Butterflies in Honey (Growing Pains #3)(10)

“She seemed professional. She seemed like she had a high-powered job and a boyfriend.”

“Boyfriend-schmoyfriend. Kate says she doesn’t talk about him all that much. When she was with you, she had to try not to talk about you.”

“That was two years ago, Cassie. She’s been with her guy for a year. For half of that time. The honeymoon phase has worn off. There’s no use comparing. She wouldn’t have stayed with him for a year if she didn’t like him.”

“Not always true. Sometimes it’s just easier to stay with someone than to find someone new. It doesn’t mean she isn’t holding out for something better if it came along and swept her off her feet. Like before.”

“Cassie, she’s moved on. Let it go.”

“Do you still have feelings for her?”

“No, Cassie,” Sean said, his voice dripping sarcasm. “I suddenly decided I don’t like her, after pining for her for two years, because she did her job and called my bluff.”

“Sean, stop being such a Nancy. You will be kind and charming and listen—girls love when guys listen—and-you-will-get-her-back! Do you hear me, Sean? You will get her back! She was the best thing for you. She made you happier than I have ever seen you in your life…ever. She was the only girlfriend I have ever liked. We were friends instantly. She was already family and I barely knew her. You were stupid to let her go, and now you have a chance to fix it. So fix it!”

“Cassie, I love you; but butt out.”

“Sean, I love you—sometimes—but get her back or I will make your life a living hell. I will find a guy that treats me bad and—“

Sean cut Cassie off with a look. She’d heard about Jim. She’d heard what he did to Krista in the space of thirty minutes in her room, and knew that it was nothing compared to what he had done to her in the past. Joking about guys like that was on the forbidden list.

“Just FIX IT!” She yelled at him, flinging the remote.

Cassie was athletic—she had good aim. Turned out that remotes, her aim, and her temper were a bad combo. Sean now had a bump on his head and a headache to match his heartache.

Chapter Four

Krista arrived at Sean’s house at about a quarter to six. She had trouble sleeping the night before, so she was up and out early. She took the long way to check out the city and reminisce, but there came a point where she was bursting with anticipation.

She off-and-on felt bad about her excitement at seeing and hanging out with Sean. Chet was good to her. He trusted her. She doubted he would be happy to hear she spent time with her ex-boyfriend. Whom she still loved.

At the same time, she would suffer the loss of Chet to see Sean again. It was a sad truth, but it was the truth none-the-less. It really raised the question of how attached she actually was to Chet.

On the path to Sean’s front door, Krista noticed a for sale sign on his property. She hadn’t heard he was moving. He was probably going to a bigger house closer to work. Or maybe just a bigger house further down the beach. Still pondering, she knocked.

The door swung open with a gust and there was Sean. He wore a pair of shorts. Nothing else. Krista swallowed and ripped her eyes away from his six pack. When she met his eyes, he seemed excited. She could relate—she always got this way before surfing. It was a rush to hit that big wave just right and claim it.

“Hi,” she said, a little too breathily.

“It’s not even six,” he said as he peered into her eyes, absorbedly.

“Close enough. Why? You missing your beauty sleep?”

“Don’t need it. I was born gorgeous.”

Krista laughed to hide her shiver. There wasn’t a truer statement.

“Can I use your bathroom?” she asked, holding up her bag of wetsuit.

“Yeah, sure.” He stepped out of the way to permit her.

She stepped over the threshold and found herself face-to-face with a surge of memories. Things they had said to each other, making love, laughing over dinner—it was all so present. All the episodes she had lost over the two year absence came rushing back in vibrant colors.

Krista’s breath whooshed out and she staggered a little. She felt Sean’s hand on her arm to steady her.

“You okay?” he asked gently.

“Yeah, ‘course. I just need to eat a protein bar is all. My eating schedule has taken a real poop with this new job.” She straightened up and headed to the bathroom. She tried not to notice all the special places she remembered. It was hard. Everything looked exactly the same.

As she crossed to the bathroom she couldn’t help but notice the bits of female paraphernalia. There were heels left by the couch and a hair thing on the coffee table. In the bathroom, she noticed more hair products and some perfume. He might be single, but someone came over regularly.

She dressed quickly, suddenly wanting to be out of his house. The memories were too vivid, the female presence too unsettling. Unfortunately, getting into the wetsuit was turning out to be impossible in that small bathroom.

She jumped when she heard the knock.

“You fall in?” Sean’s muffled voice asked through the door.

Krista opened the door, her suit half on. Sean was in his wetsuit already. Being that it was as tight as skin, Krista saw every nook and cranny of his body. “Christ, McAdams. The years have been kind.” She laughed as she hastily looked away.

K.F. Breene's Books