Butterflies in Honey (Growing Pains #3)(4)

“Okay, will we see John?”

“Mr. Senior VP? Yes, indeedie.”

“Judy in marketing.”

“Right again.”

“Janice in art?”

“Ha! No, they went with Phyllis of all people! Phyllis replacing me? No way! Krista, you remember Phyllis—she is the one that made you figure out the book machine on your own!”

“Ben helped with that, actually. I cheated,” Krista said going over the material they were given. Not that she needed to—it was all memorized. She stupidly thought it would take her mind off of Sean. She had so wanted to look good in the meeting. Instead, to properly do her job, she would look like the Big Bitch she was rumored to be.

Sean might have loved her once, but after the meeting, if he had any feelings left, they’d probably veer toward hatred.

Tears might be first, actually.

“Sneaky!” Marcus said as he pointed at Ben. “I didn’t know your tendrils were in the company before I met you.”

Ben smiled. “James Montgomery from Research?”

“No! You won’t believe this—they are using that little weasel Larry! Since he worked with Krista before, they thought he would know how to work her or something. Montgomery was livid!”

“They know I’m coming?” Krista asked in a choked voice

“Of course they do! John is thrilled. He thinks you and him see eye to eye,” Marcus said dryly as he lounged.

“One more, right?” Ben said, looking at Marcus with a furrowed brow.

“Sean,” Krista whispered.

“Oh yeah.” Ben suddenly found something else to focus on. They were silent until Tory walked in a couple minutes later.

Tory was a busy man, but made a point to walk at a measured pace. When he spoke to you he never belayed his rush, never lost his patience, and always held you in the highest respect. Well, he did everyone Krista knew. He probably lost his cool down the road somewhere.

“Okay gang, the car is out front. Krista, please walk with me.” Tory watched as his team of high powered suits filed out in front of him. They were a crew of Ivy League stars. They all had the same haircut, the same suit, even the same body type. They also had the same thoughts. But those thoughts made millions, so Tory must’ve known what he was doing. Krista, Ben, and Marcus called them Tory’s Circus.

Krista grabbed her laptop and stuffed it into her computer case. She caught up with him and matched his stride.

“Have you talked to Mr. McAdams since you left San Francisco?” Tory asked.

“Wow, Tory. Right for the jugular, huh? No, I haven’t.”

“How will he affect you today?”

“Honestly, I’m not sure. I have my notes on their written materials bulletined, but I’m not sure how much he’ll scramble my thoughts once I see him. It’s been a long time.”

Tory dipped his head thoughtfully. “I appreciate your honesty. It is a breath of fresh air from my ‘Yes Men.’ Well Krista, you are only human. I am going to sit you next to me today so I can keep an eye on you. Use your laptop—just ping me with whatever you need. I can always arrange for you to meet with their Research Analyst separately if you need to.”

“Sean won’t let that happen.”

“Hmm. Yes, that might be right. Well, we’ll figure something out.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Don’t call me ‘sir,’ it makes me feel old.”

“Yes, Mister,” Krista said with a smirk.

They got into the town car together. As Krista always did, she started to prep the team with what she would expect from the numbers they gave. Then they were walking into the lobby. Her hands were sweating and her legs felt weak. Thanks to Sean’s example once upon a time, she had an array of tailored, high-powered suits for these meetings, so she knew she looked good, but she still felt vulnerable. She fell back behind the Circus.

They waited in clusters, Ben and Marcus joking next to her. Everyone fell silent when they heard what was unmistakably John’s voice: “Tory, nice to see you again! It’s been a while. Too long!”

“Hello John. Nice to see you.”

“Please, follow me,” John said. The procession started.

Krista couldn’t see over their group, so she didn’t know who was up front with John, if anyone. Her stomach was in knots as she made the familiar way through the corridors and into the elevator. They went up the elevator in shifts since they wouldn’t all fit in one. John and Tory were gone by the time she got there.

“Relax,” Marcus said in Krista’s ear. He grinned like the Cheshire Cat. He was excited and anxious to be back in his old stomping grounds.

“Be nice to them today,” Krista gave Marcus a poignant look. She got the feeling he couldn’t wait to make mincemeat of Phyllis.

“Me be nice? You’re the one with the reputation of Big Bad Bitch!” Marcus laughed as they got in the elevator. “I’ll have to stop you from blowing their whole house…down.”

One of the Circus smirked. Krista scowled at him. He went back to being straight faced.

The Circus was all a bunch of nerds in a former life. Money they might have now, but they still remembered their high school years as geeks. Krista would’ve been nice to them in high school, but she bullied them now. It was fun.

K.F. Breene's Books