. Anyway, if her client did toss the bum out on the street where he belonged, he'd soon find some other woman to support him. Rachel had seen it happen again and again.

She was so involved in her thoughts that she almost didn't hear someone call her name.


She turned around and discovered Bruce Peyton walking rapidly toward her. "Oh, hi," she said, her hands tightening around her car keys. Jolene had spent the previous Sunday at her place. She'd picked up the little girl and dropped her off four hours later, with only a minimal exchange of words with Bruce.

"Hi." He grinned. "Jolene had a really good time last Sunday."

"I did, too." They'd shopped, eaten pizza, watched videos, painted their toenails and chatted.

"She hasn't stopped talking about it."

"I'll give her a call soon and we'll bake those chocolate chip cookies I mentioned."

"She said something about that. I hope you'll send a few of them home with her."

"Of course." Rachel moved toward her car. It'd been a long week, and although she didn't have any special plans, she was eager to get home.

"Are you doing anything tonight?" Bruce asked.

"Not really. Did you want to drop Jolene off?"

"No, no," he said hurriedly and shook his head. "She's spending the night with a friend. It's a slumber party."

"What about this Sunday afternoon?"

"Sure, she'd like that."

"I'll see you then."

"Rachel." He stopped her again, looking decidedly uncomfortable. "Listen. Are you doing anything right now?"

"Now?" she repeated in a puzzled voice.

"I mean, do you have a dinner date or something like that?"


"Do you want to have dinner with me?"

Bruce was asking her out for dinner? "You and me? Like a date?"

He nodded. "Not an actual date, just dinner with a friend. If you want to. If you've got other plans, that's fine. No big deal. I was thinking of the Taco Shack."

Rachel hesitated.

"You've got plans." A defensive edge sharpened his words.

"No, it's just that I'm not sure this is a good idea."

"How come?"

She had a few questions of her own. "Why are you asking me? Why now?"

His head reared back as if her questions were unexpected. "Why not now? Jolene's with her friends for the night, and the truth is I'm not all that interested in my own company."

It certainly wasn't any fun to sit in a restaurant alone. Rachel knew that because she'd done it herself. And really, what would she do tonight other than watch TV and eat a microwave dinner? "All right."

A smile smoothed out the frown lines on his face. "That's great. Do you want to go with me or just meet there?"

Rachel looked at her car and decided to meet Bruce at the restaurant. With anyone else, she would've suggested she go home, shower and change clothes. But Bruce seemed to be in a rush. It was already nearly seven. Rachel had done a perm late in the afternoon, which had taken longer than she'd expected.

By the time she arrived at the Taco Shack, Bruce had found a place at one of the picnic tables. The menu was posted on the wall above the counter. Rachel knew everything listed on it, since she stopped in at least once a week for takeout.

"What would you like?" Bruce asked when she joined him. He gazed up at the menu.

"I'd like the enchilada platter," she said. "One chicken and one cheese with extra salsa."

Bruce smiled, nodding. "That's my favorite, too, but I prefer two beef enchiladas." He removed his wallet from his back pocket as he approached the counter. The line wasn't too long for a Friday night, although Rachel suspected that in another ten or fifteen minutes, there'd be a wait for a table.

Debbie Macomber's Books