Conspiracy in Death (In Death #8)(39)
The experience left her feeling raw and irritated, but she told herself the matter was now closed. She put a call in to Paris first, and wound her way through red tape until she reached Detective Marie DuBois, primary on the like-crime case.
Since her French counterpart had little English and Eve had no French, they worked through the translation program on their computers. Frustration began to build as twice her computer sent her questions to DuBois in Dutch.
"Hold on a minute, let me send for my aide," Eve requested.
DuBois blinked, frowned, shook her head. "Why," the computer animated voice demanded, "do you say I eat dirt for breakfast?"
Eve threw up her hands in disgust. Despite the barrier, her frustration and apology must have shown clearly enough. Marie laughed. "It is your equipment, yes?"
"Yes. Yes. Please, wait." Eve contacted Peabody, then cautiously tried again. "My equipment is a problem. Sorry."
"No need. Such problems are, for cops, universal. You are interested in the Leclerk case?"
"Very. I have two like crimes. Your data and your input on Leclerk would be very helpful."
Marie pursed her lips and humor danced in her eyes. "It says you would like to have sex with me. I don't think that is correct."
"Oh, for Christ's sake." Eve slammed a fist against the machine just as Peabody walked in.
"I take it that wasn't a love tap."
"This piece of shit just propositioned the French detective. What's wrong with my translation program?"
"Let me have a shot." Peabody came around the desk, began to fiddle as she studied the monitor. "She's very attractive. Let's not blame the computer for trying."
"Ha ha, Peabody. Fix the f**ker."
"Sir. Run systems check, update and clean translation program. Reload."
"It should only take a minute. I've got a little French; I think I can explain what's going on."
With some fumbling, Peabody called out her schoolgirl French and made Marie smile.
"Oui, pas de quoi."
"She says, cool."
System fault repaired. Current program cleaned and reloaded.
"Give it another shot," Peabody suggested. "No telling how long the repair will hold."
"Okay. I have two like crimes," Eve began again, and as quickly as possible outlined her situation and requests.
"I'll send you copies of my files, once I have clearance," Marie agreed. "I believe you'll see that, given the condition of the body at the time of discovery, the missing organ was not considered unusual. The cats," she added with a curl of her lip, "had dined well on him."
Eve thought of Galahad and his ravenous appetite, then quickly decided not to go there. "I think we'll find your victim fits into the profile. Have his medical records been checked?"
"There was no call. The Leclerk case is not a priority, I'm afraid. The evidence was compromised. But now I would like to see also your data on the like crimes."
"I can do that. Can you give me a list of the top medical care and research centers in Paris, particularly any center that has an extensive organ replacement facility?"
Marie's brow winged up. "Yes. This is where your investigation is leading?"
"It's an avenue. And you'll want to find out where Leclerk got his health checks. I'd like to know the condition of his liver before he lost it."
"I'll start on the paperwork, Lieutenant Dallas, and try to push it through so we both have what we need as soon as possible. It was determined that Leclerk was an isolated incident. If this is incorrect, the priority on the case will be changed."
"Compare the stills of the bodies. I think you'll want to bump up the priority. Thanks. I'll be in touch."
"You think this guy's cruising the world for samples?" Peabody asked when Eve disengaged.
"Specific parts of the world, specific victims, specific samples. I think he's very organized. Chicago's next."
Despite the fact that she could dispense with the translator, she had a great deal more trouble with Chicago than she'd had with Paris.
The investigating officer had retired less than a month after the onset of the case. When she asked to speak with the detective who'd taken over, she was put on hold and treated to a moronic advertisement for a CPDS fundraiser.
Just about the time she decided her brain would explode from the tedium, a Detective Kimiki came on. "Yeah, what can I do for you. New York."
She explained the situation and her requests while Kimiki looked faintly bored. "Yeah, yeah, I know that case. Dead end. McRae got nowhere. Nowhere to go. We got it open and it's on his percentage record but it's been shifted down to unsolved."
"I've just told you I've got like crimes here, Kimiki, and a link. Your data is important to my case."
"Data's pretty thin, and I can tell you I'm not bouncing this to the top of my list. But you want it, I'll ask the boss if it can be transferred."
"Hate to see you work up such a sweat, Kimiki."
He merely smiled at the sarcasm. "Look, when McRae took early retirement, most of his opens got dumped on me. I pick and choose where I sweat. I'll get you the data when I can. Chicago out."
J.D. Robb's Books
- Indulgence in Death (In Death #31)
- Brotherhood in Death (In Death #42)
- Leverage in Death: An Eve Dallas Novel (In Death #47)
- Apprentice in Death (In Death #43)
- Brotherhood in Death (In Death #42)
- Echoes in Death (In Death #44)
- J.D. Robb
- Obsession in Death (In Death #40)
- Devoted in Death (In Death #41)
- Festive in Death (In Death #39)