Conspiracy in Death (In Death #8)(41)
"Got any personal data -- spousal pressure might've pushed him out of the job, money problems, threat of divorce. Maybe he boozed or drugged or gambled."
"It's tougher to get personal data. I have to do the standard request and have cause."
"I'll get it," Eve said, slipping behind the wheel. She thought of Roarke and his skills. And his private office with the unregistered and illegal equipment. "When I have it, you'd be better off not asking how I came by it."
"Came by what?" Peabody asked with an easy smile.
"Exactly. We're taking a little personal time now, Peabody. Call it in. I don't want our next stop on the log."
"Great. Does that mean we're going to hunt up some men and have disgusting, impersonal sex?"
"Aren't you getting enough with Charles?"
Peabody hummed in her throat. "Well, I can say I'm feeling a little looser in certain areas these days. Dispatch," she said into her communicator. "Peabody, Officer Delia, requesting personal time on behalf of Dallas, Lieutenant Eve."
"Received and acknowledged. You are off log."
"Now, about those men," Peabody said comfortably. "Let's make them buy us lunch first."
"I'll buy you lunch, Peabody, but I'm not having sex with you. Now, get your mind off your stomach and your glands, and I'll update you."
By the time Eve pulled up in front of the Canal Street Clinic, Peabody's eyes were sober. "You think this goes deep, a lot deeper than a handful of dead street sleepers and LCs."
"I think we start making a safe copy of all reports and data, and we keep certain areas of investigation quiet."
She caught sight of a sleepy-eyed brewhead loitering in the doorway and jabbed a finger at him. "You have enough brain cells left to earn a twenty?"
"Yeah." His bloodshot eyes brightened. "For what?"
"My car's in the same shape it is now when I come out, you get twenty."
"Good deal." He hunkered down with his bottle and stared at her car like a cat at a mousehole.
"You could've just threatened to kick his balls into his throat like you did with the guy the other day," Peabody pointed out.
"No point in threatening the harmless." She breezed through the doors of the clinic, noted that the waiting area looked very much as it had on her previous visit, and walked straight to the check-in window.
"I need to speak with Dr. Dimatto."
Jan the nurse gave Eve a sulky look. "She's with a patient."
"I'll wait, same place as before. Tell her I won't take much of her time."
"Dr. Dimatto is very busy today."
"That's funny. So am I." Leaving it at that, Eve stood at the security door, lifted a brow and stared down the nurse.
She let loose the same gusty sigh as she had on Eve's first visit, shoved out of her chair with the same irritable shrug of motion. What, Eve wondered, made so many people resent doing their jobs?
When the locks opened, she stepped in, met Jan's eyes on level. "Gee, thanks. I can see by your cheerful attitude how much you love working with people." She could see by Jan's confused expression it would take a while for the sarcasm to sink in.
Eve went through and settled into the cramped little office to wait for Louise.
It took twenty minutes, and the doctor didn't look particularly pleased to see Eve again. "Let's make this fast. I've got a broken arm waiting to be set."
"Fine, I need you as an expert consultant on my case for the medical end of things. The hours suck, the pay's lousy. There may be some possibility of risk, and I'm very demanding of the people who work with me."
"When do I start?"
Eve smiled with such unexpected warmth and humor, Louise nearly goggled. "When's your next day off?"
"I don't get whole days, but I don't start my rotation tomorrow until two."
"That'll work. Be at my home office tomorrow, eight sharp. Peabody, give her the address."
"Oh, I know where you live, Lieutenant." It was Louise's turn to smile. "Everyone knows where Roarke lives."
"Then I'll see you at eight."
Satisfied, Eve headed back out. "I'm going to like working with her."
"Do you want me to put in the request and papers to add her as consult?"
"Not yet." Thinking of wiped records, of cops that didn't seem particularly interested in closing cases, she shook her head as she climbed back into her vehicle. "Let's keep this unofficial for awhile yet. Put us back on log."
Using her best pitiful look, Peabody said only, "Lunch?"
"Hell. All right, but I'm not buying anything in this neighborhood for internal consumption." A woman of her word, she headed uptown and stopped when she saw a fairly clean glide-cart.
She made do with a scoop of oil fries while Peabody feasted on a soy pocket and vegetable kabob.
Eve put her vehicle on auto, letting it drive aimlessly while she ate. And she thought. The city swirled around her, the bump and grind of street traffic, the endless drone of air commuters. Stores advertised their annual inventory clearance sales with the endless monologue from the blimps overhead or huge, splashy signs.
J.D. Robb's Books
- Indulgence in Death (In Death #31)
- Brotherhood in Death (In Death #42)
- Leverage in Death: An Eve Dallas Novel (In Death #47)
- Apprentice in Death (In Death #43)
- Brotherhood in Death (In Death #42)
- Echoes in Death (In Death #44)
- J.D. Robb
- Obsession in Death (In Death #40)
- Devoted in Death (In Death #41)
- Festive in Death (In Death #39)